That would be true if we would be in the CS:GO scenario some posts earlier. The learn effect from getting stomped by a 227 ilvl player is zero because his gear advantage turns bad plays into good plays. And even that is debatable tho, you’ll learn more from getting challenged and not from getting annihilated.
Boosting is the #1 reason why I cancelled my sub as well. There are a billions of solutions to fight against boosting and Blizzard doesn’t give us a single one of them. People don’t even lose rating for not playing the game, a boosted ape just sits on his rating for the rest of the season and takes the spot away from someone who tries to get there legit. And it will just become harder and harder to get there because more and more boosted apes will take the (limited) spots in higher brackets. Just give us soloq already, as a new player I shouldn’t and don’t want to get matched against glad and rank 1 players.
This is world of boostcraft. When PvP have the best way to get gear, cool looking elite sets thats u can’t obtain from PvE cuz lack of drop and myth raid care cost much more $, ofc people will buy boosting in PvP.
but if they gave people soloq there would be less boosting, less tokens sold and blizzard would make less money. please think these things through before you write
You’ll make more money in the long run by creating a game which is good instead of milking the playerbase of a shrinking game. Look at LoL or Fortnite for example…
Majority of these boosters are not boosting for in game gold, but real money. If you look at the arena ladder every season it is the same people each season up there. Most of these boosts come from all these players, most being streamers on twitch and actively making a fortune from boosting.
A few have been banned recently, but that is not enough. Recently i tested a few big name streamers who said add my discord to arrange the boost for in game gold, once they get you into their discord every one that i checked said it was for real money and not in game gold.
I even sent screen shots to blizzard of one streamer, and blizzard took no action against this streamer who is actively boosting for real money. I sent Blizzard more than enough proof too, so this alone tells you everything.
For me, the game died a while ago, with each recent expansion it is just getting worse and worse. The sell by date is not far away.
This couldn’t be more false with he current system. Here’s an idea: go level another warrior, painstakingly gear it up to 213 ilvl or so (I’d guess 1600 is the highest you’ll get since you’re a nonglad warrior this long into the season despite having the gear for it), and then see how far you can climb. Because I may have a 227 ilvl paladin on high rating that can boost players to gladiator without too much effort, but I guarantee you if I were to play a 213 ilvl one right now I’d struggle reaching even 2100, and 1800 wouldn’t be fun either and a complete RNG fest depending on how many legit players I meet and how many overgeared scum I meet.
The problem is, you need 1800 ilvl to upgrade to 220. 2100 to upgrade to 226. This is fine, until people that already reached 2100 start tanking back to 1600 rating. Suddenly, you’re 213 ilvl at best against people with 226 ilvl. Even if you play better, they have a HUGE advantage and will most likely win. Boosting’s never been easier.
Don’t forget their incredible advice. “Uhh maybe next time you shouldn’t die uhh use defensives you know when they use offensive CDs”.