Are you hyped for Dragonflight?

What is Hype anyway …
Am I happy we leave SL, yeah.
Am I looking forward to potential Dragon Lore, Yeah.

Anyway will see how it turns out. Only thing Im hyped for are Dracthyr.

What is hype! Oh baby don’t huuurt me don’t huuuurt me no more!


Im really looking forward to new zones to explore, races to meet and just generally having new content to play through.

Evokers?..well, I usually only play hunters so probably wont spend much time on them.

Dragon riding?..Im very clumsy and any kind of flying or jumping game in WoW just frustrates me and I ignore it so Im not super hyped about more things I’ll be bad at!!

But new pets to tame will be fun! :slight_smile:

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I like playing WoW and more WoW is coming, so yes, I’m hyped.


Not hyped, but i”m sure will be a better expansion than shadowlands.

  1. No borrowed power grinds
  2. I like the old school talents more
  3. Way more alt friendly for multi classers
  4. I like myth+ and have no problem they reuse old dungeonw combined with new ones
  5. Raids are cool to experience every expansion
  6. New zones seem way more fantasy and azeroth like than SL
  7. Solo pvp shufle- if they manage to resolve leaver issues- kinda excited for it.
  8. Equal pvp gear

People always asked for new stuff and systems thatn cried about borrowed powers and grinds.

I prefer what dragon flight has to offer; trying to reinvent the wheel at player demands , destroyed the last 2 expansions.

Im not hyped, but what DF has to offer, catters to me more than SL ever did.

Its like an wotlk with qll improvements and mythic +

Seems to me, u should start looking for an another game or mmo, cuz ur mostly dissapointed about, almost everything in DF

Good day!

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I am hyped for it.

Some people are too negative to find the good in anything. The last two expansions were disappointing, yes, but it seems pretty clear that Blizz are trying hard to get things right this time. Apart from the genderless crap, I’m really looking forward to this.

Not as much hyped but Im glad I can play PvP properly and get gear from BG’s. Also Solo Shuffle will be amazing. We need more of that and RBG equivalent as well.

hype is for people new to activision online. poor innocent souls

Oddly Shadowlands was the one expansion I was not going to play. But my guild m8’s said naah it will be fine, you will see - and then most of them left. I have zero expectations for DF and that’s because I have looked at how its been marketed. No hype from blizzard themselves - screams volumes don’t you agree ?


Im hyped yes. Cant wait for DF at this point.

No hype here. Same as always. Rush max lvl, get flying, grind for gear/farm mogs and mounts/lvl alts whilst waiting for something new to do .
Rince and repeat.

well wow is not my main game there is better MMOs out there :stuck_out_tongue:

Hyped might be the wrong word. I’m looking forward to having new content though. It’s nice to have at least a few weeks/months of being busy and enjoying it.

Then I’ll hop when Hogwarts Legacy comes out until I 100% that, then back to WoW for the next patch probably

Are they, though? They have promised up and down that this time they will take player feedback into account. That they will improve communication with the community. Nothing of the sort has happened so far. Paladins haven’t had a single line of dev communication for months. None of the feedback that has been given for several classes has been looked at as far as we know. I mean, we technically don’t know because they’re not really talking to us.
A lot of talent trees are in dire need of a proper rework. Yet they closed down development on talent design. And, given that we’re talking about Blizzard, this means that there are enough specs that will feel absolutely terrible to play for the entire expansion, because Blizzard doesn’t believe in spec reworks during patches becasue patches don’t draw as many subscribers as expansions do.

For me this is already looking like another BfA, where we get awed by the pretty zones, but the rest is a complete mess. I am happy if they prove me wrong, but so far it is looking grim.
I’m still playing because of friends, but I don’t think DF is going to be a vast improvement over SL.

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if they had something to talk about they would be talking about it.

Im not hyped but i am more than ready to get some new content.

New content that is not shadowlands.


I’m cautiously positive.

I think that an argument can be made that they have taken into account player feedback.
They’re trying to go back to better times with the talent trees and have given us the customisable UI. The whole concept of the Dragon Isles is something that fans have talked about a lot over the years and Blizz heard that.

I think they will give us some great lore in the upcoming expansion too, which is something else that has been lacking recently and players have wanted a more consistent story. It looks like they are trying in at least some regards.

I really don’t think that this is looking like another BfA at all, to be honest.

it’s fine having it as a classic reset switch…

making it like wow used to be…

but there still needs to be content or people wont play it.

We are getting content. There is still a lot that we don’t know about what will happen in the next 2 years, but there are certainly positive signs heading into DF that we will be getting some good content, from my perspective at least.

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