Arguements against DF are stupid

As a person who never played the game extensively past WotLK (other than a brief stint at BFA where I didn’t even get to max level because I hated the way classes played now compared to then), I just don’t get it honestly. I’ve played for years on pservers like Warmane etc. where LFD has always been a thing and it’s never been this huge community destroyer ppl claim it to be, because raid pugs are the main way for people to meet each other and start seeing if the other ppl are players you would be happy to play more with or not.

This kinda feels more and more like flying, where people are retroactively applying a retail-minded outlook to older games where those insights don’t really apply just as well.

It’s not that socializing isn’t a good thing. It’s that dungeons, as they are in TBC/WotLK, are just not as good of a play to get it going as raids are, and this change will harm people wanting to enjoy the game for the raid experience even more. And it’s not like getting into a raid requires you to be into a “clique”, there’s plenty of pug raids occurring just on LFG chat, all you need is some basic level of gear, Discord, and you’re good to go. I’ve had plenty of ppl telling me “damn nice gear” for ZA with characters that rly only had T4-level of gear mostly.

Right clearly YOU did not even read the dictionary but then again you can’t even prove me wrong. Again LARGER LETTERS are just that LARGE LETTERS but clearly you have no education on WRITING. Funny how you say that i insult YOU when YOU think that i am malding which YOU have no PROOF OF. And all i am asking is for YOU to provide ME with REAL EVIDENCE which YOU HAVE NOT. Clearly YOU lack any mental maturity to even play or understand MMORPG.


Me trying to dissuade you? Dude all i am doing is PROVING YOU WRONG WITH OTHER MMORPG THAT HAVE THE SAME OR SIMILAR SYSTEM so YOUR ARGUMENT ABOUT COMMUNITY DOESN’T ARE NOT VALID. How hard is it for you to understand BASIC ENGLISH? Funny how you keep blaming OTHER THINGS like housing and LFD but but you can not comprehend that maybe people just do not wanna talk to YOU or that they are using other tools to be social at.

Right it is just the LFD that made the retail to what it is. <-OBS sarcasm. Funny how YOU can not even prove that at all.

Except it is not a “no, u” argument anybody with a brain would know that. Clearly you lack both brain and education. By the way still waiting for proof and evidence.

Warmane? Where it’s common for people to randomly whisper you to kill yourself because you parsed 98 instead of 99? Where people trade characters, buy gold and regularly sell their characters? That Warmane? Warmane is probably one of the most hostile environments there is, I don’t think I’ve seen more slavjank and eastern euro warring until I made the mistake of rolling on Lights Hope. Warmane is also a single server with a huge population last time I checked, or has that changed in recent years? Do they have multiple different servers now with cross realm?

We’re just going to go back and forth here aren’t we? I can’t say I didn’t have the experiences I’ve had, or the generally positive experiences I continue to have, or pretend they no longer exist because you think Warmane is a good example of an active community. Do you think it’ll harm the raid experience because of ease of access to gearing for raids, or because you think as things currently stand now people won’t be able to gear naturally? LFD wasn’t even in Wrath until the very end of the game you know that right?

Sorry buddy, come back to me when you’ve taken your meds.

Dunno what’re you talking about as Warcraftlogs wasn’t even a thing back when I played there in 2015-16 or so.

No but I was looking forward to just being able to occasionally queue for a dungeon while I’m outside doing other stuff, just as naturally as one queues for a random BG or something, as I’ve always done with LFD. But I guess it’ll be another whole expansion of playing “fastest whisper wins” with LFG chat for a daily group (or spamming “LF tank” if making one such group) once again. The real social experience.

Right it is funny how you losers always run away when you can not even defend your own stupid arguments. You say that i have a problem and yet YOU still can not even PROVE THAT. Clearly YOU have no evidence at all to any of your “arguments” Then you cry how other people “insult” you but here you are. By the way you do know that i can report you for harassment and discrimination for that comment alone.

But then again you people clearly have no education and intelligence at all. Which proves my point that LFD did not affect the social aspect in WOW.

Legacy raider I think it was called? Legacy player? World of logs? I can’t remember which it was exactly.

I don’t think you have to worry about that, enough people are complaining about it that it’ll be changed.

Still I don’t remember anybody ever asking me for my parses, like, ever. Let alone death threats. And I’ve been raiding ICC25hc for well over a year. I remember being asked for GS and achievs, yes, but never for parses. I didn’t even know about the whole parse meta before Classic in 2019.

Yes because Blizzard has never been the company who would be too stubborn to go back on a game change or decision in front of massive public outcry.

Googling around it looks like World of Logs got shut down a year ago or at least a forum post seems to suggest that. It seems strange, I thought everyone on Warmane used World of Logs to log their raids, or had done in the past. I know that’s how they checked whether the fights weren’t bugging out.

If you look at Brian has to say in twitter I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised how open minded he is, there’s things they’ve gone back on and changed (like removed quest text during the purge) I don’t doubt they’ll probably come to the concluson that LFD is what more people want.

From what I read they seem to be especially adamant about LFD. And what I’ve read on dual spec hasn’t exactly reassured me either. Not much because they want to change it, per se, but because many of his comments show he doesn’t even know how dual spec used to work in WotLK to begin with! How can I have any trust in devs that are supposed to recreate a game they themselves have seemingly no experience or clear recollection thereof?

IDK how this topic can spiral out of control so badly let me try to make my points here.

  1. Dungeon Finder will not be gone from Wotlk

  2. the thing they talked about from my understanding was that they will put it in
    but that you can only que up once you have a grp of 5 ppl so it is a complete change to what it used to be because they want to prevent randoms from leaving/ ruining the dungeon for the rest of the grp.

  3. it seems to me that some ppl do not understand that we do not want Raid finder we just want the Dungeon Finder tool back.

  4. the reason for why dungeon finder is bad is for most ppl that it will ruin player interaction and the social aspect from the game but that is wrong because for most players that played wotlk on p-servers like warmane or that played wow for 16+ years like me do not look for a fun dungeon time we want to be done with that as soon as possible.

  5. having Ninjas in the grp can happens regardless of dungeon finder because if i look for ppl with the LFG Addon those ppl are still strangers for me and that goes for anyone else

  6. Dungeon Finder is an easy way to lvl up alts in that regard it is 100% better than going through the same zones you already know for 16+ years lvling just takes to long even for someone like me yes i can turn off my brain and just lvl but i would go so much faster with Dungeon finder you can not tell me that it is a good way to spend time if i want a alt for gathering to then have to lvl from 1 all the way to 80 even if you are fast that stil takes like 2 weeks minimum.

  7. Dungeon Finder does in no way shape or form destroy the ingame world because ppl are not in a dungeon for 24 hours you do the daily quest and then you are done for the day.

  8. finding a grp in tbc is almost impossible without an addon and even with an addon it can take you hours to find tanks or healers no joke when i wanted to do BM normal in phase 2
    all i did was sit in front of the summ stone and wait for ppl to whisper me what a waste of time you can not leave and just farm stuff or do a couple of quests you are stuck there unless you want to risk the chance of someone joining and leaving again because you had to fly back to Tanaris and run all the way back to Caverns of time.

i understand why ppl have things against the Dungeon finder but most of the bad things can happen with a normal grp too and i think the good outweighs the bad here.


You know, sometimes its “small” decisions like these, can kill entire enthusiasm for something.


You’re right you know!

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You went to Firemaw and then you wonder why the community sucks? Bro, like, comon man.


Or leveling in the open world and not doing Dungeons :wink:

You went to Firemaw and then you wonder why the community sucks? Bro, like, comon man.

GDKP spam and WTS BOOST spam is not a firemaw specific problem. Stop putting words in my mouth. The community has degenerated because people are optimizing gold since the interactive elements of TBC are trash.


Alright i’ll stop with that when i start doing it, i guess? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

When ever i hear about this problem it’s almost always from people that have -firemaw after their name. It’s never been a big issue of the servers i have played on.


I’m pro LFD, but honestly, your behaviour kind of makes me wanna “change sides” just to not be on your “side”…

Your age might not be the issue sure, but your behaviour unquestionably is an issue.
Oh, you’ll want PROOF ofc. I’ll just refer you to any of the posts you made. There is your proof.

And regarding caps:
Specifically from the 2nd paragraph, if you scroll down just a tad:

  • Messages typed completely in capital letters are often equated on social media to shouting and other impolite or argumentative behaviors.
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brumhilda. also the above postere is aaa putino