Arms (PvP): What i miss from SL and DF and how to fix the spec and make it fun again

  1. Bring back necro banner and mortal combo from sl
  2. Bring back blademasters torment from DF
  3. Remove roar for banner
  4. Buff spear to sl lvls
  5. Fix modifiers
  6. Fix dstance to not nerf myself more then i proftit. Its cringe af. Go 20/20 or 15/15 or 10/10. 15/15 if u ask me. Then see.

Edit: Forgot something. Remove Massacre and let 20% execute do actual dmg instead of this filler crap dmg. Its not working anymore since almost one decade. …

Edit: The list goes on.

Buff stormbolt to 4 seconds again. Its ridiculous i can do 2 globals of dmg in my stun window.

Wild strikes and the stamina talent should be one point each. I cant pick half off the stuff in the class tree.

Bounding stride should come with regular leap. Same reason as above point.

Rally needs to get buffed in pvp. If u dont take both shout talents in pvp u can literally untalent rally. 10% on global 3min cd. Haha. Useless crap. Just let the shout talents be baseline in pvp for example.

The bladestorm pvp talent needs to be auto as well so u can pick sharpen, banner and disarm for example.

Spell reflect still reflecting 1 spell rather then lasting at least 1 second is so stupid as well. You have no clue what it breaks on.

I have no words for how broken this spec is atm. My lord. Tbh i have no hope. Its way too far off track.

Surely i missed some points. Was just in my anger. Will edit it as soon as i get new points.

Edit: Bring back ranged weapons.

Let mortal strike be usable again with a onehaner.

Its no complaint because the spec is bad rather its cuz i have so much passion with it and simply love it and its just not working anymore.

Edit: Fix arms hp. It doesnt make any sense fury warriors have 10% more hp cuz they wear a second weapon. Just silly af.

Edit: Reintroduce commanding shout as a perma hp buff, alternative to battle shout and reintroduce rallying cry (current commanding shout).

Edit: Fix die by the sword (retaliation)


Spear should be removed from the game, it makes no sense for Warriors. If I was developing Warrior I would remove it on the first day at the job.


Also no fan from it but it was allright in SL. Can remove it if u ask me but need to bring another capstone then.

Edited the post (extended)

pretty wild how cheeks this spec feels.

somehow one of the least mobile melee in the game even though the spec description comically includes the word ‘mobility’ to describe arms.

if you do get to the target your burst is pretty good but thats really it. just feels like you’re trolling a bit by not playing fury, which itself feels like you’re trolling by not playing feral or unholy.

#1 issue by far though is mobility and #2 is rage gen. rage gen is so bad its crazy.

some changes i’d like to see:

  • remove the rage cost from hamstring. we already have to spend a GCD on it while most other specs have a slow built into their rotation.
  • increase the range of hamstring to 8 yards.
  • reduce the rage cost of rend to 5 or 10.
  • let us move while channeling demolish so that it can’t be outranged and that we can actually use the parry component of the ability similar to how monks use turbo fist talent with fist of fury.
  • make thunderous roar 45 sec CD baseline.
  • readd ignore pain to anger management.
  • add more cool 2h maces. theres like 400 of the things and like 7 of them look good. come on.

think the whole thing needs larger changes though. the spec has 3 distinct builds in it - bleed build, bladestorm build and mortal strike/execute build.

if you go all into bladestorm, you do nothing outside of bladestorm. 0 pressure. if you go all into bleed, you don’t have any aoe pressure. if you go all into mortal strike/execute, you have 0 aoe pressure and do close to 0 dmg while being kited.


ngl i would gladly give arms more kit and remove it from fury

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