Arguements against DF are stupid

Keep repeating yourself I’m sure I’ll change my positon any minute now!

Okay, now I’m convinced you’re trolling.

Then tell me how you don’t need to rely on other players to complete dungeons in WoW? Or more specifically heroic dungeons? Or why you think the lead designer that made the game doesn’t know the design intentions behind his choices? Don’t throw dirt at other people and then expect nothing back, someone not agreeing with you doesn’t mean they dislike you or can’t empathsize with you.


No, I’m posting but since you’ve soundedly won you can move on instead of repeating yourself and getting angry at me.

Hm I suppose I can respect that but obviously you can probably tell my own experiences have been quite positive.

I mostly agree, it might be better if they allow things to play out and then if it’s really negative they could always add it later at the end of the day just because I don’t want something it obviously don’t reflect what everyone else wants. I think your suggestion would be best, if the world flourishes then people don’t need it and if it doesn’t then obviously we do. I just personally would prefer it not to be x realm but whatever really.

I 100% agree on this. Blizzard shouldn’t have been so confident in saying that we don’t want LFD at all. This is the biggest issue atm. I think most players are fine not having this tool in the start of the expansion because it makes sense. Its just that they said, it won’t even be a thing in WOTLK. Not very smart IMO.

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Wow tone it down there mate no need to get angry at me. After all you clearly have no arguments and you can’t even prove me wrong. But then again people like you are the most selfish bunch of losers.

And now comes the “trolling argument” it is like YOU have nothing at all and instead of proving me wrong which in fact should be EASY for you pathetic losers, you run away. Why?

Because there is more to the game than dungeons and group quest. If you think MMORPG is less than that clearly YOU do not understand the word MMORPG. By the way MMORPG stand for MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE not need to talk to other people online. Again the lead designer can never tell people how they should play the game since the game is not for him. Funny how the dirt argument falls more on YOU than me.

So you have no proof at all. Like always you people who cry about the social aspect have no evidence or arguments.

Of course i won because unlike you i know what i am talking about. And i am not repeating my self at all it is YOU who clearly missing the point or refuse to acknowledge any other arguments.

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No, it is called “i play a rogue/warrior and nobody wants groups with 2 warriors and 1 rogue in them”.

You’re on a forum for a video game, arguing and shouting at someone you’ve never met, calling people losers. Vibe check.

You’re acting like a stereotype that’s why.

Exactly, that’s why I think decentivizing players from having to make an effort to speak with each other as they once did is bad. I don’t want diminish this through a system that automates the process for you.

Yes, that’s right no proof at all according to you.

Then why are you replying to me? If you’ve won, move on.

So now you using words you do not understand. Clearly thinking is to much for you.

Right now it is the you acting this way argument there fore you are x,y,z crap.

Right it is not like there are OTHER mmorpg that prove YOU wrong like ESO, SWTOR, FF14 and so on. So the system that automates the process doesn’t matter since again OTHER MMO does exist.

It is more like YOU haven’t shown ANY evidence at all and there for YOU can not prove me wrong.

Same could be said to you if you think that i won why are YOU replying to ME?

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Please, read my post again and try to understand - I am saying that blizz should stay true to its original concept, not just ‘preserve original wow as is’! Main playerbase loves original wow which is MMORPG, not ‘session-based online game’.

Obviously you wont argue that starting from wotlk online continuously went down - yea, sure, genre itself got less attractive to consumer… BUT! Literally tons of players complained about automation which grew bigger and bigger. Moving forward to modern competitors with matchmaking systems seemed logical at first, but now we can see that this didnt help and current online on retail servers is so small, that blizz had to implement cross-realm layers and stuff… Why would you want to go again this way?

We already got static community which is probably wont grow much, but it can decay pretty quickly if rails gonna be the same uknow? I think Blizzard understands this and doing right decisions in terms of combining vanilla stuff while fixing some bugs, providing seasons timeline and now removing lfg.
MMORPG should stay MMORPG. Period.

I can not agree more with you. This old lady from the expansion reveal who apparently is in charge of classic, CLEARLY didn’t log in TBC for a single minute. The game is absolute dogsh** filled with spammers and boosters, today i tried getting a group for Blood Furnance together, and ended up quitting after 30 minutes. The state of TBC is awful and anyone who doesn’t agree with that is either raidlogging, trolling, delusional or not playing the game


I suggest you group bulletin board addon to structurize LFG messages - obviously with huge online youve got same amount of spammers.

And ‘i tried to go somewhere and ended up quitting’ is just useless bunch of words without context - which server/class youre playing etc.?
If youre just another guy whos playing on popular dps class and your ‘trying’ is just ‘lfg %dungeon_name%’ - its only your fault, cause youre lazy enough to gather group by yourself / join guild / socialize / etc.

This is why Im saying that ‘automated-likers’ should not complain about classic, but play retail. Its not bad if you dont want to communicate with people - but classic implies those things…

You’re sat there insulting someone because they don’t agree with you on a forum,

A process by which a group or individual obtains a subjective assessment of the mental and emotional state of another person, place or thing.

Yours obviously isn’t doing so well otherwise you wouldn’t be throwing a fit, typing in caps to assert yourself and getting angry at me over a video game. I’m implying that you’re malding.

No, when you act your age I’ll stop thinking you’re either an elaborate troll or your average belf poster.

We’re not talking about other MMORPGs we’re talking about WoW and how it directly affected it. Trying to dissuade me by bringing other MMORPGs isn’t going to change that, I’m interested in this game and maintaining what it currently has. Although I don’t agree either as someone that’s actually played FFXIV on Balmung since ARR launch I can tell you that the community is in shambles compared to what it used to be, although I think the housing which turns FCs in to cliques is a major contributor to that as well.

You can repeat this mantra as much as you want it won’t change the state of retail.

“No, u!!” isn’t the most convincing argument.

No my entire focus is on having fun and socialize, and the only place where this can be realistically done, PvE-wise, is raids. In dungeons you just can’t, for reasons I’ve already mentioned a ton of times and won’t go over again and again just because you keep glossing over them.

As long as it doesn’t inconvenience the rest of the group significantly, what’s the big problem? Deserter already exists to make sure that people can’t just repeatedly leave and rejoin RDF to abuse the system, its length can be adjusted so as to discourage it enough.

They’re not going to speak either way for the most part, with or without LFD, because as I said a ton of times already, people ain’t gonna be spamming chat when their hands are busy actually playing the game - unlike in raids where voice chat is a thing and you can actually speak while playing.

None of the devs have any idea of the game at all. Just go read Brian’s tweets about Dual Spec - the guy doesn’t even know how Dual Spec worked back in WotLK, and yet this is the kind of guy who apparently takes decisions about what should be in the game and how. It’s actually kinda pathetic if you ask me.


I’m not going to pretend the friends I’ve made through dungeons don’t exist or the positive experiences I’ve had suddenly stop existing because I’ve met someone on a forum that tells me it’s a virtual impossiblity despite the fact my friends list is full because of it.

If any group member leaves the dungeon especially if that’s a tank or a healer that’s a massive inconvenience. You play a holy paladin, don’t you? Or was it a tank? I can’t remember exactly but I do remember you posted about it a while ago when people were arguing about the nerfs to Vashj.

I don’t disagree but knowing a good tank, knowing a good DPS, making those connections and having a sense of permanence in the community is something still exists on Earthshaker. I’m talking about people actually mattering in some meaningful way to the experience you’ve had. To me that’s important.

Either you write inhumanly fast or I guess you’re not rly playing in dungeons that well - if you tank, in particular, and you still find time to chat with other ppl while running dungeons, I sure hope you never tank anything in a group I’m in tbh.

My main is a tankadin, not gonna play a holydin main in this life^^ And yes it is still a nuisance, which is why I try to at least be more responsible, even in LFD, as a tank - but as a DPS I do expect to be easily replaceable in a LFD setting which frees a lot of burden off my shoulders in terms of “should I risk joining a dungeon run and miss a raid pug opportunity in the process?”

I do get these things. In 10m raid pugs. There’s plenty of established pug runners who know me and are friends with. Because in raids you actually get to talk with people. In dungeons? Nobody rly cares. The only good dungeon experience I remember was in early TBC when I leveled for 4 days or so by spamming dungeons. You know why? Because I was in voice chat with my guildies the whole time, playing alongside.

No, what I’m telling is that I’ve had positive experiences through them being good players and there’s a little banter of course. The people I’ve gotten to know through those experiences have become friends of mine, which is kind of the point those positive experiences would never come to be under any other circumstance but maybe it’s better we never meet each other because something tells me people saying “Hello!” at the start of the dungeon would cut in your schedule.

Right so, how often does your average pug reset and how many times a day do you run a dungeon? Do you see what I’m trying to say?

Well obviously our experiences are never going to match are they, you and I both have an entirely different philosophy behind the game. I leveled that way in TBC, I honestly regret it. Dungeon leveling like that was fast, efficient but after it we almost all felt burnt out because running x dungeon after the seventh time wasn’t very rewarding. Our MT is still grumpy about the experience.

I don’t know what you expect me to say, you’re telling me that no one really cares and I’m just going to tell you’ve had positive experiences which I think outweigh that. So what conclusion do want me to come too?

How much time do you even spend playing the game? How many chars do you actually play?

It was tiresome, and yeah I was exhausted at the end of it, but it still was more memorable than any random dungeon run I had with faceless pug nobodies who hardly write a thing once they’re inside besides “CC skull”.

I wish you would stop looking down condescendently on people in favor of LFD as if they were solo gamers who don’t understand what the MMORPG experience is about. It just makes you look like a buffoon who doesn’t even begin to understand what other people’s issues actually are.

I have a warlock, a mage and a rogue. The warlock is BiS geared but I like to do dungeons, the mage is ZA geared and the rogue is mostly for PVP. I tend to do the daily dungeon, maybe a HC or two for some shards and a little fun. I wouldn’t know about actual play time but it comes down too a few hours, maybe more on the weekend.

Well it’s like I said, I can’t pretend the friends I have or the guildies that have joined us because of those positive experiences don’t exist. I don’t think getting rid of the positive experiences you can have is a big enough trade off for the convenience.

You personally, or the belfposter that was malding earlier? I don’t think anything negative about you, at all. I only respond in kind. If not wanting to put the community I’m apart of on a sacrifical alter to appease people that don’t care for it makes me a buffoon so be it.

I have a paladin, a priest, a mage, a shaman and a rogue at 70. Excluding the rogue who’s mostly just for farming outdoors (kinda impossible to regularly find groups as a rogue anyway, I gave up early on in TBC), all the others are chars I regularly raid with, even in pugs. Especially since ZA came out with its 3-day lockout time, I never found myself in a situation where I couldn’t raid because I was out of lockouts. And given how long it takes to actually get all the items you could need from a dungeon, I will end needing badges (or emblems in WotLK) long before I’m ever done with the dungeon to begin with.

I mean, I’m not saying they don’t exist. But the only reasonable explanation I can find is that you play dungeons at a much slower pace than I and most other players do. Because when you’re just chaining through one pull after another, you’re not realistically gonna find time to write tons of stuff throughout the run, whether you like it or not.

I mean in general. Both you and the other ppl against LFD keep assuming that people in favor of LFD are anti-social a-holes - rather than ppl who just find the social aspect in more rewarding settings than frickin dungeons.

Now, if dungeons were both more difficult and more rewarding, to the point that (1) running them with voicechat is to be expected and (2) the reward you get in terms of gear and money justifies the time you spend forming the group and the chance of missing out on other stuff - then I’d be the first to run them, joyfully too. But this was never the case - not in Vanilla, not in TBC and, as things are panning out, not in WotLK either. Which is why, if this change takes place, I see myself sticking to raids where ppl actually use voicechat. For yet another expansion.

Yeah I understand, you have a vastly different experience to me because you’re obviously a lot more competitive than me. Obviously you know what my stand point is but you of course it’s going to be a benefit because you’re running dungeons and raids on so many different characters. Whether I agree or not because of my own circumstances is irrelevant it would definitely be better for you to have the system.

No, I’m not that slow we tend to do ZA in 50 mins but most of those experiences have essentially been like this. Find a tank, DPS, heals > is friendly > we run more than one dungeon together because the setup is great > end up inviting them to discord or adding them to friends > repeat.

I can’t speak for them but I think a lot of them see the mentality that’s taken over in retail where essentially people just view each other as either obstacles or a means to an end then after that they move on. The worry, or the concern, is that the positive behaviour ‘we’ see will fade out like it did before back when they added the system because the truth is that when people no longer need to rely on, or communicate, as they once did they no longer do. They retreat in to their cliques.