With the release of the BWL portal quest called “Blackhand’s Command,” the horde should be making good on their promise to stop Alliance entering BWL on horde majority servers.
Does this mean that these players are interested in PvP or that they are more interested in making the game unplayable for others?
Obviously Blizz added the drop 3 weeks early in response to the countless threats made on these and US forums.
killed the guy 6 times and no note dropped
Only 6? Oh… sweet summer child…
Camping him since they posted the announcement.
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It’s available as of today so any time soon…
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You’re wasting your time, he won’t drop before the same time Dire Maul and the other content opened. That’s something like 8:00 pm.
The gave us a fixed time for DM, but they said 10 January for attunement. It’s pretty trashy honestly.
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yep, super trash as always from blizz
Because obviously the best thing to do was camping from the start a NPC given an attunement for a raid opening in 1 month, right?
152 Horde players sitting in BRM on my server.
Alliance deserve to die
. You need to be punished for your premade in AV.
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Enjoy your 1 faction server 
They don’t stop, they can’t. They are addicted.
Also, goto pve if you can’t handle the pvp.
Nah, they are like you, they reroll horde.
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Aw man you still havent stopped this emotional thing, is it grief you’re going through?
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Go right ahead but do so with the knowledge that every Alliance player who wants to get attuned will eventually do so but Horde are still going to have 1 hour queues and still are going to get spanked by pre mades.
Nothing says fun like outnumbering the enemy faction and possibly turning it into another flamelash and then crying that you’re the only faction remaining on the realm xD.
Get over the loser syndrome seriously, its been too long and its dull
Who are you even responding to? 
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If it was only you that was repeating the same thing for months, but it’s not.
It’s pretty clear you’re not.