Arms needs pruning in TWW

It’s just a button bloat, especially in aoe.

Sweeping strikes should be passive like in Legion.
Mortal Strike should have a talent where it becomes Cleave, does more DMG on one target but acts like cleave when there’s 3 or more in range.

Slam could be removed, just make Mortal Strike with no CD.

They need some pruning especially when they got a new ability in Colossus tree.


Mortal strike should have a talent where it becomes cleave ?? . Wth are u on bro.??

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Bake cleave into mortal Strike

The two buttons are only a “choice” between two abilities that full fill the same rotational spot. As you either cleave or you mortal strike.

It is a question of ;
“Spec mastery” the possibility to do the wrong thing. Learning to do the right thing is rewarding. Knowing when to press Mortal Strike and when to press cleave ‘matters’ to play the spec well.
“Spec simplicity” having the talent just replace mortal strike as a button (becoming Mortal Strike Cleave, for simplicity, the two combined), this makes it less mistake prone and less buttons that causes perceived needless complexity. Making the spec more approachable and for many more fun to play (as button bloat truly is a big turnoff for many).

Hope this helped to clarify the “Mortal Strike Cleave” idea, as it is one often repeated by a lot of players. Yet for the more veteran players, it seems just weird and a bit dumb :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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The only way I see for cleave replacing Mortal strike is : Having a new talent " Mortal Cleave" instead of cleave . It will deal the dmg of mortal strike to the primary target and the " cleave " dmg to nearby targets applying mortal wounds to all targets.
Btw the only ability needs pruning is slam . It just spends rage with no effect . It doesn’t buff any other ability it doesn’t get buffed by any other ability nor grants or applies debuff that increases dmg output.

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I agree. Too many buttons for something others can do with less.


Mix mortal strike and cleave i like it , I actually have too many buttons on my build for m + as arms warrior dps … Where i put all this skills no more room lol … Skullsplitter and demolish no idea where to put if they dont rework the class

Slam and whirlwind too should be mixed
Sweeping strikes should be passive , mortal + cleave mixed , im kinda worried …

The single target build is good , but the aoe m+ whit ravager , skullspliter , mortal strike 2 stuns fear reflect , crush , cleave , sweeping strikes … And a lot more of buttoms , Im expert arms warrior no problem … But … Stop it , remove stuff , then change it for better , i actually will pass taking some talents cuz space in confort zone keybinds are full …


Also, make “Rend” a bonus to “Deep wounds”, like they’re doing with Affliction’s “Siphon life”, besides button bloat, having a separate active DoT-skill isn’t really “Huge 2-hander” themed, is it?


It’s skill expression of reapply a bleed.

They should just make a talent choice, where Mortal Strike gets a cleave effect or change Dreadnought so that it also gives Mortal Strike the line cleave.
Rend could also get baked into Mortal Strike with a talent point instead of making it be an extra button. An escalating bleed build, where people keep on stacking bleed damage with Mortal Strike could be fun to play tbh.
Slam is just a filler for until people have enough rage regen and cd reduction for mortal strike spam, so i dont think they need to cut it.

I also think that Arms should have gotten Mountain Thane instead of Colossus tbh.
They always played more with Thunderclap than Fury.

Too much buttons for no reason. You guys put great ideas i would like to add making arms auto attack cleave secondary target also make the class 45 cd only either remove avatar or make other choices node something like : improved mastery, your auto attack have chance to hit additional 1 time, just like cataclysm mastery. I would like to see new animations for arms especially if my auto attack crits, add mortal compo from shadowlands back please and that head legendary that make mortal strike sometimes add colossus smash effect. Those execute talents are fun for like pre patch DF maybe first time playing the raid but it’s getting super boring especially on reclears when you can’t even max out 15 stacks of execute make these execute stuff passives nods like that speed up bleeds on targets , increase your crit damage, increase your haste or mastery. I would like to be passive stronger when i hit low target enemies it’s so much useful in m+ and arena these like 8 talents points for execute just to become average st dps only useful in mythic raids bosses.

I’m not entirely sure if you’re being sarcastic or not, but it’s not as if “Rend’s about to run out, reapply it” is such a huge expression of skill, is it?

It’s just so out of flavour for a 2-hander spec, to spend an attack giving the enemy a paper cut…

No offence, i mainly heal as:

Disc/holy priest
Resto druid

And alt pvp as srms.

It rly doesnt have many buttons.

Its just a bit cluny to do rotation

Don’t feel arms is anyway complicated, its just we lack something. Right now Fury got their dmg buff and now leaving arms in the dust. We don’t have the top dmg, controle, survivability nor anything in particular. Either they just buff our dmg and at least we have that. Or they need to add something.

It’s not complicated, it’s just too many abilities to bind


If you PvE only, u really dont have that many buttons or at least you dont use all of them.
And if you PvP, then well…long story short pruning is the worst possible thing that can happen to PvP (if it happened again).

Edit. Actually maybe the existence of Thunderous Roar seems completely unnecessary considering there is Bladestorm which does essentially the same thing.

Arms is having about 4 rotational buttons plus rend, honestly are you serious?

C’mon :DDD i play resto shaman and i have about 6 rows of spells in my UI. You are pulling a leg.

Not in AOE.

For keybind you need space for:
Thunderous clap
Sweeping strikes
Mortal Strike
Avatar/Recklessness (atleast macroed)
Thunderous Roar
(Insert any trinkets)

All of this is used on a AOE pull, that’s insane.

Me as a balance?
Fury of elune/moons
But on AOE you spam only Starfire and pump Starfall, dots reapply automatic with Starfall with a talent

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12 since you consider mobility and then you need to add heroic leap. Add 1 utility, 1-2 stuns (depends of the setup), 3 defensive skills and that’s it.

Sincerely it’s not the end of the world.

ST is way lower
Warbreaker/Avatar + trinket if available
Thunderous Roar
Sweeping strikes

In Execute phase we go down to 5 → Execute, MS, Overpower, Warbreaker/Avatar, Roar