Arena queue not working?

Broken on English and Spanish servers.

  • Queues don’t pop sometimes.
  • Queues pause continuously.
  • Queues sometimes just disappear altogether and then give you a Craven/Deserter debuff.

2 weeks of this dog eggs - can we have some kind of acknowledgement that the issue has been discovered?

We don’t expect everything to be fixed right away but its a huge issue that should be noticed pretty damn quickly.



Can we get some blue post about this Blizzard? We can’t play, we can pay though.


this is nuts couldnt play the whole day wasted holidays


somehow i made it to a solo shuffle the healer didnt move and left?! but guess who got the deserteur debuff

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Same issue as last wednesday! Come on please fix this issue! at the very LEAST Blue post us so we know you are aware!


30 min in a BG queues for me atm lol, randomly pauses

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Me and two of my friends are just dropping the game until this is fixed.

Put up a blue post, for the love of god.


gonna play some league of legends meanwhile tell me when its fixed

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This is happening to me atm. I try to que for Solo shuffle and nothing happens. No message, no sound, no pop up.
Then 2 mins after i tried to que i get a message saying “You have joined the que” and it also says ive been searching for a game for 2 min. 20 seconds later, im kicked out of the que.

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Yes i got issues too with the que right now
It pauses and then i try to leave the que and it does not let me
Relogging did not help , only thing that did was going through a portal to dalaran after relogging and then it dropped the que , seems odd.
Seriously could we not soon get some kinda compensation for this here , a day or two of gametime , like you guys used to do in the old days.
This is just unprofessional now.


Blizzard i dont know wtf is wrong with your overpayed employees, but just do your job and fix that ! i mean i just cant play the game cause of this stupid bug, how about give money back then ?


Made a technical-support thread as well, mainly refering to this one, as a lot of you have (rightfully) been writing about those wonderful errors we’re suffering from! <3


After a week just wanted play solo shuffle after the match ended I cannot leave the arena… When the 2min lasted and the arena teleported me out I cannot join to the next one cause it said someone already joined :slight_smile:

We also could not queue to 2s or after somehow we managed to join we could not leave the queue and just gave me a deserter… Totaly worth to pay sub every month… #Smallindiecompany

This Bug still exists and is hitting most of the PvP-Players i know. We are not able to play the Game for Hours.
It needs more attention and should be fixed asap. We pay monthly for a Game that is not working. At least Blizzard needs to refund the Gametime while this Issue exists.
We are paying for a Service that we don’t get.


Arena queues are not working. We’ve been able to play 6 matches all week.

Once again, we cant queue

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Why havent they fixed this yet… its been like this for 3 weeks on reset day… Are the servers rly that bad that they cant handle the ques… it was like this in the start of shadowlands aswell.


The game is so broken right now, so many big bugs are still there, random disconnect, unable to queue Arenas etc… it seems like the quality of the game decrease a lot with this extension

BLIZZARD PLEASE FIX THE ARENA QUEUES!!! it has been like this every wednesday for the past 3 weeks and nothing has been done about it! they should refund everyone there sub money this month for poor service.


Agreed. Wtf is happening. reset day and we cant even que… So sad