Argent Dawn is a WPvPer’s heaven

Ok boomer?

Strange how you use that logic when it comes to PvP, and not when it comes to RP, I mean by selecting Argent Dawn, you are selecting RP mode, so why is PvP this poor sacred cow that must be protected at the cost of other modes. Why come to an RP realm, to disrupt RP, when you could just PvP to your heart’s content on -EVERY- other Realm?

You do see how obnoxiously selfish that is, right?

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It’s non-applicable in instances where war mode is disabled and PvP was turned on to facilitate RP events on an RP server

Did this roundabout with GMs before and I won out, I still invite you to test your luck with griefing buddy with your vapid erection for evidence

Well, unless you’re scared of the consequences lmao

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Probably scared he’ll:
A. join the Scarlet Clowns in purgatory
B. Get ganked by Horde players

You lost the argument, and respond like this? Pathetic.

They selected RP mode, and chose to override it with PvP mode. You may not like my opinion, but you can admit Blizz agree that PvP is acceptable behaviour in PvP. I don’t consider it obnoxiously selfish to play a game mode as intended.

“The Game Master staff will not intervene in Player versus Player (PvP) disputes.”

Wrong, it does not mention RP or non RP realm type. It’s a blanket statement for all WPvP that is written before WM is mentioned on the support article.

I don’t doubt an individual GM could be sympathetic, and use their discretion to warn or ban. But, did the GM tell you the player(s) were banned? How do you know they were banned? If you don’t know they were banned, you can’t say they were banned. Am I right?

You like rules so much, why do you break forum rules by using sexual language? Double standards?

Remember that RP funeral incident?

Remember the internet?

The one place where you can be assured, if somebody has the chance to be a #### they will.

If you are intent on not being disrupted you have to take precautions, it’s not a perfect world we live in and no mollycoddling on a realm this packed with people each who hold their own values in RP and otherwise.

Both sides in this seem to enjoy flinging their poo at the others everybody got that big stink.

It’s still very possible to have an acceptable experience with all these players, crap happens but so does waking up to cramps, sometimes you gotta take it as it comes and move on AsAp

I didn’t lose the argument. You’re just an ignorant factbook checker asking for numbers that don’t exist on account of Blizzard not offering those kind of statistics. It’s the entire grounds for you repeating the “show me evidence” drivel.

Just stop posting or something, dude. You offer absolutely nothing of merit and have no idea what you’re talking about. The suggestion has already been made for you to PvP here and disrupt a RP-PvP event. Go find out for yourself.


You don’t know anyone has been banned for PvP… tell me you know for a fact someone has been banned for PvP. No need to name names, just tell me you know for a fact someone has been banned.

Another sign of a failed argument, “stop posting”. Lol!

Like I said, I don’t doubt a GM could intervene because they feel like it or are sympathetic. But actual rule is…

“The Game Master staff will not intervene in Player versus Player (PvP) disputes.”

So you encourage PvP on AD… you’ll be popular lol. I think the others are trying to stop this rather than encourage. You are on your own hehe, oh, no, Tehuwo also wants it to happen. If there’s ever a Horde PvP event let me know. I don’t care about a ban, good to test the rules.

I do.

Look for a youtube video about Argent Dawn and a player called Solexion. He was permanently banned.

Yes, I know for a fact people have been banned as it happened to some I personally knew. I hung around that type of crowd for quite some time, though I never endorsed their disruption of RP-PvP. Their punishments varied from warnings to between 24-72 hour suspensions.

You just broke forum rules, well done. Rules seem flexible for the WPvP haters.

Excellent, we can take your word for it then.

Then now we know GMs disregard Blizz’s own rules.

“The Game Master staff will not intervene in Player versus Player (PvP) disputes.”

And this…

“you can freely choose when you want to engage in open world PvP combat by enabling or disabling your PvP flag.”

And this…

“If you do not wish to engage in open world PvP combat in World of Warcraft, disable War Mode”

Good thing it’s an RP dispute then.

You still are too ignorant to properly surmise that the rules apply differently on RP servers. You have to read between the lines a little bit, but conventional wordings of the rules that normally apply on PvE or PvP servers function and are interpreted otherwise.

Permitted or not, who cares. Ruining an RP event for sh*ts and giggles is a douche move. If you don’t intend to RP don’t be that guy who ruins the fun for others.

The support topic I quoted does not distinguish between RP and non RP, it’s PvP flagging and WM enabling.

Where are rules that state RP PvP is different? You can at least prove that, because it’s written down right?

That’s just opinion. For the player doing the disrupting it’s fun for them. Why should they not have fun?

Im not going on the route where i see people from AD while im on turalyon… i will say that sharding exclusive to certain realms is amazing and is not fair that it is the only server to work like that. but yh i would not move cause i dont engage in RP stuff, still find amazing peoplr who do it, must be something unique.

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The game masters do tho lol

because intentional griefing is a punishable ingame behavior as per the rules quoted here already

as for the having fun part, you have to have some very strange disability to play this game and do something you don’t enjoy, so it’s already a dumb non-argument to make

Idk bud, if your idea of fun is ruining a group’s planned events just for giggles idk what to tell ya other than don’t be that guy.

I already quoted that griefing and undermining another player’s gameplay experience go hand in hand in this case. That includes RP-PvP which is a gathering of a lot of players. Those who are guilty of disrupting this have gotten banned. All I can give you is anecdotal evidence because, again, Blizzard do not release their banning statistics.

You will have to take our word for it because you’re not from this server and are both unaware of its rules and have no experience seeing how things transpire in the first place.