Argent dawn for wm wpvp

Because wpvpers (like the one mentioned) are nothing but griefers, so I ask you, would you get along with someone who sole porpuse is ruining your fun while laughing in your face?

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Wow, reported for starting a topic on AD WPvP - nice. False reports are against forum rules ya know.

I like warmode though, it lets me use my PvP talents in the open world which is kinda OP in some cases

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If you choose Argent Dawn for Warmode then you’re not choosing wisely.

To keep it simple:
Player 1 see realm list and realm classification:

Player 1:“Oh! Argent Dawn, an RP-Normal realm, I’m gonna choose that realm for World PvP because… reasons
Player 2: “Wait, are you going to Roleplay here?
Player 1: “Nah I just wanna kill Horde and disturb questing zones. It’s fun!

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That’s what War Mode is for - you don’t seem to understand WM is separate from the realm. RP is unaffected. The benefit of AD for WM is the WM shard works differently from normal WM shards, which has potential to stimulate WPvP community. Good to raise awareness of this fact, in the hope of WM community improving. May not happen, but worth discussion.

What if it’s WM RP tho

From what I’ve been told, that either doesn’t happen or is extremely rare. Apparently flagging /PVP is preferable to RPers, keeping them on their realm for PvP RP.

War Mode is first and foremost a WPvP game mode, and that takes precedence over all other activities. It’s great that WM is separated from the realm itself. But the real benefit on AD is that the shard works differently than normal WM shards. Just need more WPvPers, mostly Horde increase.

Not on an RP realm, bucko.


It absolutely does take precedence, WM on = PvP first. Otherwise don’t turn it on is the best option.

Are you aware of what a roleplay realm is?

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Yes, and in WM you are not on the realm. You are on a WM shard dedicated to PvP.

Warmode AD is a RP PVP realm. It’s not even a realm considering it’s sharded.

Then why choose Argent Dawn and not another realm? You will find better results if you do.


It’s been explained to him in the other topic ten times over. It’s no use.

Is it a communal trait that the non-rpers that try to sell this realm as a content haven were dropped as babies?


The op is hidden currently, but the reason is that AD WM sharding works differently from normal WM sharding. In normal WM you are unlikely to meet the same player twice in open world. This is a HUGE complaint in the WM forum. On an AD WM shard, you have a good chance to meet the same player twice - this is what WM players have been crying out for. It makes community possible.

Problem - need more WPvPers on AD to make WM community there a ‘thing’. Hence the discussion.

You don’t seem to understand that RP realms are connected with others RP realms because they are Roleplay realms.
Therefore, Roleplay policy and rules come first.

Edit: to be honest with you, we will never agree in this matter.
I dislike Warmode, I think it was a bad idea.

There is a realm called wm ad now? :thinking:

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Go ahead and WPvP in war mode then, which anyone can do on any of the other realms too

Unless you want to do WPvP outside War Mode, in which case you’re a mongoloid

It doesn’t happen because most of the players on the WM Shards are not from AD and this will remain as such no matter what you do

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When you pop Warmode you’re not on AD anymore. You’re in a shard made of multiple servers.

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