Argent dawn for wm wpvp

don’t forget the part where the ‘spy’ rogue filming it was also dressed to look like an officer of the Frozen Paw. It was an immense amount of effort that ultimately lead to them getting a ton of bans and being known for doing bestiality RP while pretending to be others.


I didn’t even make mention of them doxxing my facebook and linkedin profiles, among others in the PCU.

My point being that these people are clowns, trying very hard to be the Joker

Not in the post above no, but you have made mention of it elsewhere.

Who knew the PCU had such a rabid fan club?

Oh yeah, some of them have gone so far to make alts called ‘Perroysmum’ and ‘Permum’ and drop their corpses in Orgrimmar near where PCU guilds were roleplaying.

Hi Rainshield.

Seeing how the same people also try to own Big P. for having had a job, it is not surprising how much spare time these people have.

But the wasted potential for all that time is just sad.

I find offensive you making a comperison with The Joker and these clowns… oh… you mean there are the jokers from Batman Beyond… nevermind.

They are Jared Leto jokers.

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A ‘burn’ that backfired so badly that it’s on par with the time the dragon ERPer accused P’s mom of not being a virgin.

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Sometimes I wonder if these usual suspects actually read what they post.

no, they don’t, that’s kinda the drawback of posting solely to disagree.

also where did Kelduril go??? weird!


I guess Kelduril went his own way…


Sun Thieves used to be a roleplay guild iirc, the guy from that thread was in org the other week with an offrealmer “welcome to argent down”. Right in the middle of rp.



It’s sad to see people straying from the light into madness.

Shame because it’s a cool guild name

Well I’ve been reading through all of that and saw the video, and I can only say holy hell… There’s disliking someone and there’s just being pathetic. I already knew they were trash but this is a new kind of low.

PVP sucks anyway.

Thanks for your post, Doxxir.

I will add it to my cringe compilation.

I used to have a character there back in Legion, seems like I dodged a bullet.

There are lines we do not cross in a discussion!
Duel at dawn m’lady :dagger:

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((so does doxxing))