Argent Dawn is a WPvPer’s heaven

No, that is specifically -not- how such realms work, but if you think it is, then I can perhaps understand the confusion.

Opting for PvP doesn’t stop it being an RP realm. It is an RpPvP realm. Still has to follow RP realm server rules, not PvP server rules (assuming they still existed, butyou now what I mean).

A person coming to an RP realm for some ‘PvP tourism’ is -not- coming to the realm for RP, therefore they are the ones in the wrong, and they are the ones playing the game in a way that was not intended.

On RP Realms, RP is the most important aspect, this is why you had RPPVE and RPPVP, not PVERP and PVPRP realms, the Roleplay is the key feature of the server. If you are not involved in the RP, then you are on the realm in error, and you are the one that needs to get with the programme, not anyone else.

Even aside from that fact, There is 1 RP Realm left in the EU, against so many other realms. If someone has no intention of RPing and comes to Argent Dawn just to Disrupt RP then I am afraid they are a deeply unpleasant person, likely with some severe social difficulties. Sounds harsh, right?

Surely I can’t make such as statement without meeting them. Oh I can, I really can. The Internet gives people license to show themselves as they are, protected by a veneer of anonymity. What sort of person do you think, would play a game where they can fight other players, and make ‘Your mum’ jokes, then decide that rather than do so in the correct places, they want to do so in a place designed for something else, which is the only place that does something else, as opposed to everywhere the something else, but they don’t care because their desires are more important than anyone elses. Sound like a pleasant person? Not really.

Good, then we are completely in agreement. People coming to RP realms just for PvP are not playing a game mode as intended, and therefore are obnoxiously selfish.

How embarrassing. OK, I -know- someone who has been banned for PvP. They’re an amiable enough jacka$$ in person, but put them behind a computer screen and they become a…well, male generative organ… They were banned for griefing an Rppvp event after the GM was satisfied that yes, they had just rocked up to disrupt RP. The supreme irony is that it is someone I know from LARP, which is even -more- nerdy.

Another GM has also told me the correct options to select to report people with PvP spamming toys and big mounts in enemy capitals. Their exact words were "If they’d have come for Silvermoon to kill Lor’themar for the achievement then that’s good old PvP, but if they came to Silvermoon on an RP realm specifically to disrupt RP, then PvP or no, report them and action will be taken.

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Keeping pvp/warmode on in this situation and getting repeatedly ganked, might disrupt you but it’s still intended in the grand scheme of wow pvp. Then sitting there, dying repeatedly and classifying it as griefing and trying to get them banned?

It’s two players with equal right to do what they are doing, if you warmode on even players from non-RP realms can potentially phase and kill you.

Non warmode / PvP toggle events with slow chat? Fine, we accept some players can RP like this too if they want, it is a failing that RP events are not well monitored, on the spot griefing can continue for hours on end, the realm needs litteral babysitters to take out people who get their fun from purposely griefing others.

Yet we have a partition of the RP community who would rather attack anybody who does not RP :man_shrugging:

Worked for me before so I’ll keep making tickets the same as before when there’s some mongo who wants to disrupt an RP(-PvP) event I partake in

Well I have confidence Blizzard are not so biased with their punishments(specifically around RP/Server rules I might add lol) so you do what you gotta do and hopefully they was intent on griefing and got what was coming.

Wow… Thats a poor lie :rofl:

You never Played on PvP RP server like Defias Brotherhood (before WarMode) if you think that any report will help you.

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Yeah, well, that was back in the days when Blizzard was very lax with their punishments. There’s a reason that server died out along with the others; the influx of OOCers driving the RP communities away.

That’s exactly why we don’t want them here.

Thankfully Blizzard do not see it that way, but recognise that one group should be there, and the other are there with less than sincere intentions to follow the Server Guidelines…

Nope. It ain’t. RP realms do have extra rules, which when reported, do get enforced (Silly names like IllidandogmilkerxxxD) or whatever.
The question isn’t so much whether these people -can- do this, as to whether they -Should-. It is basically waving a big flag saying “I am a douche canoe with no social graces, but also its the internet so I am a big coward who you’ll never meet! Haha!”

It is puerile behaviour, and the sort of thing that most people grow out of at a fairly early age.

Unfortunately, it propably does, not because RP’ers are so precious our wickle feewings will be hurt, but because you do get the thickoes, who don’t realise that they are breaking the server rules, so we have to keep reporting the blighters.

How many times have you ever seen an RPer say that people on PvE or PvP realms should RP? (I’ll save your web browser, the answer is :none) How many times do PvP’ers say that PvP with no intention of RPing Is fine on the only RP server left out of what, 40 or so?

It is not surprising that the RP community is so defensive, when its own realms were taken over by people with no interest in RP. Argent Dawn is all that is left, and we’d like to keep it that way, thank you very much,there are at least 39 other realms you can pick, there is only one for us.

This is how I recall it was there when I played, swooped down on a gang of orcs RP training in the barrens.
After a few strange emotes between them I got mobbed and laid to rest by them all, we continued for a bit until we all stopped and went about as usual.

Fight or flight litterally :grin:

It’s like we need babysitters to sort these little things out. Actual griefing is another matter but PvP? If you don’t want to take that chance and toggle use /roll and /e they exist to make your lives easier.

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That’s up to them, rules are deliberately vague to allow them to take whatever action they think is necessary. But, they are human - an RP sympathetic GM could ban a player for PvP - but that was their discretion rather than a rule.

I didn’t say it was my idea of fun. But, you have no basis to tell someone how to have fun that is playing within the rules.

Yep, and I quoted… “The Game Master staff will not intervene in Player versus Player (PvP) disputes.” from a PvP Harassment support topic. That is a rule too, and does not distinguish between RP and non-RP, just as your quote doesn’t distinguish.

Anecdotal evidence, fine, but if banned - maybe they reported to the ‘right’ GM.

Personally, I think people that report players for playing the game as intended are pretty low. They are the same types that break actual harassment rules by whispering foul harassment at WPvPers. Those whisperers get reported every time, and I only hope they get banned or at least a warning. But probably not.

Ok, there are AD specific rules - you have not quoted Argent Dawn rules, link them or quote.

PvP on = PvP. That’s a rule. Show me the rule that says PvP on means not PvP.

There are no RPPvP realms, this is misinformation. There are only RP or normal realms. Stick to the facts.

There are no PvP server rules in retail. As you said, they do not exist - inadmissible :slight_smile:

A person can join a realm for whatever reason they want. PvP on = PvP as intended.

Maybe with PvP off. PvP on, you are on an RP realm to PvP.

I disagree. People PvPing on an RP realm are playing the game as intended by Blizz.

If that is true, then that is good information. Not a fact because we don’t have evidence. But if true, I only assume the GM was sympathetic and disregarded Blizz’s own rule: “The Game Master staff will not intervene in Player versus Player (PvP) disputes.”

I accept big mounts in enemy capitals could be griefing. I am talking about a player killing another player = PvP.

Can you quote the server guidelines relating to a player killing another player on AD?

Please quote the rules, otherwise it looks made up.

Quote pls.

Not saying they don’t exist, just want to read em. The part about PvP.

Wrong. It means you’re on a RP realm, with PvP on. PvP flag does not trump realm type.

Blizz disagree:

“The Game Master staff will not intervene in Player versus Player (PvP) disputes.”

A gm may disagree with the above, but that’s up to them.

That’s up to them, but it’s not Blizz’s official rule.

“The Game Master staff will not intervene in Player versus Player (PvP) disputes.”

See above.

Insulting players that play the game as intended… yet you expect WPvPers to see your point of view? Poor show.

wait… WPvPers do WPvP because they don’t enjoy it?

Jesus, I wasn’t aware… the poor souls. :face_with_head_bandage:


I can’t speak for other WPvPers, but I enjoy it just fine.

I was talking about your use of insulting language. It’s hard to take your argument about rules seriously, when you flout them openly on the forum.

Here’s an example:

Imo you should get a temp ban for that.

But, rules only apply when it suits you huh?

As far as I’m aware the guidelines are based around bad names and disruptive players, basically is a common sense ruling. Just like having pvp on and being killed in PvP is common sense too.

YRP realms barely have any extra ruling outside of what exists for any other realm, naming and disruptive being better expanded on but little else, even enforcement on this is light and player policed more often than not.

Idk, rules schmules, nothing compares to a bit of common decency and respect, there is enough space for everybody, giving people tools like phasing out and ignoring the undesirables seems fine to me and a step forward at least.

Probably a bit niche but I did some Gnome RP on blades edge in Cataclysm and we thought it was fun enough to consider AD just for the possibility of added scenery of other rp/encounters.

The 39 other realms? Well it’s just a shame that AD is the single realm that offers benefits that act as huge incentive for absolutely any player, should be ammended just for fairness anyway, no other realm has these perks.

That is true. I mean I love it on my Alliance alts, but I’d forgo that 30% bonus for it actually to be more of an RP realm, I’d totally go for that. On which note talking of Alliance Alts, you just reminded me I need to grab some Rep on those bad boys. Cheers!

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Just in the name of all that is fair it would be nice :rofl: but definently a good incentive! Just goes to show how overlooked this all really is/was but must add Argent Dawn was already highly populated before and high populations naturally draw in more players too.
Get out there and get on those dailies!! I’m slowly starting to consider pathfinder for myself lately… :cry:

The OP was talking about War Mode PvP, ADers want to shut that down. Sounds like a good reason to go to AD lol, they want 30% bonus for nuthin. Make em earn it. WM off if you don’t want PvP.

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People want to keep the last RP community for RP. “lulz, lets go break it”. Very classy.

Yeah, because god forbid we don’t want to invite people here who don’t ever have the intention to RP just so they can reap benefits from WM and will potentially be a menace on the community.

Your lack of understanding or effort to do so makes you look incredibly unpleasant tbh.