Arms vs Fury

Both Arms and Fury are good for dungeon play, I prefer Venthyr Arms, it’s super fun to be cleaving with SS + Condemn and weaving between Overpower (Dreadnaught), it’s very strong in this sense. Both Arms and Fury kinda suck at single target though, this will become clear when every class has Legendaries and raiding begins.

If you set aside raiding single target damage both Arms/Fury are good, but to be specific it depends what Covenant you choose, because it makes a big difference to how they play and has different strengths/weaknesses. Class balancing will come before M. raids, and they could turn the whole thing upside down.

Edit : To be clear though, I’m absolutely destroying people in dungeons as Arms, I would say Arms is a top 5 spec in dungeons this week.

I choose to be arms, as it is way more fun to play, yesterday was doing couple M+0 and almost everytime was on the high dps, so choice is yours, both specs are fun in their way.

Arms is superior to Fury in everything but sustained cleave situations.
It’s not really a debate, the sims are out, Arms stomps it and Fury needs a look at.

I play Fury because Arms feels horrible to play right now. I don’t really care that it’s worse DPS at the moment either. It will be buffed.

It’s also better for Torghast I found thanks to the self sustain it has over Arms. It’s fine in Dungeons too, I ran some Mythics and the cleave still feels great.

If you want to just do as much DPS as possible then play Arms.

Venthyr Arms that is. Kyrian is also good but Condemn pulls ahead in every situation that isn’t Cleave.

Yes Fury is alot better PvE sadly

Keep telling yourself that, Arms is one of the worst PvE specs atm. Now when we get raid gear that might change. But Even Fury feels clunky without haste.

Fury is better PvE atm, And Arms better PvP. But play whatever you like.

What are you talking about dude? Arms in dungeons right now is demolishing Fury and in the raid sims that just released Arms is also slightly above Fury. Arms due to DBTS synergy with Anima is also stronger in Torghast (because you can become unkillable vs melee bosses).

Arms and Fury are both in the bottom half of performers on pure single target, Fury has decent sustained AOE/Cleave but that’s about it, Arms dreadnaught + Condemn cleaving is really strong this week, one of the strongest dungeon specs.

Only the OP specs like MM Hunter and Unholy are really standing out ahead at M0. Arms right now this week is better than Fury at most everything. Where have you even got these ideas from?


I did a few dungeons yesterday as Fury for the first time, I feel I do more dps overall over the whole dungeon run, averaging out on around 4k+ dps depending on dungeon, Arms for me has been slightly less, but tbh that’s mostly because it’s getting hard now to use Condemn on targets before they dip under 80% if you have a decent group, with more beefy mobs later in M+ I feel arms might do a lot better again.

Both specs are good in dungeons, it depends on the flow of your group. Like for example if you have a MM hunter in the group the burst ST will murder your chances of 100-80% executes on a pull, but if you can measure the flow of the group well and you’re good with target switching + sniping Executes Arms becomes really really strong.

Personally I’ve been crushing the Fury Warriors I’ve played with and when I play Fury I don’t feel like the opportunities can be capitalised on as well with Fury with the 4s Condemn cooldown and cleave requiring WW (rather than SS set and forget 50% uptime), you have to sacrifice Bladestorm/DR if you want meatcleaver for 4 cleave stacks, which is not a viable option.

That’s not to say Fury is bad for dungeons as it’s fine, but better than Arms? I just don’t see it, both Arms and Fury need buffs for raiding anyway and I’m interested in seeing how Blizzard intend to do that without making them OP on AOE/Cleave.

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Yeah, I feel if you can capitalise on Condemn’s above 80% hp, fury cant really touch Arms, but my later runs I had almost no chance to use it, like you said, with MM hunters, but also DH’s, they bring targets, all of them, under 80% before you even reach ur targets with charge :stuck_out_tongue:
It’s also getting a little bit annoying when ppl start saying ‘‘is it fun, topping the meters with pressing one button?’’ or something like that, or ‘‘Condemn will be nerfed hard’’ I’ve had so many of those sorts of comments in random dungeons haha, it starts to get annoying.

Quick question for you tho, since I have no clue yet, what are you going to do about legendaries next reset?

I haven’t decided yet, in the same boat as you really.

Yeah they all seem a bit meh, for Arms more so then Fury, I’d like Signet of tormented Kings, but thats a raid drop, and 1 before last boss, thats gonne be a while, leaper is nice, fun, and useful for some places like Torghast or the Maw, or just more mobility in general, doesnt really do anything for dps tho,
if I decide to only play arms I might go for Enduring Blow, altho, 15% seems pretty low, Unhinged maybe, I wonder if those 2 MS in bladestorm become 4 with SS, but yeah, I have no idea right now, they all seem pretty underwhelming when I look at other class legendaries.

Main problem is actually with the covenants.
Condemn just carries Arms way too much, while doing a 1/3rd of your damage, while the other covenant just feel bad to use when you don’t face at least 4 targets.

You can pick Arms over Fury in PvE, but if you don’t play Venthyr, you’ll be worse than any other melee, except ret maybe.

As for Fury, right now it’s sub-optimal in every mode. Useless in rated PvP and garbage in PvE (sims 14th in solo-target).

Conclusion : warrior suck in the beginning of this xpac.
Low B tier dps in every situation.

You are right, i take everything back i said about Arms. Arms is actually quite amazing.

Imo arms is too slow gameplay for me so eventho fury is weaker its more fun for me.

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I always thought you have to have a particular taste to enjoy arms, although I have that particular taste lol.
My miss plays warrior too, and she can’t stand how bland arms is aha.

But yeah, fury always feels fun to play.

See I’m the opposite. Up until Cata I was a hardcore Fury Warrior, Fury til I die kinda guy… Then Cata happened, I quit during the first raid tier but maintained playing Fury when I returned just prior to Dragon Soul, played Fury in Dragon Soul for a while too but then started to make the switch, was playing half Arms/Fury.

Then MOP happened and I switched full time to Arms and haven’t looked back, I played both in WOD as was necessary but full time Arms in Legion, and for the period I actually played BFA it was all Arms (which was extremely fast pace due to the Corruptions and haste stacking)…

Even now Arms isn’t slow paced, with Dreadnaught you don’t have many open GCD’s and there is a lot of target switching involved. It’s probably only going to be slower paced on single target raid bosses, where the hectic Cleave focus of the build takes a backseat.

Atm as a nf (prot m+) i prefer fury, also cause it feels a bit faster.
All in all the gap is not that high to say arms is much much better in my opinion. When u aren’t Venthyr arms feels not that amazing

I had success with Venthyr and Kyrian Arms in Dungs. Both doing more than 4k overall while my best runs beeing around 4.7k. Kyrian just feels way better on big pulls while Condemn just bangs on 1-4 Targets.

Personal taste. To me, Fury simply doesn’t feel right. I mean, you have 2 large 2handers, but you are waving them fast like toothpicks? It should be all big slow massive hits, not like rogue.

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Arms for higher numbers, fury for fun