Argent Dawn is a WPvPer’s heaven

Ive seen people from non RP realms farming zones multiboxers/bots/pvp-raids. (Such as from Kazzak)
Its a possibility that they were invited in by a friend/different account because AD is a safe shard to be in because of RPers.

Right, but the OP specifically refers to coming to an RP realm with the express intent to disrupt it. I mean that is what they say. Do you, or do you not agree, that such activities are those of some sort of debased intellect?

Again, I am confused, are you supporting people who are deliberately acting unpleasantly, when they could achieve equal enjoyment without behaving unpleasantly, but the only result is that they are unpleasant to other paying players?

Very nice, now what about War mode off, PvP flagged? That is the question, and the one that the OP seemed to massively miss (Not a surprise, they are known on the server for trying to destroy it)

No, no you did not. What about War Mode off, but PvP Enabled? Give an answer. I would be keen on your view as to whether people going to RP realms purely for PvP tourism are indeed scum, or if you imagine they have some redeeming feature. I mean, a person specifically going out of their way to ruin other’s enjoyment is scum, yes? Or do you think it a laudable method of behaviour?

RP Realm. Roleplay. Roleplaying is the whole point. That doesn’t get supplanted whether you flag or not, it is still an RP Realm. This is a MMORPG, if you are not Rping, then technically you are not playing the game properly. We can handle that, people dragon punching or being Jumping Monkeys, but don’t ruin the game for people who are actually playing it properly.

Think you’ll find the herd mentality is PvE and PvP, I have quite fun roleplaying, and my life is pretty awesome thanks, just become an Uncle, got a five book contract for Audio Book recordings, and a new recording rig, my romantic life is distinctly looking up, All in all, I don’t need the roleplaying to live a separate life, my actual one is quite action packed enough!


We can but hope. PvP’ers have messed over this game since Vanilla. “Forsaken can talk to humans!” PvP’ers abused it. “There is now a Language Barrier”

To be honest, the PvP community owes the rest of us a big fat apology for all of the rubbish they have forced on us. We won’t get one, because they are largely egotistical self absorbed people who think theirs is the only opinion that matters, but it would be nice to see one of them actually grow a pair and say sorry.

Not once has anyone said whether it is a ‘good’ thing for a PvP’er to come to AD with the intent to disrupt RP. The question has been asked a lot, and the PvP apologists ignore it, but could it be answered? Are these people in fact Douchecanoes? Or do you in some bizarre way think they are justified?

This just shows that blizzard either have to remove the rewards in Warmode on balance it our due to RP-Servers etc, Argent Dawn (Alliance) shouldn’t get that bonus, and they need to look into it, and if you shard with other servers that can easily be fixed as well, but best suggestion is removing the Reward, it’s unfair when Argent Dawn is crowded and has no issues with it on,

Also if you’re a PVPER or whatever, I’d not suggest Argent Dawn you’re eventually going to get very bored, no Active PVP other than Alliance waiting for hours to gank a horde cause there is almost no one, but suit yourself, also respect Rpers, we don’t need more of you trolls, and you need to actually look things like this up, we had a troll in Orgrimmar, and he actually got banned for continuing crowding the area with toys, kicking with toys, huge mounts etc, if you think “rules” won’t get you in trouble think twice.

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I disagree that disrupting a PvP event by PvPing the eventers is a sign of a debased intellect.

I’m supporting the right of players to PvP when PvP is enabled.

PvP flagged is no different in rules from WM on. They are both a PvP flag. Those that don’t want PvP will flag off.

See above.

Absolutely I could not say they were scum, since I do not know them, and they have done nothing wrong by PvPing PvPers.

Neither scum nor laudable, it’s PvP in a PvP mode. I hope they have fun.

If PvP flagged or WM on, PvP is the point. And no reason not to PvP them.

He did not get banned for PvP, which is what this topic is about.

He wants to move there, facepalms You don’t know what I am talking about MR Outland, there are things you should be aware of on Argent Dawn

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OP wants to go there to PvP at RP PvP events, which some say is griefing - but that’s debatable. What you described is considered griefing by Blizz, but not relevant to the discussion - because it’s nothing to do with PvP.

YESSSSSS and there is more PVE there than PVP, some guild do PVP but that’s those with legit 2300+ who are really good at it, and if you have played Argent Dawn you see the same people, Argent Dawn is not the place for people who only wants to do 1 thing, speaking of World PVP there ain’t any, Zones empty, unless you have friends ETC it’s going to get very boring, and PVP or not this is still a RP server, and there are things you should be aware of.

I am in any future comments from you insta ignoring, I don’t have TIME to explain things to a person like you, obviously I am aware he is talking about PVP but nothing is saying that he might do things to disturb Rpers, and that’s a NONO basically RP servers have NO world PVP to get any taste of that you will get into your old server’s shard, most of the Horde on Argent Dawn HAS it off, just because you get 30% when you level or whatever it ain’t worth it unless you 1) have friends there, 2) are interested in RP with Pvping.

It’s not going to be an amazing change, and for all we know, the shard balance might also change because these topics has been a huge complaint for a while where Alliance get bonus on Argent Dawn, we don’t know if this will get changed, and I believe someday it will, now quit wasting my time.


One of the OP’s points was that Argent Dawn is potentially better for WPvP, because the sharding works differently than in normal War Mode. On AD you have more chance to run into the same players, and therefore develop rivalry and alliances. Unlike in normal WM where you are unlikely to see the same player twice.

So it sounds like any WPvPers that dislike normal WM sharding, should head on over to Argent Dawn. Once a player base of WPvPers is established on AD, it should be good for WPvP. But ye, more will have to move over there. Certainly for Alliance players, why not, they get that free bonus!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Yeah because joining a empty realm sounds optional for WPVP with no Horde, you’re one funny person are you not xD

That’s why more should move to AD.

But, I know some Alliance like few enemies, and some Horde like plenty enemies. Could work out! :slight_smile:

Go back to your tears in “Horde wins Every BG cause bad”

You go to AD forum lol.

AD alliance realm full of weirdos.

All the server really needs is one Horde wpvp guild that’s serious enough to keep up the pressure and warmode will balance itself.

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There’s always been massive world pvp events here.

400vs400 in northrend back in WoD and no, I’m not exaggerating with the numbers.

There’s also alot of actual pvpers who tend to hang outside Goldshire inn. You don’t really need to be in some RP guild to join in lol Just be a “griefer” as the RP community calls us and rush in with your raid of friends. It’ll result in a massive reports from them but atleast you’ll get a free name change lol

Ignore all the people that say you can’t join unless you’ve got some RP identity lol They turned on their pvp, so we have the right to attack them.

I have respect for the RP community they make the server/game more realistic in a way.

The raids that happen now are a joke compared to previous expansions but this was wpvp on AD


Well there is at least one AD Horde WPvP guild. It would be good if another one or two, and then 2 or 3 Alliance WPvP guilds on AD. Sounds like AD could be great for WPvP mainly because of the different sharding they wanted.

I was on AD with a test char once, thought I’d take a look in Goldshire - made the mistake of entering the inn. Holy moly. Will never go back lol.


Walks into thread
I wonder what this is about
reads posts
Ok. See ya. Not getting into this endless argument
activates a ripoff version of M.O.T.H.E.R’s extraction system

Uh… why bother with this comment?

Just pointing out that you’ve been arguing the same points on both sides using the same reasoning each time. Just seems rather pointless to continue for both sides.
Neither side is going to admit their wrong on something.

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So why did you boost the thread with a pointless comment? You ressed it lol.

I am not trying to get someone to change their mind. I am trying to put into willing players minds that AD could be a great place for WM community.