Argent Dawn is a WPvPer’s heaven

I don’t understand why those who engage in WPvP, don’t just go to those servers that were heavily into that sort of thing, before Blizzard got rid of PvP servers?

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I love you AD.

Also only come to our server if you want to RP!


I’m going by what I see, aka you on damage control after your discord chat with a known griefer got leaked with what your personal thoughts are (as opposed to the PR stunt you’re trying to pull here)

I’ll readily assume, based on the dishonesty you portray either here or to said known griefer, you’re lying about RPing on Alliance too and are just an ailing griefer who didn’t make it into the cool kids’ club of RPers because you ERP, troll others or are generally an idiot

Dude does it even matter when it comes to Wpvp balance these days?

Anyone and their mom can make a custom lfg group titled “come my shard and kill [enemy faction] assassin and loot bag” then set that lfg raid to auto-inv and there’s your Wpvp win.

As Alliance, the only benefit of WM on AD is the free bonus. You won’t find much WPvP there.

As Horde, the only benefit of WM on AD is that the Tour of Duty achievements are super easy to get due to every zone being overloaded with the Alliance. No other reason to turn it on otherwise.

Just my two cents. But yeah, it’s best to chose another server if RP ain’t your thing. That’s the main thing AD has going for it.

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It is fun if you are a rogue, you can get some good kills. and then steal rares if there is an alliance fighting it but that is pretty rare, there is always more dirty alliance about. :smiley:

The one time I found some decent w-pvp with warmode this patch was when I saw Hungaro and some of his guildies in Uldum. Other than that, it’s a bit of a hard time looking out for the Hordies.

Your entire existence has done a literal better job of uniting Horde and Alliance under one banner, hating you, than the actual story of Battle for Azeroth has done.

Yes yes, my goal is soon complete :smiley:

AD WPVP for alliance is literally the definition of have your cake and eat it too.

This reeks of “bro im just trolling just a prank bro i was only pretending bro”. Get a life kid.


It is funny how you folks can always read intent into what I am doing.

I will be honest here, I am not pretending it is not a prank.
It is a game, and I do not care what I say nor do in it, I have plenty of characters, some I troll on, Some I PVP on, some I RP on. Most of the time I just like to shizztalk and stir the pot.

Come on, ask me anything, I will tell you my exact motivations to everything I do.

Here, I was trying to talk about how fun I think it can be to be in warmode on AD even though we are vastly outnumbered and only get the 10% buff.

If you want to talk about my griefing, trolling and other idiotic behavior traits I have, I would welcome it.
But hey, atleast I do not play a DK :wink:

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haha good one bro

You joined the guild of a guy who has gone out of his way to stalk and doxx a number of people all for the sake of ‘fun’ in a game, you can’t be surprised if you jump into the septic tank and get covered in slurry.

I’m sure you think doxxing and harassment is funny, or at least you will do until it happens to you.


Wow nice. If I see you on my main I’m going to camp you hard.

his ilvl is awful anyway, i doubt he even plays with warmode on tbh

That’s assuming he doesn’t gank with his guild.

How dare you assume!! :stuck_out_tongue: :crazy_face:

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I was not aware of doxxing, so far in their guild I am in level 20 and have run som BG’s with the guys and some arenas on my main.

After the arenas he asked me to join his PVP guild and I said sure.

Now these guys have claimed that you have stalked them and doxxed them, and for all I know, both of you can be horrific people.

I might be a poopstiring troll, but atleast no one has ever accused me of doxxing anyone :slight_smile:

tbh based on your so far twofaced/spineless attitude you probably have

Now that is a pretty wild accusation.