Argent Dawn is a WPvPer’s heaven

Unlike regular servers, warmode is actually balancedish there with a slight bias towards Alliance players (Who still get 30% extra goodies instead of 10%). There’s tons of WPvP to be had if you want it, including huge RP-PvP events with warmode off that you can just swoop down on and start a huge, hilarious brawl.

I’ll be moving there myself at some point, it’d be great if we could get a proper Alliance and Horde PvP community established on the server to keep this balance healthy. I’ve already seen a few pretty decent RP-PvP guilds, like this one time a ton of undead wearing Scarlet Crusade gear started attacking the Stormwind portal room. You just don’t get fun events like that on non-RP servers.

And best of all? No sharding! So the community of PvPers can remain familiar with one another. You can actually become well known for your antics here like in the old days of vanilla.


Don’t. That’s just being a huge assassin(without the assin part).

I don’t see how, they partake in it just as much. That’s what these events are for.

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The events are for roleplaying, not to start a giant war in.

They just grief RP. I know who they are, pretty much anyone does on AD Alliance side.


It’s absolutely great. I never have WM on as Alliance usually, but i’ve been running with it turned on for some time now.

Never been ganked even had horde players wave at me in Uldum, it’s basically free 30% bonus.


Ok abomination.

Yeah except they were not an RP guild but a PvP guild that could not get past 1.4k rating in arenas and went on to do weird videos of them ERPing with horses.

And i can see already that sending 1x roleplayer to kill you is overkill as you would go down too quickly and easily.


What’s the difference if you RP that war? This is the Battle for Azeroth, you’re supposed to be fighting.

I see you completely misunderstand the point of RP-PVP


It just confirmed that it is a troll, best to let it be.


Ur pretty cool. If only. More people could see the RP realms like that.

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okay, undeadcactus


Just wish you guys would leave the poor horses alone.



Seems to me you guys just want to live in your echo chambers where you completely control the narrative of the events. That’s not how MMO’s work bucko.

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yeah. wpvp is great here, that’s true. but you should only come along if you’ve got an interest in roleplay ideally.


But who asked, undeadcactus? Also you might want to consider to gear either of your characters properly if you want to take on roleplayers in PvP.


This is how “Slight bias” looks like according to op:

Most fights consists of zerging solo players, not “brawls”. Lot of horde doesn’t bother turning on VM. Personally I just use lfg.

I have a better time playing on normal servers as alliance than horde on rp.

I’ll add the rest of the rp servers that would actually be balanced without AD:


If only the people that actively partook in these things had skill in any aspect of the game, then perhaps they’d see the folly of their ways. But, I digress…

They ultimately are the clowns of Argent Dawn, thinking that everyone laughs with them, but instead they are laughed at.


Ah, I can see by your post history that you’re new to WoW! I could assume that you’re alt-posting, but for the sake of politeness, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt!

Argent Dawn is in fact a roleplaying server - it’s suitable for roleplayers, and if your intention to join the realm isn’t based in roleplaying, there are many, many other realms in Europe which may benefit you better! We all wish to keep World of Warcraft alive for as long as possible, and only by catering to the upkeep of our servers through communities dedicated to that server’s intended purpose can this be done.

Ah, again, you must be new to Argent Dawn! That particular guild is considered to be a bit of a joke on our server, haha. They’re normally pretty low ilvl, tend to get quickly killed by semi-skilled Alliance pvpers who bother to turn on Warmode and group up to match their numbers when they arrive to interrupt RP, and they make weird Youtube videos where they kill guard npcs and then call it ‘pvp’.

A lot of us have learned not to take them seriously, and consider them more something to laugh.


This is how they work if they are the same people that organised the event you’re about to participate in. They’ve organised it, so you’re going by the rules they’ve imposed onto the event. It’s like you entered a raid and kept randomly taunting the boss (while you’re not even supposed to be a tank) in the worst of moments because it’s so hilarious and funny.

I figured roleplaying was supposed to be about freedom, not about acting out a pre-written play. At least it is in tabletop games. :woman_shrugging: