Arena is full of glads boosting players

Break the chain in its weakest loop, Identify and punish the guy who is boosted, go hard all-in on him, its best method so far (those guys are not skilled enough to survive good attack attempt), Worst think you can do is try to kill one of those gladiators, they know how to surivive but their boosted customer dont, abuse it.

Well that’s an exaggeration if I’ve ever seen one.

Both MoP and WoD were better than this. But if ~6 years ago constitutes as “forever” then I guess you’re right.

OnT: Just make it so that if the MMR differential is too big you don’t gain any rating for playing (only MMR). Thus, you essentially multiply the number of games needed for a carry by a lot. That in combination with going after wintraders (boosters purposefully dropping their own rating to play with boostee’s) and banning them means the problem is fixed.

Another, much easier solution which doesn’t rely on Blizzard actually monitoring their game for cheating is to just make PvP gear not good in PvE (and vice versa) as this would stop the incentive for all the PvErs to buy PvP boosts.

No need to implement old clunky systems like teams to solve it (PS: re-implementing teams would just make the playerbase even smaller).


You people need to realize that you can never compare elite sport champions to world of warcraft players.

R1 pvpers are not multi millionaires, except from a few lucky streamers here and there they are just average human beings who happens to be good at a computer game.

You do have the very same tools as everyone else (except from network/community for perfect comps maybe)

There is no problem to get your bis gear, max versa etc.

Yet the c-league footballer or the amateur boxer will never see the resources of pro footballers and boxers. So that is that.

Some people seriously needs to stop this pseudo-religious approach to above average skilled gamers. its not healthy.

And yes, if you are hardstuck at a rating, there is always something to be learned from those better than yourself. as it is with anything in life.


Bring pvp scaling back!

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It does in terms of wow expansions.

Simple fact why you are so wrong.
A streamer, gets carried in a lot of content.
It’s the same as the pro sports, just in another context and level.
It’s funny when you see someone just donate a streamer 300k, just like that, in the game, just…because you know, they want to hear their name on stream.
And bam - the streamer goes to AH and buys the BiS BOE for X slot if available.
And a casual pvp-er may never see more than 10-20k gold ever.
Then they get into any guild and farm the best PvE available gear, a lot of them.
So no, you are wrong on a fundamental level.
Even in kids leagues, there are…leagues, where teams are seeded.
They are not stars (yet), they have not billions of dollars, yet, they are ranked, again, you are wrong.
If you play chess, where except on the very very very top, some chess players have teams, you may say that all you need is just a chess board, yet, there is ranking and rating and a GM with 2700 elo, doesn’t get seeded to play vs 1900 elo in a tournament.
Everywhere you look in competitive sports, people try to eliminate big discrepancies EVEN though, in sports people are not disadvantaged (usually) by gear.
And in WoW gear may be a big disadvantage.
Do you see F1 cars compete against F3 ones?..

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so just a conlusion of your post:

some person close to 3k rating in world of warcraft pvp can be compared to Lionel Messi, Mike Tyson and Roger Federer.

if you say so, i guess…

its 90% pve players getting boosted because of gear…blizzard should just give back pve badge vendors…you know…the thing we had in bc and wrath that worked absolutely fine? but we just have to wait until they release Classic TBC so they can see it for themself and we get the vendor 2 expansions later.

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Hardcore and semi-hardcore PvE can hadle themself to reach 2100 at least, casual PvE can reach 1800 in RBG ez. Its a casual buyers preffer PvP to boost cuz lack of gear in PvE + elite set, that u can’t buy in PvE.

thats my point. yes

Completely agree.
Also adding back resilience will fix most of weird stuff happening right now,and will certainly discourage casuals getting boosted because it will actually take some time to farm all of it,especially with the rating caps.

But you know,Kaleiki said it himself on a podcast with Stoopzz : As much as a good solution is resilience to balance the scales,people wont like the time it gets to farm it.aka the game is on the casual side and hence all the consequences.

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but 99% of the players you face on ladder are not streamers with any benefits.

im 227 ilvl without anyone donating money or gold to me.

I think that you are 100% right.

Very few people are movie stars, but a whole industry revolves around them, right?
Streamers promote this openly now and there are a lot of people doing it without being such.
Like a day ago me and friend playing, we wrote down just for the fun, the games, we had, 6 out of 10 games against people with 300+ rating discrepancy.
This is now a major problem on the ladder for the players that don’t want to boost or be boosted.

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Elite sets still exist, and removing rating requirements would mean people can get full 226 ilvl stuff by farming battlegrounds. That’d make most PvE content worthless.

One could make pvp gear/hc raid ilvl 220 and mythic/2.1k rating 226 ilvl. Prettymuch everyone agree the gearing system is bloated with how it is with to many steps of different ilevels where the powerlevel between ilvl 200 and 226 is huge. Imo they should just do everyone a favor and reintroduce separate pvp and pve gear.

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