Argent Dawn is a WPvPer’s heaven

What is stopping you? WM is a different phase - for PvP.

I understand players wanting to RP, nothing stopping you outside of WM.

I understand elitism.

People like you who can’t grasp that RP servers are for RP, not OOCels.

War Mode is for PvP, /PVP flag is for PvP. This topic is about War Mode PvP. If you don’t want PvP turn it off, then RP to hearts content.

On Argent Dawn. The RP realm. If you’re not here to RP, go to another realm. What is stopping you?

Nothing. And nothing is stopping me going to AD either. I don’t, but why shouldn’t others? Their choice. Your choice to RP in a PvP mode, the very name “War Mode” shows the intention of the mode.

My point about sympathisers just jumping around technicalities continues to prove correct

RP-PvP also generally doesn’t occur in war mode, but outside of it - people manually toggle their PvP on as it would be silly to try and RP in it unless you want to simply die

Griefing RP-PvP outside of war mode however is absolutely a [REDACTED] move on the griefer’s part and they deserve any manner of ban they get for doing so. It’s a roleplaying realm for a reason and there are rules in place that are intended to help preserve the spirit of roleplay

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Good. So OOcers can :point_right: :airplane:, no problems.

Because it’s an RP realm and unsuited to their preferences. How is it hard to grasp that RP realms are for RP? That’s why they’re called… RP realms. Also, little known fact, you can turn War Mode on in any realm.

This topic is about War Mode… the AD RPers are getting in a froth about something that does not occur apparently. Thanks for clarifying.

Masked insulting language is also against forum rules. You guys sure like to bend rules to your end.

This is a War Mode topic.

Their preference is to PvP.

You can also turn it off and avoid PvP.

War Mode should not be the main draw for some guy to go to a RP server, especially if said guy never wants to get into RP or takes it a step further and trolls.

That’s what we’re trying to argue for here, and your dumb inability to comprehend this is baffling.

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Should not be, in your opinion. But if a player wants to War Mode on AD, there is no reason why they can’t. And I know some do and have a lot of fun with it.

War Mode off is your solution. It’s already been stated that RP does not generally take place in WM… so you lost nothing.

I can read the title, yes, but it also concerns Argent Dawn and therefore is open to discussion outside of purely WPvP, not to mention the fact OP mentions:

Believe it or not, this is only hilarious to players that wilfully remain ignorant to the content created and enjoyed by many, many players on Argent Dawn (the realm is considered Full for a reason).

Whilst I personally don’t care much for what happens in War Mode as I have absolutely 0% desire to try to perform any manner of RP in it, advocating not only for non-roleplayers to come to Argent Dawn purely for their own selfish benefits - those of which that are not even remotely associated to the server’s purpose - but also advocating to actively ruin and grief RP events (yes, this is a bannable offence) truly shows me that Varinel counts themselves amongst the absolute bottom of the barrel when it comes to WoW players, continuing to feign ignorance to their wrongdoing for a quick thirty second kick from attempting to ruin the game’s experience for many others.

This thread is an absolute prime example as to why the majority of Argent Dawn players dislike to even entertain the notion of welcoming OOC players on to the realm.


You are off topic then, which I believe is against forum rules or at least frowned upon. I’m sure the AD forum would be a better place for your discussion.

This topic is about War Mode WPvP on AD - not out of PvP RP disruption on AD.

The events the OP refers to are in War Mode:

“If you do not wish to engage in open world PvP combat in World of Warcraft, disable War Mode”

In the interests of my realm, I am continuing to point out glaring wrongs that have arisen in the thread. You may act oblivious to this if you wish - likely due to your personal stance on the matter, and the fact that you more than likely care little to nothing for roleplayers - but given the content in OP’s post, I am by definition not off-topic. For your sake, I will again quote what I am very passionately against, a snippet from OP’s first post:

More specifically, however:

Your attempts at claiming I’m off-topic are very amusing, but no, I’m absolutely not per OP’s post; by your definition, the OP themselves have also gone off-topic… in their own thread… in the very first post…


I was referring to you talking about WM off RP disruption.

I can read the title, yes, but it also concerns Argent Dawn and therefore is open to discussion outside of purely WPvP,

War Mode is WPvP.

And correct, this topic was posted in wrong forum. But, the ADers are the ones that care so much about rules.

That’s still PvP, you can only ‘suffer’ if PvP flagged.

“The Game Master staff will not intervene in Player versus Player (PvP) disputes.”

However, with that situation I can see a GM taking more things into consideration. Not all players at event may be flagged. But WM on, no way should anyone be banned.

I’m simply responding to what OP has said - not sure what more I need to say here / what you want me to actually do

Yes and I’ve already given my two cents on War Mode


Believe it or not I agree; when RP-PvP outside of War Mode is a vastly safer option, nobody should be bothering to try to RP-PvP in War Mode to begin with - I honestly care 0% about people that die in WM and I don’t think there should be bans for PvP in it when it’s very easy to opt out of it

To reiterate, the issue arises when deliberate disruption begins outside of WM

I can see an issue for RP events where PvP is not flagged, when a PvP flagged player attacks, and some RPers turn on PvP, but others don’t, and there’s a general mess and upset. Reportable I’d say, if was ongoing for a long enough time. But reportable by the PvP unflagged players.

But if it’s a full PvP RP event, where all have PvP on… why not attack them? They chose to be attacked by /PVP or WM on. Rules about AD behaviour in PvP get mentioned, but no rules are quoted. Do these rules actually exist? If I could see a Blizz rule on this, sure, I’d play by those rules.

I don’t attack RP events myself, so far. But imo, if someone has PvP on, it’s against the spirit of PvP if they do not fight.

The OP Specifically mentioned deliberately griefing Rppvp events. I mean they stated that. Why are you trying to pretend there is some unnecessary PvP crusade here to defend rights that do not need defending. I mean, there are about 39 servers where you can go and do that no problem.

Incorrect. On a normal realm, War Mode is WPvP, on an RP Realm, it is RPPvP, ergo the people coming for the tourism, are not playing the game as intended. You yourself were quite vociferous about people playing the game as intended, why so silent now?

Cool, what about War Mode off, but PvP Enabled?

The question however, has still went unanswered.

You can go and ruin other people’s fun for your own piteous existence, but does such antisocial behaviour really fit in an MMORPG? Oh, I just noticed, RP is in the title of the genre, not PvP.

Answer that. Not whether PvP’ers -can- disrupt RP (We know they can), but whether they should, without being regarded as anti social types who are a bit flimsy with intelligence and morality…

What justification can you see, for purposefully going to a serverto ruin someone elses game, when you could actually get your fun doing what you do normally.

Tell me. What sacred right is this, that says it is OK for PvP’ers to act like complete jebends.?

I responded to that when pointed out by other poster.


PvP off, disrupted by a PvPer, resulting in mixed PvP off/on event problems - report, but reported by PvP unflagged RPers.

PvP on before attacked, PvP happens, that’s the risk they took turning on PvP.

I’ve seen no rule that says a PvPer cannot attack another PvPer.

Because being told not do something, just because they don’t like it, when it’s within rules, is worth discussion.

Incorrect, WM on you are not on a realm. War Mode is separate and has its own rules: “If you do not wish to engage in open world PvP combat in World of Warcraft, disable War Mode.”

I already responded.

PvP = Player versus player. Killing other PvP enabled players is the whole point. Like I said above, I guess a GM would intervene in specific situations, possibly an event that started out as pure RP but ended up PvP.

The community of pvp’ers, who are you kidding?
Just admit you want to lash out at society because you blindly followed the sheep and your life is horrid now, and find that you need to live a seperate life by roleplaying in a game.


Lots of talk about rules, but why should there be specific rule stating it’s not ok to interrupt RP events? That should be common sense.

It’s very obvious when a RP event is taking place, if you choose to interrupt those on purpose you deserve to be reported.

WM on AD specifically only shards with other RP realms, since RP-PvP realms ceased to exist when WM was introduced.

You can hide behind “there’s no rule!” all you want, but that doesn’t change that you’re still a rude person that (in my opinion) should find another realm to play on.