Are you pro or anti RDF ? I certainly am... find out below!

I’m just saying it’s part of the game, just like auto-DE, dual spec etc. were, and they shouldn’t be excluded completely just because of TheSpiritOfClassic.exe. Classic should be a recreation of the expansions, not their reimagination in a Vanilla mindset. Who the heck ever decided Vanilla was the superior version of WoW anyway??


Wrath classic exists thanks to people who have exactly nothing in common with you. But somehow that doesn’t give you pause.

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Well Vanilla IS the best version - according to me :innocent: - But I still think that we should have #NoChanges. Which means LFD, DE, Dual spec etc. etc was and should be a part ofWrath. But not at launch. As I said earlier, one or two months in so that people will learn where the dungeon entrances are, get a bit of ganking done … you name it!


Ah so since Classic started with Vanilla then it means only people who liked Vanilla more than other expansions have a say in things? What a moron. If you like Vanilla, go play Vanilla, nobody’s stopping you from doing so already.

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No, enough for 10 people to consider themselves the majority! the same people spam…

stop this immediately

Ye frick us, right? ‘‘i ruined WoW once and i have the right to do it again’’. If you like LFD, go play retail, nobody is stopping you. And play some LFR while you are at it.


If we are doing #nochanges (which Blizzard clearly stopped doing long ago) it should be added in the latter half of the expansion, not a month or two after launch. People who insist that it was part of Wrath seem to forget that for a very large part it was not.

Who ever decided when or how was WoW ruined? Because, as far as I’m concerned, the game was just fine up until the end of WotLK at the very least.

Ah yes, another of those “LFR = LFD” idiots. Because clearly the social experience of talking with each other over voicechat in a raid for a couple hours of gameplay is the same as spending 10-30 mins to get up a group, only to go to a dungeon, cleave through it in 15-20 mins without saying anything more than “hello” and “kill skull first”, and get out.


I (as many others, I’m pretty positive) would have been more understanding if it was just an intention of following the original release schedule. For example, I didn’t think waiting this long to make Primal Nether and Nether Vortex BoE was a good idea, and I believe the game would’ve been more enjoyable if they had been BoE from the beginning, but I can still understand the rationale somewhat. It does piss me off though to read people like Brian Birmingham speaking about “an older style of playing” etc., as if viewing both TBC and WotLK through Vanilla lens and trying to reimagine them in that perspective. This guy should’ve stuck to SoM and leave the versions of WoW he likes less alone (though at least reading he kinda was surprised and acknowledged the backlash about LFD was “stronger than he expected” was mildly reassuring, albeit still both baffling and laughable)


I was a #nochanger guy myself until Blizzard inevitably couldn’t keep their dirty paws off the game. The only thing we can hope for is steer the changes in the right direction, which overall is never going to work with Blizzard either way when you look at the abomination retail morphed into after years of abuse, and the damage that has already been done to classic for that matter.

I do think LFD was the first major thing (far from the only thing) that started fracturing the community, that is why I want to keep it out now that #nochanges are already off the table. If it ever were to be added though, it certainly should not be anywhere near launch.

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Ye it was fine, until the end of Wrath… When they added LFD…

What arguments do you have for LFD being superior to Classic dungeon group making, that can’t also be applied to LFR?

According to whom? You?

The fact that dungeons don’t have any social experience worth salvaging, raids do. It’s worth bringing LFD since it allows people to gear their chars (especially alts) and do raids more easily, and raids are where the true PvE social experience is.


I care about world PvP. You don’t need to worry about it, you’re already in a safe space RP server. Why ruin world PvP for other people?


And why would you ruin PvE for other people?

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I know this. And I would go for total #NoChanges if there were any chance at all for getting this. But as things now stands we do not know how long (or short) Blizz id going to let Wrath Classic last, I would rather see it added (sooner) than not at all. Only not from launch.

If BB likes Vanilla better he should go there and fix some of thiose so not inthe Classic spirit being there still!

He’s busier being amazed at the fact people on Twitter looking forward to WotLK don’t like Vanilla more than WotLK

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Well I do - and I know that I belong to a minoryity (but not the size of this miniority). But would it help if I told him this and then told him of my problems do ypu think?

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Sky’s the limit, son of Thunder Bluff.

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wdym according to Whom? Accoding to you WoW was good until the ending of Wrath and according to historical fact, LFD was added in 3.3

You are describing your personal truth and demanding everyone else share in it. ‘‘I don’t care to socialise in dungeons, therefor nor should you’’.

LFR also allows people to raid more easily. Way more so than LFD. Which is ‘‘where the true PvE social experience is.’’ as you believe.


I mean, according to whom was LFD when the game started being “not fine” anymore?

I’ve described my personal experience. And I’ve still not read anybody explaining me convincingly how can they post coherent conversations on chat while having to press all the buttons they have to in order to play through said dungeons - especially as tanks or DPS.

Would people use voice chat on LFR?

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