Argent Dawn is a WPvPer’s heaven

Perhaps you need to take a look to in-game Code of Conduct. You don’t care but it doesn’t mean you’re free to do whatever you want.

The rules are different when PvP or War Mode is toggled.

"If you do not wish to engage in open world PvP combat in World of Warcraft, disable War Mode."

Source: Blizzard Support

The Scarlet Crusade

No, a huge bias. The population on Argent Dawn is 70-30 in the Alliance’s favour. Argent Dawn isn’t put into a bracket of other realms in WM, so unless you have the intention to RP on a RP server please don’t come here. Stay where you belong.

I see the Aboms are once again desperately scrambling to try and gain relevance, guess dying to Stormwind Guards just doesn’t quite do it anymore.


Yeah a good guild that offers wpvp/rp and openly recruits player and gives them the same template as everybody else, whilst fighting against the majority faction who flaunt those WM on powers without a care.

Players do not have to be fully intent on RP to play an RP server it’s just required they name appropriately and do not disrupt. Ya’ll are nibbling at everybody elses heels because they don’t rp to your same standards? Because you can’t go RP in trade district because people have mobbed to that same location for years? Because everybody that plays ooc is intent on destroying your experience?

More the merrier to Argent Dawn, just respect eachother and let people play how they want. :man_shrugging:

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People like you (usually off-realmers) that “swoop” down on RP-PvP events usually get deleted in a few seconds because it’s obvious enough that you are not part of the whole event. We’ve had numerous cases of DH’s/Paladins/Etc. like you, swooping down with a friend on a 2-seated mount to “easily kill those roleplayers and fly off quickly”, but then swiping the floor with them and flying away as soon as they reach their corpse. It’s sad that your most interesting PvP experience would be to attempt killing some people that are having fun. Shame.

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They have as much right to WPvP as others have to RP. In fact, if an RPer toggles PvP or WM on, they are in the WPvPers game mode. If that is fun for those 2 players, good for them.

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Actually they do. It’s literally the purpose of the server. While no one is pointing a gun to your head and forcing you to RP it’s expected that you do because there’s nothing here that a PvE or PvP server can’t give you.

We don’t want OOCers here like the OP (who is probably stoking the fire due to an ongoing thread on the AD forums) who don’t ever have the intention to RP. Frankly they’re not wanted and someone named the argument that if it was the other way around that a player on a PvP realm wouldn’t want to PvP you just about know how badly that guy would get told off.

"If you do not wish to engage in open world PvP combat in World of Warcraft, disable War Mode."

Source: Blizzard Support

we are talking about pvp being enabled or disabled, not war mode

dumb altposter

OP is talking about War Mode, but still…

PvP toggled on, War Mode toggled on… same thing, PvP is enabled. The player makes that choice, they enabled PvP. When PvP is enabled, the rules change.

No, no, it’s just stated by rules that you must name appropriately and not disrupt. It’s still a WoW server first with a RP tag so like minded players have a place to gather.

This player has no value to you or other RP guilds but they can still perfectly enjoy the game and should be able to find pleasant and like minded players on the server.

You say they are not welcome, IMO this appalling attitude of discriminating players who are not fully fledged RPers should be unwelcome, you push away perfectly fine players to massage your egos and claim you own this server for “your type”. I play with all sorts on AD. It is a great server.

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My standard response to this sort of thing:

Here’s a list of every non-RP EU realm/connected realm:

Aerie Peak / Bronzebeard
Aggra / Grim Batol
Aggramar / Hellscream
Al’Akir / Skullcrusher / Xavius
Alonsus / Anachronos / Kul Tiras
Arathor / Hellfire
Aszune / Shadowsong
Auchindoun / Dunemaul / Jaedenar
Azjol-Nerub / Quel’Thalas
Azuremyst / Stormrage
Blade’s Edge / Eonar / Vek’nilash
Bladefist / Frostwhisper / Zenedar
Bloodfeather / Burning Steppes / Executus / Kor’gall / Shattered Hand
Bloodhoof / Khadgar
Bronze Dragonflight / Nordrassil
Burning Blade / Drak’thul
Burning Legion
Chamber of Aspects
Darksorrow / Genjuros / Neptulon
Darkspear / Saurfang / Terokkar
Doomhammer / Turalyon
Dragonblight / Ghostlands
Dragonmaw / Haomarush / Spinebreaker / Stormreaver / Vashj
Emerald Dream / Terenas
Kilrogg / Nagrand / Runetotem
Lightbringer / Mazrigos
Shattered Halls / Sunstrider et al.
Tarren Mill / Dentarg
The Maelstrom / Deathwing / Karazhan / Lightning’s Blade
Thunderhorn / Wildhammer
Twilight’s Hammer / Agamaggan et al.
Twisting Nether

This doesn’t include the following, “RP” realms, that are now dead for RP:
Darkmoon Faire / Earthen Ring
Defias Brotherhood / Ravenholdt et al.
Moonglade / Steamwheedle Cartel / The Sha’tar

Leaving the sole RP realm:
Argent Dawn

Please deduce from this list’s headings which realms are appropriate for those who do not roleplay, and from there choose one of those 40+ realms available, which have varying populations and faction balances to suit your taste.

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AD suits the taste of players like The Scarlet Crusade.

He is missing the point anyway. We don’t want OOCers here or people advertising Argent Dawn to that type of crowd just because there is essentially a free WM bonus. I main Horde and I’ve already learned to live with it.

An influx of non-roleplayers is nothing but bad news and since AD is the only remaining RP server with the others having died down due to OOCers all we can do is advocate it be left to the people who use it for its advertised purpose.

OOCers bring more harm than good to the server. Alright, it’s nice you don’t disrupt RP but for every one of you there are 10 that do, like the aforementioned Aboms. Just committing yourself to stand on the sidelines simply won’t do. If you don’t at least have the intention to participate there are better alternatives. Why should the RP community somehow welcome OOCers when they’re automatically spat out on PvE/PvP servers?

You don’t want, but they want. It’s not all about what your “type of crowd” want. If you enable PvP or WM, you are in their game mode - WPvP. If they have fun killing PvP flagged players, they are playing the game as intended.

A sizeable chunk of whom, I can only hope, ate a ban for their griefing and horse-related ERP antics.

I can look at all the statistics behind your character on the armory and see that you basically don’t play to begin with.

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The policy against griefing, throwing, etc it’s a general rule, applied for all Blizzard games.

If Blizzard based their policy rules around a hierarchy of sources, a specific game policy shouldn’t contradict the general policy.

In fact, the source you link analyze PvP harassment such as ganking.
The source I’ve link analyze a general Code of Conduct, regardless of the game or Warmode.

If you grief (intentionally disrupting the immersion of another player in their gameplay), you’re breaking the Code of Conduct. You should get a ban.

An example from US forums:

*Harassing comes to interpretation on this case I guess. If harassment counts as personal attack for hours and hours then you’ll get reported and you should get ban.

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From what I heard the only issue was their names getting reported as non RP or something.

The Scarlet Crusade does not suit the tastes of Argent Dawn, and as mentioned, will have hopefully taken a ban for their foul misdeeds.

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