Argent Dawn is a WPvPer’s heaven

Hello Undeadcactus. Why the alt posting?

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I figured since WPvP on Argent Dawn is Alliance focused I’d post on my Alliance alt?

I’ve not done that much tabletop stuff, but I am sure you still have to follow along with the rules of the setting/system you’re playing in and the DM still has a final say in it. You’d be kicked out fairly soon if you were to throw a fit about having to roll when attacking the enemy in DnD.


Yes, and not to hide the fact you were trolling earlier at all.


Roleplay can be either or depending on the scenario, and rp-pvp tend to be events organised in advanced, not something a random jumps into and starts popping off all their cc and aoe into for kicks


I am one of the horde on Argent dawn that refuse to play without WM on, Sure, I am out numbered in every zone, and get swarmed pretty often, and the few times I get a 1v1 in the open world some other ally comes and saves him, granted I am pretty average at pvp maybe leaning towards the bad spectrum of average. but it is fun, cus I get to play out my assassination fantasy where it is hard to assassinate targets, and I am super out numbered, the perfect under dog story! Thalerin! The sun thief! The lone elf sneaking around the world, the last standing between the wretched mongrel forces of the alliance and his beloved horde!

And the alliance on AD WM, are pretty bad, even worse than me, so… it is fun, can not let those dirty alliance dogs get a free 30%!! I will die a million times if that lets me kill one alliance and but a sour feeling in his mouth! earn that 30% you scræææbs


Is that why you made an abomination alt?


I dunno man my main is on AD and I always have WM on. I rarely see anybody and when I do they have no interest in fighting.

There is nothing balanced~ More Alliance players than Horde. RP realms are opposite to standard ones but Alliance keeps this fancy 30% bonus :ok_hand:


yeah :smiley:
And I thought it would be funny.

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It’s not balanced, if you’re horde with WM on, you’ll barely see more than 2/3 other hordes in the open world. It’s dominated by Alliance and they also have 30% bonus on top of that.


“as long as i can make salty RP’ers, i be happy”

That’s cringe, bro.


not my exact words but… yeah sure if that is how you want to see it, yeah sure.

You sure about that?

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The balance is far from balanced…most of my shards on a good day are horde oriented and on a bad day there will be too many alliance grouped to even bother using Sliver of N’zoth.

The issue is that realm sharding makes it really hard and unpredictable and to a lesser extent even ruins the immersion.

uuh, yeh? Are you telling me you are some sort of mind reader who can read my thoughts and infer the real meaning of the words i type?
If so, what are my real thoughts when I say.

“Yeah I joined the Abomination crew cus they seemed like a fun group after talking with them for a while and you know, it is a game and such, so lets go and be bad at pvp together with someone who actually want to do some arenas and such too.”

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… is this some sort of spiteposting due to the rather outraged, recent threads over OOCers in the AD forums?

The timing is fishy.


Can’t read your mind, can read though.

My favourite part is the artistry you did with the phonetic spelling of a racial slur with ‘knee gear’, truly masterful :ok_hand:



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Imagine wanting to do Arenas and PvP content and then picking basically runt of the litter to do it with.