Argent Dawn is a WPvPer’s heaven

The vast majority of OOCers you will never interact with, they are busy playing and immersing themselves.

The Aboms WPvP, there is a RP theme there for those who wish it, if they wish it, this is a simple war mode issue, there is no problem with their gameplay choices as it is in keeping with realm rules, maybe even inspiring other players to get involved in these events.

You get what you give, until things change that is the world we live in.
Unfortunately there are some trolls that exist, would be nice if the ignore function phased these players out or something, this kind of added protection is something i’d get behind.

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The disruption of roleplay overrules the whole ‘PvP’ argument you’ve going on when it comes to RP realms. You can get banned for jumping in with the soul intent of griefing/ruining someones immersion.

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It’s not actually, whem you have PvP enabled and war mode off you deliberately opt out of the World PvP phase/experience

If someone still follows by toggling the same settings they are provingly griefing and get suspended

t. epic PvP gamer who had players suspended with this exact same reasoning the last time I bothered to report a few wingadings that wanted to grief one of my events in BFA

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It’s quite literally like going to a party but not taking part in it or bothering to mingle with the guests. Why even go there then?

Also Vaeyn you’re still missing the point or just aren’t bothered to educate yourself on the rules that are in place on a RP server. RP-PvP is a thing and if an event is ongoing but disrupted with the intention to grief then that’s a bannable offence. All the other RP realms including those with the PvP monniker have all died out due to an influx of OOCers. War Mode is the means through which real World PvP experienced.

I play plenty, WPvP and random bgs mostly - here’s my PvP stats. Honor level 237 is not any indication of PvP skill, I am average, but it shows good participation.

Nice attempt to bolster the weak points being made by AD rpers tho.

As I said, the rules for PvP enabled players are different. Killing PvP flagged players is not considered griefing by Blizz. OP was talking about WM, but PvP is PvP. Turn off if you don’t want PvP. I’d be surprised if what you quoted is a blue post, but link it for us. Here’s what Blizz support says, which contradicts your quote.

If you do not wish to engage in open world PvP combat in World of Warcraft, disable War Mode.

Your tastes. As players on AD, they have as much right to play on AD as you do. You actually encourage them with your complaints, that’s on you. No bans for PvP, more likely to be banned for foul harassment whispers when PvP happens.

Made up rules.

Wrong. PvP on is WPvP, turn it off if you don’t want PvP.

You can get someone suspended sure, an individual gm has discretion to do what they want. But PvP toggled on, you are in WPvP mode.

It’s not though, people have been reported and banned for it. It’s a fact.

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It shows you grinded really crazily when Legion WQ’s inflated honor levels. You have, in fact, not even reached a single Rated PVP title. 0 M+ and no real raiding the whole expac to show for your time, either. You’re a welfare player looking for welfare gameplay.

To get wasted/get laid/dance to music/show off my awesome outfit and plenty more options, it basically ties back in to things you mentioned with Abom, everybody is always going to have different tastes, life would be a better place if people could respect those differences and co-habitate with eachother amicably.

Oh and just in case somebody thought to mention “this realm aint fo that” I live in a bubble you do too !

Griefing RP-PvP events does get people banned. Different rules on RP servers. Again, educate yourself.

Why are you trying to be an apologist?


Local man too stupid to figure out how the game mechanics actually work.

No, WPvP is War Mode, you’ve just quoted the Blizzard Support page stating as such

Having WM off and PvP enabled is just either neanderthal territory if you want to WPvP or taking part/griefing an ingame event that requires PvP enabled

Sadly this hasn’t failed me once when I resorted to reporting griefers so whatever you say/type at this stage has 0 substance

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No, they’ve violated the ToS on multiple occasions, ergo, voiding any right they have.

Yes, being annoyed with griefing means that it’s my fault I’m griefed. Let me guess, the kid who had his lunch money stolen deserved it because he complained as well?


If it’s not a made up rule, you should be able to quote the rule… has to be in regards to PvP/WM toggled on.

Which shows participation, your original complaint against my profile was lack of participation. Now you change your strat.

What you are doing here, is a standard attempt to devalue my points, by showcasing my lack of rated PvP and M+.

I don’t have rated or M+ on my profile… because I mostly WPvP, which is what this post is about… so by highlighting that, you actually REINFORCE my points. Lol.

How many got banned for PvP on AD? Show me the numbers :slight_smile:

I support WPvP in all its forms.

Or someone turns on PvP, and expects to not be attacked. Naive.

WPvP is not War Mode. WPvP was always a thing on old RP and PvE realms before War Mode. If you look at the title of the dedicated forum for this topic, which is where this should actually have been posted… it’s named “War Mode and World PvP”. This indicates that Blizz consider WPvP as its own thing as well as being War Mode.

But how many where suspended or banned? Numbers. 0?

Show me the rule, it must mention PvP enabled “griefing”.

You enabled PvP, a completely out of place analogy. If the kid enabled PvP and complained about PvP - they asked for it, literally.

There’s 0 actual progress associated with World PvP, so I’ll just not take your word for it. You don’t actually play this game :clown_face:

I lost track buddy and sadly naming any of them is naming and shaming

Guess you have to try your luck and grief an RP-PvP event thats outside War Mode and hosted by me/the community Im in :slight_smile:

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Lol. Being the “show me the numbers” guy when you’re an outsider who has no idea of how the rules work on AD isn’t a viable way of arguing it’s not true.

But hey, I formally invite you to Argent Dawn sometime and frequent the forums on when a RP-PvP event is being hosted. Let’s see how long you last before you get banned with the “I’m just PvPing bro” mindset.

Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behavior is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.

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tbh before war mode GMs took the high road and went “If you have PvP on/play on a PvP server then you must use the ingame system to sort out such actions” which was their rule of thumb

Ever since BFA launched this was dropped for some magical reason when some silly individuals turned WM off and PvP on for the sole purpose of griefing an RP event that had PvP included

Indeed, it wasn’t a blue post. Couldn’t find one since the rules are ambiguous and come down to interpretation.
You’re right about PvP flagged players, although is you gank someone for several hours you should get banned.

These go hand in hand and is the reason why disrupting a RP-PvP event is a bannable offence.

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