Armoury not updating since last night

Same issue here

Same issue here

same issue here

Same issue

Same ussue. Yesterday runs not recorded at all

Blizzard customer service is crap nowadays. They don’t care about you, they don’t care about me. They are just popping their template replies and don’t to do anything to even verify the issue. When you ask them about means to complain about your customer service experience, well no such means exists. They really do not care the biggest way you can imagine.

How hard is it to check your ingame data, your armory data, your API data and verify if your issue is actually the case. 5 mins tops? But no, issue doesn’t exist, problem solved.

While I understand guys replying the tickets are just pawns doing what they were told to do, I honestly can’t see how they can watch themselves in the mirror and not feel sick of themselves.

I play on an EU servers, I can not use my io not rather update it

Same here.

Ooh was posted on wrong character it seems. :slight_smile:
But for this character its the same.

Same for this one.

And this. Seems none of themare updated.

Same thing here!

Been so for the last two days.

Everyone says that “your run just haven’t made it to top100” even I’m only doing +10’s which is currently top30 for my realm. So there has to be something wrong.

I did a race change recently. Can that affect it?

I’m also affected by the bug

There is no run on any dungeon on the EU leaderboards I checked recorded after the 24 January, which means the problem is not isolated.

Same issue here nothing is updated in regards to m+ runs i have done :frowning:

Hey there,
my last recorded run was on Jan. 23rd it seems.
Neither run noch gear changes have been updated in quite while now. It would not be a major issue, because you can see your own progess ingame.
BUT: nobody else can, so getting a PUG with no updated score for Season 4 is a nightmare.
Please look into this!
Much appreciated!

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Same issue here

Same problem not a single update since yesterday morning

Yes same here please i done 6 10 keys that aint showing up on my score

OK! I will take back my “fixed”. My armory is not updated in terms of completed key runs. In-game when I press “i” and click “mythic Keystone” that tab is updated. But not my armory and since that neither my Raider IO desktop app or webpage.

Come on @blizzard how can it take more than 24h to fix a very big issue that affects huge numbers of players in your own game. An API-connector? Come on