Arena queue not working?

Literally having the same issue today trying to queue for 2v2. My mate queued us then I accept and the queue got removed so we did it again and again untill we made it to the arena. Didn’t always work tho so those times we tried to reload, to swap leader between each other and to leave the group to create it again. Not sure what triggers it or what fixes it, it’s just random. A couple of times also happened that we were waiting for the queue to pop up and then we got removed from it all of a sudden, both getting the craven debuff for a queue that never popped; the debuff time was also expiring in different moments for us. For example, on the last arena we queued he was still having a 5 min debuff when mine expired… I do really hope this bug gets fixed soon.

Small indie company cant afford good hardware for their Servers, every time this happens because of many people queueing i think.

3rd week ina row that happens, i just pay to queue arenas, not even a blue post, not even a refund, nothing, just total ignorance
if it was somethin about PvE they would insta fix, shuffle still not patched.

I dont know but for some reason I have better luck queing on/with ally chars… maybe random dunno… But still… Iam so pissed.

WTF Blizzard I pay money and I dont get to play the arena game mode!!!
I would like to be refunded my time IRL :slight_smile:
Please at least show a sign that you are alive and well and working on the problem :hear_with_hearing_aid:

Thank you for your time Chris Metzen :earth_asia:

I just got another deserter after logging in for no reason :slight_smile:

I am punished for playing the game and paying you real life money.

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“Trending Articles” on the blizz support tab is none other than the “Unable to Queue for Dungeons”

like no sh*t its trending, literally nobody can play the game for the third week in a row.

For some people, they don’t get multiple days a week to play the game. Its garbage they’ve left this bug for so long, and a PERFECT EXAMPLE of why you don’t release products right before holidays ('cause, like, your whole staff goes off for vacation and things that break the game aren’t fixed for like a whole month then).

No wonder DF getting so many crap reviews on Metacritic.


Been experiencing queues that “pause” and are never-ending, naturally. As expected after the weekly reset, of course!

Edit: Also cannot leave the queue once joined <3 making me unable to queue for quest/WB or anything

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Still broken. Have to wait 40+ minutes just for a queue pop for Solo shuffle, even then someone ends up declining. (Not surprised with how long you have to wait)

Tried doing 2s with my friend tonight and the queue kept pausing… We weren’t doing anything for it to do that.

Queue seems very broken. =/

still broken

Que system doesn’t work.

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Yep same cant play for most the day. got to go back to work next day too so another few days of game time gone there. 10 quid to not play the game lol prob won’t do any more months

Got a blue response here… no ETA though

Lots of weird queuing stuff last week after reset. Same this week after reset, is my experience.

Same for me when i queue into solo / 3s or any bracket in Dragonflight, the queue just fades away when all in the party have selected a role to play. Craven debuff shows up and ticks up for each time the bug kicks in, it happens without anyone leaving the party or the queue. It just pops up randomly any time. When spamming the queue button with any party memebers it sometimes locks in to finder for a match. But sometimes Craven debuff pops up out of nowhere and queue leaves ofc. Then a party member in the group leaves because we can’t queue and the Craven debuff keeps punishing upwards. The queue is locked in finder again randomly out of no reason, when its not even as many players in group. Seems like this happens after every reset. It works smoothly the day after and the days to come forward, before the weekly resets no problem. Thats how i experience it during the last 3 weekly resets however.

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They are trolling us.
3rd week in a row you can’t queue arenas on wednesday. No coincidences here, just pure trolling.


Indeed, Bundalengers, there’s some answers over regarding PvE. However, I yet again made a thread referencing the issue affecting PvP - which they do not seem to acknowledge, lol.

Here’s another blue post that is just damage control, obviously.

Hoping to see an answer here, as my thread in “technical support” did not recieve any answer:

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Here we go again

Instead we have the disbanding of Solo Shuffle groups resulting in a desserter-buff/No Show for ALL players in said Solo Shuffle -round and automatically disbanding groups whenever re-queueing for 2v2s or Arena Skirmishes. This also results in an “this player is already in a group”-error. Whenever one bug is solved another one comes along! :laughing:

Don’t get me started on that The Alliance Slayer title that has been bugged for weeks…

another day and another q bug

you get deserter btw if someone else leaves your solo shuffle haha. I got so confused ha ha

Dear Blizz,

We all paying monthly sub for this masterpiece. You guys had almost a month now to fix this issue. And its still happening and its still with us. I even wondering about the compensation what you guys will give to us after its get fixed? Plus 5-10-15 or even more days to play for free??? I dont think so… You guys wont give us anything except apologies.

Cant join to queue, even if i can it gives me deserter etc etc etc… Are you guys really working on this issue? Or just have a knowledge about the exact problem but because its not experienced in every day its okey and let it be.

Saddly i cant attach picture that i take a few minutes ago where i wanted to play solo and it said “Someone in your group is already queued for that” O rly? :clap: :clap: :clap:


Update1: Fun fact… In the known issues thread they didnt even mention this kind of arena queue error/problem/issue. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: ( Known Issues – Dragonflight version 10.0.2 -- Updated 20 December - #4 by Kaivax )

Update2: It does working now, both of the latencys is are around 20-23ms and when i try to queue it takes 5min till something is happening.