Are you really gonna ship Frost mages in this state?

Feel like I am playing a wheelchair on Destro/Demo versus frost mage
I have to cast my fat bolts but problem is the mage has endless ways to disturb it
And shadowburn and conflag are just a joke into a frost mage, they heal more than the dmg and heal more than a lock too + fat shields
On demo my demons are just constantly rooted or I am, mage just hopping around lancing and constantly running out of my range, just to dip in again to lance lance lance…

They shipped DH the way it was the entire DF s3 and 4.

They can and will do w/e they want.

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now you know why every melee comp comes with a ret pala.

been saying it since WoD - the entirety of wow pvp is balanced downstream of rogues and mages. mages gatekeep melee, so melee need buffed mobility wise, which means all other wizards get destroyed by those melee, which means they need to be tanky and have precog.

same with rogue - rogue has infinite CC, which means everyone needs defensives usable in CC, the pvp trinket needs to be 1.30, we need a ‘CC duration nerf’ and so on.

they keep redesigning other classes when nothing they can possibly do to any class other than rogue/mage will matter because nothing will come close to the absurdity that is rogue/mage


The amount of defensives and healing is absurd, also the damage can be dealt without casting.

Frost mage is basically a god mode, like playing with cheat codes in duels and bgs.

Alter time needs to be 3 min cooldown, poly should heal as it always was and remove db from frost, its an iconic fire spell hello.


I still don’t get the logic behind Frost mage getting DB and Knocback. Both of which make absolutely ZERO SENSE on a spec which has multiple blinks, roots and hefty snares - and now to top it all, doesn’t even hardcast a single damage dealing spell. Mage tree needs to be looked at, and some abilities need to be reverted back to be spec specific.

Also another stupid thing: ring of fire deals a lot of damage, even when it’s cast by a freaking FROST mage (sure you can counter it by stepping out of it, but that ability should not exist, let alone deal that kind of damage from FROST mages).

It’s like the concept of a spec is completely lost, especially when it comes to mages


Frost is the only viable spec for mages in pvp which is still weaker than at least 6-7 specs in the game. Even latest 17% nerf to Ice Lance is pointless.

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It’s a Blizz favorite.
They get all the good stuff regardless of whether it makes sense or nah.

Same applies to a few other specs which I won’t name cause this thread is about mage and people take offense when you say their class is busted.


thats how every caster feels vs every melee. literally EVERY melee.

True, but also there’s barely any casters left in the game. I don’t mage mages casting anything to do damage - all instants. SP and Affli are almost the sole casters left

Not even healers cast anymore

u mean frost, frost still does and should cast
but icelance is just so overtuned that they don’t need to

arcane casts alot. and in fact casting a 2 SECONDS SPELL
arcane surge

IS IMPOSSIBLE. i spend an entire minute, unable to get surge off in bg, very often.

They are nerfed already. Your class makes 4x more dmg.

Mage don’t to particularily well into other ranged classes. Mage defensively is lots of emphasis on being slippery against melee. Every defensive a mage has is reactive and can be dispelled by half the roster of classes. Mage vs hunter is like having a warrior on you that you can’t stop from hitting you besides lining him. Hunter can kill a mage in seconds even when the mage has a healer.

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This will change at latest in 11.5 if the current rework of the Ele tree stays as planned and Ele’s lavasurge proc rate is already nerfed. Times are changing for the spec.

bro my class is paper with no utility , no immunity ,no mobility, no self healing let alone offhealing.
im a walking target dummy that did some damage before they nerfed it.

Frostmages on BG: 80-120million DMG

DHs on BG: 350-550 Million

I dont think, that we Are so OP in DPS

To be honest, i find Frostmage damage kind of weird. Ice lance does more damage in a single hit than an instant procc Frostfire bolt that is buffed up by two talents in the Frostfire tree that both increase damage by 50% :joy:

Feral is OP ? whats so OP about it ?
Also whos your feral ?

Demo cast alot, the only instants is demonbolts but in TWW our demonic core procs have been nerfed.

always a clueless statement, from a clueless Bg player, what posts in an Arena Forum

Feral was S Tier, but got a 50% nerf on Bite, and is now A tier, While Fmage, Fury warri is ranked as S tier

Dk, assa ranked as A+ tier

please do me a favor and comment in the bg Forum when it comes to bg stuff, this is the Arena Forum

Thank you.


No. It’s no Mage. It’s Havoc beging bad. Mage by itself is very good but it doesn’t really have an S Tier comp. I played few RMPs with better players than me and it wasn’t impressive at all. None of their goes were really scary.