Argent Dawn, Communities, Us VS Them & Escapism

I never said that making Forum posts was “Too radical”, that is from your mouth now. What I have said is that I disagree on the way people have approached these subjects, by ganging up on others and demonizing people even when they have done nothing, with the “You just haven’t done it -yet-” sort of mindset.

What I gave were my opinions and my outlook on these topics and when the conversation started, I talked with others, took their words into consideration and ended up agreeing with some points of view that were brought up, especially with differing experiences in mind.

We don’t have to agree with everything we talk about here and it’s honestly good if you ask me. Having differing opinions is always good for a platform such as this one.

Chill, man. As I already stated before, this was me mostly bringing up what I thought about these things and to have people discuss.

I’m going to add that at the start of the first post, I specifically make it clear I am no trained professional when it comes to anything that deals with people’s thoughts and how they feel. These are my own opinions and my assumptions about certain things and what is behind certain things. In a lot of ways you are doing the same, I guess as a attempt to challenge me or something, but I really doubt you’re somekind of professional either, man.

Yes, because it’s a cycle of a person being branded as the “Other” that in turn then continues by the person who was put into such a situation wishing to be “Normal” in another kind of community. That’s my view on it.

The option we do have is to better than them, really. Better than those that go out of their way to try and antagonize others, because “It’s the internet”. What we can do and people have already been doing which is great, is cause noise about the subject and have Blizzard actually notice it, but my main problem was with how people have approached making this a reality.

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I still remember when Stormbinder executed Nymi’s RP career on the forums.

Ah that’s the one, crikey what a throwback

“Just wait till I [redacted], little one”.

God damn that’s vile.

I don’t think you get the function of the “get rid of all OOCers shtick” - I posted about it somewhere in the sticky but tl;dr it’s a bombastic claim meant to lead to a middle ground that is good for the RP community rather than a specific ultimate goal

Nobody gets anything by being quiet and meek - you need to kick off and let people know you care enough

OK, fair enough. I still think the OP kind of stopped before you made a point with it

For sure

I’m 100% chill at this time

This kind of poundshop analysis is overdone on this forum and I think we should move away from it as a form of argument. It’s cringe at best

Yeah only as a tit for tat though. I don’t think it’s a good point of argument

If that’s the stuff that the Rotgarde super-virus is withering away, let’s hope that the PCUandemic continues for all time


What happened was Nymi came stirring up trouble as usual into a forum thread, little did he know Stormbinder blasted him with a plus-ultra groomer punch (screenshots) of the act for all to see, which Nymi made only worse by saying “haha I was just trolling…!” and then basically vanished off the face of the forums for a good while-Until the Anti-ERP action where he, like Maarod, stood and tried to destroy the Rotgarde but instead gave them more recruits than ever before.


I vaguely remember this person attacking me on the forums for no reason back then.

Yeah, it all comes together now.

I still remember the exact scene composition of the screenshots and where Nymi was standing. It’s been burned into my brain despite all these years

Why did I even ask…- No wonder people are skeptical of Nelves.
Thats just sad…

Much like Red August Westfall brigade massacre, some memories never fade.

we don’t really have any other method left other than to raise our voices to grab blizzards attention about the issues we’ve been dealing with on Argent Dawn.

The man who’s seen too much


Look. I just wanted my Horde alt to have a little pocket change, okay?!

Please don’t hold it against me! D:

(sorry abit late to the show :stuck_out_tongue: )

Being passionate and loud are indeed ways to have your opinions and voice be heard, especially if you get a lot of people to back up your statements, but personally I don’t think being antagonistic as some are in discussions about this specific subject really helps anyone in the long run.

I agree, I could have gone into more detail with what I had written, but I’ve basically been explaining a lot of what I did not write in the numerous comments after the original post.

How about pulling down some statues? Stormwind has a fair few.

I need therapy after the previous posts anyway, story time!?
I won’t lie, I’m glad I only joined two years ago… :fearful:

I am the memory of Argent Dawn. Who here has a better story than Telaryn?

i’m something of a king basically


I suggest starting with the block-chin one.

Give me some of those right now, piping hot with butter on them, and some earl grey tea, with two sugar cubes.

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