Arguements against DF are stupid

Same here…


i would 100% agree with the Dungeon Finder is bad Argument if Dungeon would be End game content and had meaning besides Rep and Token grind

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Come on, who told blizz we don’t want LFD? WE WANT IT! I’ve got 5 lvl 70 chars and 3 more 60+, I don’t want to level them through questing only. And I’m hella frustrated to spam /4 to get a group, then run to the dungeon only to find out I have to wait for 10 mins more because no one else did and then someone leaves while you’re all inside and you have to spam for another guy, then either wait or go outside to summon… This makes me hate dungeons. I’ve had enough ‘fun’ w/o LFD.


so 1 thing, that you dont actually need, especially after release, is enough to kill it for you?

talk about chucking the toys out the pram, im getting on that boat to northrend with or without LFD

I didnt say I will not play. I only said this announcement killed my hype. Learn to read.


exactly, you will play it either way, so stop playing a victim and get on with it

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And yeah, what ‘socializing’ you’re all talking about? /w ‘+’? Or ‘no rogues/wars/insert any low-dps class’?

You can always talk if you want. LFD could be limited to realm-only search, that would be fine. I even had conversations in SL while leveling and doing dungeons. So that’s not a valid point.


As a person who actually prefers LFD, I still agree with a lot of the points you presented. I’m the kind of person who likes instanced PvE the most when everybody is on voice and we can have all the banter we want while still playing and such. It is meant to be a social game after all. But, with 5m, this for me breaks down because of two main reasons:

  1. It’s a lot more unrealistic to expect a 5m dungeon run to happen on VC than it is for a 10m raid. Of all the 10m raids I’ve done since TBCC, exactly one Karazhan and zero ZA have been voiceless. On the other hand, the near totality of 5m pugs I’ve done were voiceless. This drastically diminishes the social experience, because if I’m using my hands to play the game and do the pulls (or DPS, or heal, depending on the role), then I’m not going to use them to chat with other players, nor will they in return.

  2. The reward-to-effort ratio just isn’t there. The typical TBC dungeon gives about 3 Badges of Justice (I’m not even going to count the rest of the loot because, aside from a couple trinkets, it’s mostly easily replaceable). But everytime the chance to join a dungeon comes up, I’ve been telling myself, “Why should I spend 10-15 mins to get the group started (if not more), then get to the dungeon, spend another 15-30 mins to actually do that dungeon, and get away with 3 measly badges, when a single Karazhan run lasts less than 2h, gives me 22 badges, better loot, and is a better social experience to boot?” With LFD, at least, you can get your 3-4 emblems in a single 15-20 min run in WotLK, and you can chainspam those more easily - making it a more veritable alternative to running raids. The only reason why I would end up spamming heroic dungeons in TBC would be if I were truly desperate for Badges on my main, but thankfully I’m not.

Ofc I’m willing to concede that this changes in WotLK for reasons more than LFD: dungeons are shorter/easier/faster, emblems are more rewarding, etc. But LFD still plays a critical part in shortening the group-forming ordeal - which, in WotLK, would prolly take even longer than the dungeon itself (I mean, it already does in TBC sometimes).

In conclusion, I agree with your sentiment, but I tend to find that social spirit you speak of more in raids than in dungeons these days, and the cons just don’t outweigh the pluses anymore in my eyes. Dungeons, by and large, are a means to actually have fun in raids these days. At least for me. And sure, it will suck when my LFD run gets joined by numbskull ninjas occasionally. But it’s a price I’m willing to pay if the alternative would’ve been no run at all, and/of if it means more opportunities to gear up alts for raids and such where the real fun is to be had.


As a customer I have all the rights to put my complain here. So If You be so kind to f off from me and move on with Your life. I would appreciate that.


as a customer i have all rights to put my complain about brats like you, so why would i f off, like i said, wipe away the tears, pick up the toys and get on with it, cus with or without LFD youre playing it haha

Apparently You are not that far from me.

ummm what haha

As I thought, calling other ppl brats, tough You should stay at school to learn to read ;). Anyways I will not respond to You anymore, hence You can write to the void.

well the word " brat " isn’t too hot but has a little spice, i mean it got a reaction from you,

umm youre talking about going back to school but you said " tough you should stay at school to learn to read " literally makes no sense haha, so good job

What a smooth brain comment holy shet…

RDF literally engages the casual/shy crowd with group content and puts them out there to potentially be picked up by guilds or added to people friends list then these people just not existing and doing everything solo untill a point they cant solo anymore and just quit.
This will literally hurt player numbers and its an insanely stupid change.


I dont get it either, RDF literally engages more people into group content.
Im already seeing way more people saying they wont play wrath without RDF then people that are happy about this change, its incredibly stupid and i absolutely do not believe it was a mayority that wanted the RDF tool gone from wrath…


Yeah, because people not being forced to even talk or interact with each other to access the content in the first place somehow encourages player interaction more than actually interacting with others organically out of necessity naturally does. Don’t call others a smooth brain while missing the entire point. I’m not for an AUTOMATED system that decentivizes interaction to begin with.


Like anyone interacts with each other outside of “/w inv” like cmon get a grip xD

Not just that, like ive said multiple times already you tryhards get to keep your forced social interaction in raids and the casual/shy crowd gets to engage in group content in dungeons and possibly make friends/find guilds in there rather then being to shy or just socially awkward to talk in LFG chat and having these people never engaging in anything social/group related.

This change will literally only hurt player numbers and small servers unless they improve on the BC LFG tool and allow crossrealm grouping.
Its both corporate greed and hurting player numbers at the same time, its insanely stupid.


We need LFD in the game, anyone saying the opposite should stay on SoM vanilla or TBC.


so you cant play wrath without LFD, that’s fair enough, each to their own