Arena boosting

Why is absolutely NOTHING being done about the sheer amount of boosting right now?

I’ve just played 8 3v3 games at 1800 mmr, with 2 people from LFG around my XP level, I’ve used check-pvp after every game to see the kind of people we’re against, 6 out of 8 games we were vs boosters.

SIX GAMES, the guys I was playing with were demoralized, they think that they are bad players now, they don’t even want to continue trying to climb, 3 of the games wasn’t just vs your average booster, a 3.2k mage, a 3.1k dk and a 3.4k druid on an alt, the other 3 games were vs current/ex glads boosting one player that’s usually much worse overall.

This is just a very small sample size of 8 games, I can tell you I play arena A LOT, i’m seeing boosters ALL THE TIME, it’s not just “every now and then” it’s often CONSECUTIVE GAMES.

It’s seriously ruining arena for me, playing with LFG is hard enough, there are a lot of people with ego problems on LFG, they think “I’m too good to be losing at 1800, these guys just suck”, because they aren’t checking the players they’re actually against, they leave and move on, rinse repeat.

I don’t wanna be “that guy”, it’s seriously making me want to just go and play something else, it’s really pushing me to the point of not wanting to play anymore, ESPECIALLY because I can’t see Blizzard addressing this issue ANYWHERE.


Well, Blizzard made it clear a very long time ago that they’re ok with boosting as long as it’s done for in-game gold. It’s RMT they take action for.

But you know, a way they could get rid of your endless loop of the LFG shuffle, at the same time as making boosting less of a thing by making it more annoying and take longer, is with this:

According to boosting sites, their boost queues are full lol
Just out of curiosity I checked, who the frick pays 800 eur for a glad boost? haha

+1 a thousand times, this is destroying arena.
I can’t understand why they aren’t fighting against boosting services. Just prevent people from queuing with players at a radically lower rating.

Or even if the gear difference is too high. I’m just sick of finding 220 ilvl people having fun at 1200 rating crushing freshly leveled characters who only have access to lvl 200 unranked gear.

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all 3 weeks in row same crap happend my best exp is 2.1 atleast and now im sitting on 1.4 cause there are players with alts on sinfull drakes running around boosting horrible for example ret paladin that backpeddals and its really demoralizing and i compliteley feel you when you mentioned this

and stuff like this demoralizes me to even do pvp at this point , there are soooo many of them its ridiculous . im playing jungle comp and Kitty cleave and i just cant win rank 1 or glad exp players , i just dont understand why i cant face the same skill lvl players and why glads ffs

i mean… its not like they can actualy do anything. ppl are just playing arenas. it doesnt realy matter if they have high rate or not.

what will u do to change it? make ppl not able to queue for arenas? what if they are helping guild members farm gear for raid/M+ or helping a friend.

boost or not boost those diference in rate will always happen. i understand the gear diference tho.

i got a friend who is glad with holy pala, but he is helping another friend while playing as a shaman in 1.4… and he walks around with the glad mount but he sucks at playing shaman lol.

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Theres playing devils advocate and then theres dumb posts.

Yours doesn’t fall into the devils advocate camp.

Boosting is absolutely rampant atm.

I guess it’s true, internet is just for complaining and ****.
I keep trying to bait people into looking at what can actually address their issues, but because it isn’t a popular social media campaign led by a famous person, it is getting very little responses.

Ah well, guess it isn’t something stupid people can understand.

Meanwhile, if I jump into an argument with a short post, ooh boy then it gets immediate replies. :rofl:

But ok, to break down why boosting is so popular:

  1. Rewards are immediate all the way up gladiator now, including the mount when you win 50 games on top of the glad rating. Only r1 is delayed and limited now.
  2. Gear is usable in end game PvE. This immediately has a consequence of increasing the desire for people to be boosted.
  3. There is no social glue built into the design, meaning there’s no punishment for queuing up with new characters all the time. This speeds up the boosting process, when it clearly shouldn’t be sped up, on top of the consequences in the way people connect (or lack thereof).

Glad mount and the title is one thing, boosting at 1400 with 233 wep is another.
Check what pikaboo got on reddit in his ama, there are some golden comments :slight_smile:

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Ok, I’ll continue my social experiment, and let’s see if people respond to something even shorter:

This thread is garbage, you’re all garbage, the group finder is garbage and you need to git gud instead of crying about low rating.

Now let’s see how many people say something about the link in the first post I did in this thread and the effects it would have on boosting and the eternal LFG shuffle as the topic dictates, compared to how many responds to this post.

I guess you are garbage 45 lvl hidden profile, that in what logical mindset enjoying starting endless arguements in forums for years and still be here. Oh you don’t like it now? Gtfo.


yeah man blizzard must do something…cant get 2 normal games in a row xD

do they actually?
Maybe the ban 1-2 players a year but I mean all the RMT websites are up and running since forever.
Seems nobody is running this show anymore, kind of reminds me of the end of Diablo 2 where blizz just threw the towel.

Also not much of a difference between RMT and Gold boost considering the gold is sold for RMT by the booster later on anyways. Nobody needs 500$ blizz balance or a sub for the next 500 years. They could just count 1+1 but guess our lawyer cannot even do that ;|

games going down like this in the short run. This boosting garbage got out of control. Maybe it will get better if they reintroduce ilvl scaling if pvp gear is not good in pve anymore.

of course you could do something, whether it is wanted is a different story.

Mostly they can carry an ape so easily because of the gear gap, not only because they play better because the ape plays so bad that it usually outweights the skilled player.

IF you want to keep this stupid ilvls you would need to cap the ilvl according to the bracket. E.g. unrated - combatant capped to ilvl 200, combatant to challenger to 207 etc. etc.

or you change the way MMR works. Most boosters drop low in MMR for 2s but still got their main team in 3s on 3k. This will not change too much though because they would just make boosting alts.

anyways I don’t get paid for finding solutions but they are and they should use their brain.
There are 100% possible solutions for this problem

make mmr brackets wide - one mmr for both

problem solved

Yeah to be quite honest, this is the best solution to this i can see, it would also fix a lot of pvp problems.
the whole point of the premade groups, should be to rework the filters.
we should be able to automatically queue for rated, with it joining the closest brackets it could find for a team mate, and then the enemy. i dont think it should scale off your ilvl, it should definitely scale off your rating.
also the same for manual premade. find enemy team from the rating exactly
and you cant have one person being boosted you gotta be in the same bracket of <100>

no, boosters will just make alts. Most of them already have several toons of the same class anyways. Makes them do a little more work but since they got no lives and play 24/7 anyways, it doesn’t change the situation at all

there are also Rbgs glads that dont do arenas, and when they do start they already show off the mount (that scares ppl already) and 226ilvl with 0rate.

same would go for rbgs too.
2 big problems with boosting:

  1. Gear gap makes it insanely easy for ilvl 226 players to delete ilvl 200 players 1vs2
  2. PvP gear can be used effectively in pve and pve gear is heavily time gated without any catch up for the vault. Pvpers can now basically instantly get 226 gear (obviously need to grind) but they are not time gated because they catch up with conquest and can upgrade immediately.

a) To upgrade gear:
You can only upgrade the gear if you played e.g. 10 games in that bracket in that week and obviously stay above the rating threshold.

makes it hard to just sit on the rating, farm 1k mmr 3s for cq points and then upgrade it thanks to you boosted 2s rating.

b) make ilvl caps for the ratings as I mentioned above

it would make it much harder for the boosters to carry any ape. Certainly will not stop boosting, but will probably more expensive and maybe for some people even impossible.

Best solution would probably be to implement both and I would also suggest to win 100 CQs per win if you haven’t caught up to current conquest points bar.

Grinding out 5000 cq while winning 15 points is just beyond stupid.
Ain’t got no time to do that and it is extremely alt unfriendly and to be fair, without alts this game is just dead.
Class design is not good enough to stay on one class forever (at least for most people).
In pvp it has value to try out as many specs/classes as possible to learn their strength and weaknesses.
Also benefit for blizz: it still will pump your MAUs up without stupid chores

pvpers don’t need chores to play the game as pvp is unlimited content

Nothing will be done till 9.1 unfortunately. I have the same issue in 2v2. I climbed to 1700 than back to 1500 after a few chain loses. Tbh they created this issue by making differences between ilvl on different brackets. And the mmr system is broken as well in my opinion. If you’re lucky and get 5 arenas that you happen to counter you go up ALOT. Then if you get 2 boosters, 1 boomking convoke and 5 counters to your setup you are now much lower than you started.