Argent dawn for wm wpvp

An interesting discussion on AD WPvP over in the general forum. I don’t know much about AD, but seems like AD would be a good place for WPvP due to the different sharding you have. You are more likely to meet the same players on AD, therefore community is possible in War Mode.

I don’t know enough about WPvP on AD, is there already WPvP community? I do know it lacks Horde. There’s at least one Horde WPvP guild that I know of on AD, The Scarlet Crusade. If more Horde move over to AD for WPvP, ye you’d be the underdog, but that can be a fun situation. The Scarlet Crusade has shown how fun it can be, but you can ofc do your own play style. Are there more AD WPvP guilds? Let me know and I’ll link to their recruitment pages.

Would be awesome if WPvP was a community thing on AD. Needs more Horde on AD! If there were 2 or 3 WPvP guilds per faction = a WPvP community. If there already are that number, need more!

For players that don’t want to actually move to AD or create a char there - with x realm grouping, if at least one player in their group is on AD, they can go to the AD War Mode shard and join in the fun.


I see you’ve started this thread up on the pvp forums as well;

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Let’s revitalise the wpvp community and make Argent Dawn great. The lack of sharding makes it the perfect spot for communities to flourish.

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Lets not.

So which abomination alt are you?


It’s a highly populated roleplay server.

Read the link below if you would like to know more about servers made for roleplaying in World of Warcraft:

The sharding was not implemented for WPVP purposes, but for RP purposes.

They’re not a serious WPVP guild.

Join a RP server for RP. Anything else comes second. :slight_smile:


Argent Dawn is a horrible place to PvP, the Alliance:Horde ratio is ridiculously Alliance tilted.


Argent Dawn = RP server, no need to make it ’ great’ with Wpvp communties .
You’ve got plenty of other servers who could have us of that.
The sharding, as mentioned was implented for the RP scene.


Ignoring the fact that ‘griefing’ is against Code of Conduct and End User License Agreement wasn’t enough…

If you want World PVP without sharding, why not take your lovely community and revitalize the RP PVP realms, like DB.

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Please stop shilling your erp guild, nobody wants to join the scarlet erpers.

The other servers have sharding.

I refuse to believe anyone outside that guild itself would “know” about them. There’s nothing to know about. This all reeks like bait.

AD has sharding in Warmode, too. It’s normal mode that doesn’t have it.

The lack of sharding exists because ROLEPLAYERS asked for it, for this ROLE PLAYING realm.
Not so pvpers could embarrass themselves.

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There is definitely one incredibly strange incident to know about for sure

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I don’t see why the two communities can’t exist side by side?

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Because Pvpers have many other realms and have a tendency to grief events or day to day RP.
But you already know that.


Maybe so, but it’s a great setup for War Mode. The sharding on normal WM is a huge complaint for WPvPers. Having a single shard on AD for WM would enable WPvP community - something that is wanted in WPvP.

Need more WPvP guilds, good to have a variety to choose from, that suits their play style.

The player can choose to WPvP 1st if they want, War Mode is separate from the RPers - they are not technically on AD, just making use of the AD WM shard.

Good to encourage more Horde WPvPers to go there, they might like the underdog situation and plenty enemies - but also the single WM shard. Over time, could help with faction balance

Who said anything about griefing - this is WM WPvP thread.

AD apparently has it’s own War Mode shard. This is something that War Mode players have been crying out for - enables community in WPvP. Moving to or x realm grouping to AD shard would be great for WPvP community - need more Horde for a start tho.

I know about them because I’m interested in WPvP and help promo other guilds and communities.

But it’s an AD WM shard tho, am I right? Where as normal WM shards are just any normal realm - and unlikely to meet same player twice. On AD WM shard, you have good chance to meet same players = community.


Want to do wpvp? Easy answer, move to a normal/former pvp realm and leave an rp realm to it’s intended porpuse, everyone wins.


They shouldn’t, though. War mode is a joke and people should boycott it. We need PVP servers back.