Are you pro or anti RDF ? I certainly am... find out below!

I certainly want it. It’s tedious to find a full group in the spam-filled LFG messages. Also using third party bulletin addons. Please Blizzard we are the LOUD MAJORITY and we want RDF in WOTLK !!!


The only argument against LFD is that it makes people less social. LFD doesnt make people less social by default, its mainly the game pace restricting social interactions. If players are pressing their buttons nonstop, they have no time to type like they did in classic vanilla. Having LFD or not doesnt change the game pace. The only valid argument against LFD would be that players might never see each other again with cross realm, but LFD could be server restricted too (while that would hurt low pop servers).

Blizzard wants to create a wotlk version with vanilla classic feeling, while the games are too different and the LFD-tool had nearly zero impact on dungeon communication back in the day and wont have it today. They just dont get that fact.


Delete LFD. Horrible addition. Berny has great argument:

With LFD, evil alliances will afk in Dalaran and teleport to dungeon.
Without LFD, evil alliances will have to travel to dungeon and use summon stones too. Perfect opportunities for Berny to gank. Start major faction fights too.

Make world pvp great again.


Go back to Vanilla if you want to do wpvp. Nobody besides you cares, here (if they did, we wouldn’t have mostly one-faction PvP servers).


Berny will never stop.


I’m neither for nor against LFD from a personal viewpoint.
But it was in Wrath, it has to come in Wrath Classic, but not at launch.

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This is about LFD, not LFR

I would agree, but when you have monkey devs like BB insisting that “I’ve been thinking of Classic as a return to an older style of game, but some people see it as a recreation of each expansion”, you can tell it’s all but granted. It’s like they don’t get that, if people wanted to play an “older style of game”, they’d have stuck with Vanilla.


Sorry mistyupe-will correct thanks!

I could live with the dungeon finder, but I don’t need it. In the end it is not the dungeon finder itself that makes people act like they do, it just makes it easier to get away with any kind of behavior.
As for community, the dungeon finder does not diminish anything, that would have to come from cross realm features.

Again, it’s not the tools, but how they are used!


#noChanges is the only defence agaist such a [censored]!

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Just wrote a reply to this very same topic on a very similar thread. And I believe the answer is also relevant here.

The true devil behind the LFD is neither the lack of socialization (LFD just encourages it, but does not create it), nor the lack of WorldPVP.

Find it below

What about PvE servers?

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My answer is perfectly valid both for PvP or PvE servers, it does not matter. I myself play on a PvE server.

I mentioned World PvP just because it was mentioned above by another poster as one of the “casualities” of the RDF.

We don’t really have any PvE servers on English EU side where the Horde pop is such that pure DPS classes in particular can find dungeon groups, outside perhaps the daily, in a reasonable amount of time (comparable, say, to Battleground queues)

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This is actually an argument!


I care, ganking at meeting stones is immense fun and it is something I took part of in not just vanilla but all up until the LFD tool was added in latter half of retail WotLK.

So lay off, Berny is king.


Then stay there where LFD isn’t allowed, just because you prefer a different version of WoW doesn’t mean all should be changed accordingly, that’s just going to dissatisfy the other players without bringing any new ones.


Or you go to retail where it is allowed? Not an argument.


Yeah sure because the only reason for playing or not playing retail is the presence or absence of LFD. Good lord.


But it is the only reason for WotLK? Do you even think before you speak?