Arguements against DF are stupid

They should add in LFD to WOTLK, it was part of WOTLK and when it came I thought it was great, it’s only used for casual content which is why it’s fine. Maybe they can add it in a later patch to follow WOTLK and avoid the inevitable wipefests in Heroic dungeons (lol at people who will think they are gonna be much easier than TBC ones).

The problem with no LFD is dead servers, dead servers everywhere. Once you’ve seen someone sat there for an hour trying to find a dps for a daily heroic, you know LFD is a good solution.


I can already see

“LFM Azjol Nerub Heroic, 5000+ GS fast run”

:wink: :slight_smile:


Great community when you’re excluded from a pug after asking for hours in trade chat just because you’re not the class they are looking for.

People seem to forget how much of an annoyance it was during Wrath after the entire Gear Score debacle to find a dungeon group, LFD actually leveled the playing field.

But I’ll bite;
You solve the entire issue where you destroy the “community” if you limit the LFD system to only work on your own realm, problem solved.
People will still be held accountable, randomly leaving a heroic dungeon will still cause people to be blacklisted from server discords.


Removing LFD is a poor decision from the Classic team, save the sweeping changes for SoM


Glad they finally listened and are not adding that crap to the game.


That just means nobody will do those heroics beyond the starting leveling phase - why wasting time with those when you can just do Naxx 10/25 instead?

I can’t help feeling like Blizzard went with a no-change policy when they shouldn’t have, and went with “some changes” again when they shouldn’t have. They just got it backwards.


They blocked LFD so people will talk about that and not boost prices as well as special edition prices and bonuses :smiley:

Mega realms, boosting, botting, monofaction realms, grouping addons… it’s obvious players will go for convenience and any “old feel” was long lost and gone.

LF Tank or Tank/Healer spam will be fun, but now dual spec won’t be listed as “solution” for it :stuck_out_tongue:

I was horrified to learn they are outright removing RDF. Like, I read the news some hours ago and I’m still reeling from it and can’t get over. It was the single feature I looked forward to the most in wrath. No more sitting in Dala for 2 hours spamming LF1M tank while sometimes instantly replacing dps slots as they leave.
WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY THINKING! It’s the same crap as batching in Classic, a few rose-tinted idiots making Blizzard do an idiotic change that will make game worse for 90% of normal players 90% of time.
I still have hope they will revert course. This is maddness. I mean I’ll still play most likely, but the experience will be SO MUCH more tedious and unpleasant.
By Elune I can’t cope with this. It’s like a gut punch.

This guy expressed my feelings in one sentence nicely. All hype - gone. Just bitter feeling in my mouth.


Back when people where suggesting changes and QoL stuff when Classic launched. The “no-changes” brigade was up in arms and demanding Classic to be exactly like it was in the 2004-2006.
Now removing LFD which WAS in the original WOTLK…and the “no changes” brigade is suddenly…quiet. Double standards much? :rofl:

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They should’ve done some changes to Vanilla and leave TBC and WotLK as they were. Instead they did the opposite.


You being anti-social isn’t an argument, no.

You don’t know anything about me.

We’re literally playing an MMORPG.

No, I don’t think the entire community should suffer because people can’t be bothered to talk to others or make an effort to network. An MMORPG shouldn’t be balanced around the idea that it’s a single player game where you don’t have to interact with other people in any meaningful way to access the content.

Blizzards mismanagement of the servers is one thing but even if they did add LFD these people still wouldn’t be raiding, or doing anything meaningful because their server is quite literally dead. That’s a broader problem that I don’t think can be solely solved by LFD, good luck raiding on a dead server or advancing on a dead server.

You, I and everyone else are not entitled to anything, no.

In Wrath the server community of Argent Dawn basically evaporated, people didn’t even bother to speak openly anymore to each other unless they were absolutely forced too because they no longer needed too. There was no incentive to bother. Players become obstacles when they no longer have value and there’s no point in interacting with someone when you’re essentially in an atomized city where the individual has no real value because everyone is replaceable and equally worthless at the same time. It’s like when 10,000 people apply for the same job or more accurately your profession is filled with people ready to take your spot, the larger the pool there is to draw from the more worthless you are as a candidate. If you think the servers are unfriendly and hostile now wait until you become a meaningless number in a crowd.

Cross realm and automation is what I think is the key issue. Most people don’t seem to really care because they just want to mindlessly consume a product regardless of the long term consequences. I’m not opposed obviously but I doubt anyone else here agrees they want to cross realm easy access unlimited dungeons and ultimate convenience at all costs. I think that’s a reasonable compromise, I might have said something about retails mythic tool but clicking a button and typing words upsets everyone apparently.

Progressive servers would have been better. That way we dont get LFD untill the end of Wrath so everyone would be happy.

Though the No-Change Brigarde whas silent too, when the paid realm transfer came and you could get to any server with it and not only for those with lower population or does it whas two phases to early.
Or at least I have never seen someone really complain about it.
And now we are here with megaservers that would have been locked back then.

Couldnt have said it better myself 100%

Dungeonfinder would’ve been released in the last content-patch anyways, you would’ve had to socially interact with people for the fast majority with or without the finder.

Also, if you think the chats are too bloated then critique that & don’t scream for a bandaid.

[quote=“Keragom-firemaw, post:1, topic:353501, full:true”]
Everybody is spamming the “it destroys the social aspect” reason and i thought they had a point until I actually started playing TBC in preperation for Wotlk.

Trade Chat, World Chat, any Chat is just filled with ENOURMOUS spam of “GDKP GDKP GDKP” and “WTS BOOST WTS BOOST WTS BOOST”. [/quote]

Yeah I dunno why people prefer annoying people by bloating their chat is more fun than having the dungeon finder.

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Yup, we need DF or the removal of xp gain when a max level is boosting a lower level.


How does that make him or her an anti-social? You do know that people do not talk to each other.

Do you even know what mmorpg even means? Because you still would play a mmorpg.

Clearly he or she does since you are not proving him or her wrong.

Right and here it is the “entire community” like how the “entire community” suffered because of flying skill or mounts in wold pvp. Do you even have any evidence or proof to any of your nonsense? You do know that mmorpg are single player games as well as multiplayer games. Do you do quest in a group or alone?

That is funny since the LFD did solve the issue but clearly YOU people still can’t think beond your selfishness.

Wrong if we paying for it then we are entitled to it and the lfd was the in wrath and it should be there this time as well.

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I moved to Argent Dawn after the server I was originally from died, which was Stormreaver.
Blizzard made the mistake during Mists to combine Stormreaver with Aggra which was the new Portuguese server, which resulted in half the trade chat and LFG chat to be unreadable by the audience. As a result most people who spoke English or used English as their preferred language jumped ship to greener pastures.

In comparison RDF never had such an impact on Stormreaver, as other people have illustrated players who wanted to still did dungeons with friends or guildies, but the people who had less time to organize groups in LFG could queue up and knock their daily heroic out of the park, or queue up for more heroics if they wanted to and had the time.

RDF was in Wrath for about half the expansion’s cycle, the developers outright stating it will not be added into the game because they want to promote server communities so the social element is preserved is quite funny. When boosts to level 58/70 are given to players which trivializes half the social element of the game (which is leveling and grouping up to achieve something) then that shows that their priority isn’t the social element.

Using your own argument in high-populated servers you have thousands of people that want to tag along for a DPS spot for a random or a daily heroic, they are essentially thousands of people applying for the same job. What do you think the chances are for them to get into a group, in a reasonable amount of time?

I’m in agreement that the current mega-servers in Classic are a monster of Blizzard’s creation, but as a player I shouldn’t have to deal with having to sit in trade spamming people to get into a group just because they can’t get their priorities sorted. This was also an issue in original TBC and Wrath but with the sheer magnitude of some servers it’s almost impossible for someone as a DPS to get into a group unless you pay someone gold to take you with them, and as a result of the imbalance tanks and healers are selling their services at a premium which I can’t imagine was the intention.

Not to mention the issues this causes for lower population realms that have players leveling that can’t get groups together to do dungeons. I completely understand why people are angry with the way devs have been communicating, and this issue doesn’t just resolve around RFD as they have also mentioned that they want to change how dual spec works.


So you rather have people spamming LFG for hours on end to no succes.
Because every sweating neckbeerd is selling boosts and any low level andy is buying boosts.

You’re deluded to think your unique experience is community for everyone.
The wow community is solo focussed no longer socially focussed. That’s why many people have mixed feelings about classic, it’s not truly classic because yo ucan’t find a dungeon group because everyone is buying boosts. You can’t find a raid guild because everyone is doing GDKP pugs.