Arena is full of glads boosting players

Or Blizz should just return Team Arenas

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I encountered from 0 to 1600 rating people with over 40k hp and glad tittles. So yeah, arenas are busted now and if you lack a meta comp and a good team mate you will be stuck at low rating for a while.

The system could be improved. Sadly rating is just a number and no longer says how good you are. Saw really good players that play unpopular specs stucked at 1200 with scores like 300wins-295losses.

There are external factors that have a heavy impact. In order to climb the ladder you need good gear, meta comp and skill in this order.

One thing that blizzard could do and be less toxic is to remove the rating requirements for conquest gear and be upgradeable with vulpera/mecha gnome blood.


Noooo. No scaling. They cant do it properly and we dont want scaling.

Should rather be that your rating i remembered and your MMR stays at your high rating but CR lowers.

Why not scale the ilvl to the highest unlocked ilvl in the bracket you are playing in?
So playing with ilvl 190 or ilvl 220 at 1500 would scale both to 207.

Outside of this the ilvl remains, this way you can use your gear for wPVP / PVE / unranked but the ranked experience would be more balanced.

edit: would also make gearing an alt far more enjoyable, and boosting a lot harder and amend the problem with no solo queue a bit since finding equally geared mates will be faster

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The point is not to scale all gear, but only in boosting situations and scale it hard down to punish boosting.
We’ve had that general scaling and it sucked.

Yes. This is what I meant.

Scale gear to the appropriate bracket. From a balance perspective this would mean scaling gear up as well as down. So with 190 or 220 gear, playing at 1500 both would have it scaled to 207.

I get that this is very unpopular, but at least down scaling is a must to reign in boosting a bit.

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Probably should have asked it directly, why scale the boostee gear up? All participating in the boosting should be punished. This is actually a bonus for the boostee in a lot of cases.

Yes that would be an argument in favour of only down-scaling.

The counter point would be that gear should be as little a factor as possible, in order to make skill matter as much as possible. This naturally has the drawback implied by you.

Just remove rating requirements for all gear upgrades except weapons. Back in cata and mop I had plenty of alts because I could gear them only by doing normal bgs. Those were the glory days for PVP alts.


Because we’ve had scaling systems before and its crap. Stuff like gemming gear would lower your damage.

You would hit someone with 20k hp för 23k on your screen and they would take 15k damage on theirs.

Gearing right now is the best its been since forever in PVP. We can actually PVP for gear and know when we get what - and choose what item.

Its not a problem that needs solving with another complex system that none understand and just makes your gear feel meaningless.

Perhaps a rule that disallows boosting in a rated bracket?

I definetly think something like a ”season permanent mmr”. So you have reached Glad level, you will always play at glad level now.
You can still tank your CR but your MMR will always match you with glads for this season.

Perhaps this would mean new placement games if theres ever a balance patch mid season.

Smurfing is fine, even if ir an 1800 player, on your alt at 1300 ur a smurf to:)/ boosting is a problem.

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This would prohibit you from queueing up with friends.

The only way I can think of is down scaling. Naturally this has to be done right in terms of consistency, stats distribution, etc .

This would only take effect during (most likely) a boosting situation.

Normal gameplay, meaning you playing at your actual rating would leave your gear unscaled.

There is no need of general scaling, neither a permanent MMR is a solution as it will hinder the system in other ways.
A “punishment” system that will scale down gear in case of rating difference (bigger than a given threshold), that would downscale gear and severely decrease rating both players on a loss and insignificantly increase it on a win.
This would be active only when “boosting is detected” and will trigger in those situations only, so it won’t be a scaling system in general.
The goal would be to discourage both the booster and the boostee from doing it. Making it very slow to progress and much harder and time consuming for both of them.
Would probably significantly increase prices which will make it less desirable too.
It’s not that hard to implement, it’s a matter, as usual, of desire to make it, as token income is probably lucrative for Blizzard.
And since, with bad design decision they alienated a lot of subs during the years, now they rely upon selling rainbow ponies and tokens on the store so…

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Broken specs and on top broken combos.

They not only allowing but supportning boosting. Like tokens are nice thing to sell…you dont need to work, you dont need to design new zones, item, balance ? Just wait till some tokens will sell…ez job.

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I think that boost is it is quite right in a system where you can reach a good equipment only by rating (if like me you hate pve content). I think that the general system is wrong, because everyone should be able to have maximum equipment regardless of rating.
This is the law of cause and effect.
I m a solo player, for example, I love to play pvp free of a guild and when i want, but with system it’s hard to reach a good item level , because you don’t know who will be your partner in the next arena or rbg, so i choose to be boosted by a 2400/2800 to be sure to reach high rating and be competive against who plays in organized groups.
If the law is not right you will always find a way around it

Yeah i agree.

What you mean is that someone that has Glad, would have their gear scaled down to the 200 ilvl version if queing with someone that is unranked or sub 1600?

That may be a good idea tbh. But the word ”Scale” carries so much ptsd atm.

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Sounds overly complicated. Its better to just give everyone the opertunity to farm the same quality item level items for pvp. (removing rating requirements, it would also limit the ammount of boosters wich is kinda part of the problem to begin with)

yes this is the only way. If not, I think that be boosted it’s the right choice.