Arena boosting

I like to compare the boosting here with CS:GO (if some of you know how the competetive ranks work there).

I am gold nova 4 in CS:GO so I am an average player I am in the middle of all the 16 ranks, I would be the equivalent of a 1800-2000 in WoW I guess?

If we face a booster in a 5v5 competetive in CS:GO, he can easily own us all, because his aim is insane, HOWEVER, his AK-47 and AWP etc gives the same dmg as ours the weapons are the same to everyone. So its clearly a L2P issue because we cannot outplay him, he is just aiming and playing better than us.

Here in WoW, the BOOSTER is positioning much better than us, CCing us, AND he has better gear, so how can we compete against that?

Its like the CS:GO player not only is better in every aspect of the game but his AK-47 hits more and the pistols etc.

Its really annoying the amount of boosters this game has.


Genuine suggestion - if you’re no longer enjoying it, stop playing, you’ll feel much better for it. It’s what I’ve done. And I’m not saying it as a ‘solution’ to your problem, but if enough people actually protest this way, the numbers will be clearer for blizz.

Was hoping to play some very low rated 2v2s with my GF this season (shes new to wow) but after reading all these posts we would probably have more fun challenging 2x professional UFC fighters to a fight than do that :joy: Thanks but no thanks blizzard. Soon its only going to be boosters fighting boosters


This post is talking about multi r1/glads/ex-glads boosting people to 1.8k+, you only have 1800 xp yourself, so you’re gonna have the same issues running into glads boosting 0 geared 0 xp players.

Blizz know what they are doing.
Create a problem, sell solution.

its a pay to win game…accept it as that or quit…these are obviously the only two options blizzard left us with

I basically stopped playing because of this. I am just a 2k2 xp potato, I will never be so good as R1 players since I don´t have WoW as a sole purpose of my life.

But if you face these players at 1400-2000 MMR 2 out of 3 games you know its time to stop playing this game :slight_smile: MMR doesn´t surve its purpose anymore, you don´t fight against similarly XPd players. I simply don´t want to fight against professional boxer as an amateur.

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Yep, i have armory open on my other monitor and always check after a match if I see them with high health. Mostly play rival at around 1400.

Good example. Its like playing against s1mple and other cs champions, and on top of that they got better gear(weapons).
Someone start to play wow and have to compete against wow top players, very good experience.
Most streamers nonstop playing under 2k also, its just sad.

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Boosters are bored pvpers who dont have better thing to do.
Who is boosted that is a moron who is lazy to learn and also I think i wouldnt he proud to myself when hit some achi cuz of other players.
Whats the point in the game? XD

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Yesterday I met team on my shaman, priest were 1.9kcr while both dps boosters were 2.5k cr with around 600-800 games played.

Simple fix, don’t allow players to que with such a huge difference ir cr.


cannot really do that because you should be able to play with whoever you want.
also boosters would just make second chars

Farm gear and get good there is nothing which holds you back beside your Own Skill…

I know its Hard when people with high xp are on low rated Alts…

But Look at it from another prospective… its the best training you can get…

Wel thats true. I can learn so much from getting deleted by ppl with 25k hp more than me.


You don’t learn anything from getting absolutley stomped.

Unless you have some kind of skill to instantly absorb all the game knowledge.

In that case props to you.


If you cant stop convoke you are just Bad

Yeh started arena from 0cr on my warr and 10 games a row there was 40k hp pll boosting


Could MMR matching adjustments to weigh the higher MMR heavier help with this?

E.g. whenever you have players with a huge difference in CR / MMR queing together, treat their MMR not as an average of (X + X2) / 2 but more like (Higher of X or X2) * 0.8 + (Lower of X or X2) * 0.2?

Or given that there is now a gear tier attached to the MMR system (1400 - 207, 1600 - 213, etc.), surely there need to be some adjusments to the math / progression.

If someone analyses the ladder and finds that e.g. the bottom 95% of the 0-1400 is alts / new players with low gear, whereas the top 5% of the 0-1400 is gatekeeping 220+. Then the bottom 10% of each 1400-1600, 1600-1800 respectively are boosted players who didn’t have any other choice but to buy a boost from a gatekeeping 220, you know that you have problems and you didn’t anticipate the impact that introducing tiered gear will have on MMR and the way the ladder plays out.

This sounds like an actual project for anyone dabbling in D3 / excel - is data for this available somewhere?

Its not boosting,its ‘‘coaching for gold’’


“coaching for gold” is the new “boosting for gold,” just re-branded to not look as suspicious.

“Uhh yeah hey dude I’m coaching this guy, one sec oh he’s dead, let me just 1v2 them real quick ha ha”