Arms warrior nerf when?

So if majority of Arms warriors cant push past that, and the top players say it’s bad up there, what’d that imply?

That Arms warrior isn’t as OP as y’all claim, and by nerfing it for the lower CR players, you’re just making it even more irrelevant by the top end.

They removed double tap with no reason, in wod they removed metamorphosis for demo to give it to dh basically ruining one of the most fun spec in the game.

The funny part is demo meta was hard to master to perform well and when they gave it to dh it has been faceroll design when you press 2 button and overperform every spec, seems super logic.

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tbh damage is fine, just nerf their obnoxious mobility so they actually have to remotely use their brain to connect to do damage

Balancing is not done areound you and your 1800 rating, which is not endgame.
I guarantee you will get to 2100 one day, then 2400 etc. Then you will learn to counter warriors telegraphed burst that takes 8 seconds setup.

Then you will say, huh, warriors really need some BUFFS, they are so easy to counter, of course they are not played at top level.

This is why balancing is not done for the trash players, who cant use their classes to full potential.

Post on main, alt posts are auto ignored.

They push higher, but it’s hard when you lost some initial games and getting 5 or 6 wins is hard with the nature of shuffle. 3 and 4 wins won’t get you far unfortunately.

What I imply is that war is not fun to play against, name me one weakness they have. I tolerate all other specs just fine, but warriors frustrate me everytime. Interrupt stun fear spear 2charges leap unrootable unfearable spell reflect and all of that with good damage and MS and unforgivable execute. When on my warlock I circle out to get a breeze behind a pillar a warrior gets to me faster then I can los my healer.

I play many characters, but sure, here’s my warlock. Don’t see how it is relevant though.

That’s not what its implied at all, especially not when the top ladder is flooded by warlocks, spris, assa rogues and the like, Warriors are struggling to exist up there, so they’re stuck below.

Warrior has always been a pretty vile counter to Warlock, being Warrior into Arcane mages isn’t fun either, but crying about a hardcounter to justify nerfs on a broad point of view, is just silly.

But luckily, this isn’t a 1v1 forum, but rather arenas, so what matters more, you having fun, or what’s currently good or bad in the meta?

Aand another Warlock that complains about spear, while having several easy ways to get out of it, while also listing the entire toolkit a Warrior has (And ignoring their own vast kit)


name me one weakness they have.

slows, roots, disarm, generally cc during burst setup, magic dmg

If you think warrior mobility is unlimited you are delusional.

True, but the last straw was buff they recieved in 10.0.5. There was zero reasons to buff them, while practically removing from the game specs like ret and feral. Zero reason to nerf demonic strength from 400% to 150% and saying “it’s hard to play against” like what the f? It was the best counter play against two monkeys in a spear.

Me having fun and other players having fun. If someone who new to pvp goes to solo shuffle and can’t cast a damn thing is it fun experience? Is it good for the game to force people reroll zug zug spec or simply ignore pvp? I have many friends who can’t be bothered to pvp.

There are 1 and a half ways and true I mastered portaling out, it works 90% for me but still requires time to execute and if I am getting chained cc it is really hard. Circle does not work unless you time it perfectly and portal is not in los.
I dedicated myself to play against warriors and win now more than at the beginning, it still does not change how stupid their abilities are.

slows can be dispelled, roots not working in spinny, how many disarms in the game?, unfearable during burst, spell reflect no?

oh you are countered by a stun? sorry to hear that, hopefully blizard will fix it next patch

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Ah, so when your spec that was S+ tier at the time gets nerfed, that is unjust, but the underdog spec getting a buff is too much? Curious…

If I start playing a new game, and I suck at it, is that my fault or the good players fault? Should the good players be punished because I’m new?
It’s player vs player mate, the fun is getting good at the game and winning against others, if you dont find it fun losing, you should either wanna get better to not lose, or stop playing? What else do you want a parcitipation trophy? :o

Wth happened to wanting to improve to be better than others.

Funny, because the meta still hasn’t changed to zugzug, hell, you’re playing one of the meta specs.

Great, I’m happy you’re improving, well done, seems like there is counterplay to it afterall. (And I’ll admit, I think spear is stupid, it should only pull 2-3 times at most, but it’s so absurd how many warlocks complain about it, when they got ways of getting out)

I told you our weaknesses. You can keep ranting or improve. Your choice.


I’ll prolly peace out of the forums because this is akin to discussing vaccine with antivacc people. Warriors are not op, they got buffed which is nice for warrior players but they are not op. Data says this, multi r1 players say this yet people that either fotm reroll, are sub 1.5k or just like to rile people up will deny it. But sure keep on repeating it, blizz doesnt even read eu forums :clown_face: .


It’s actually funny how accurate that is.


People here should be discussing more what will happen with structured pvp onwards. Shuffle is taking up a good bit of the standard populace which means 3s is severely underpopulated. I sit in queues forever every day when I am semi afk. Telling whoever whispers me to add me on bnet but it seldom happens.

There were reasonable nerfs to survivability, interrupt cd was doubled etc… Demonology is so easily countered, wdym S+. When ret started to oneshot people I really did not see any problems, ret can’t do anything othervise, yet they have no problem removing it completely. And calling arms an underdog… bro

There is a difference between suck and just not having fun. I have no problems losing because I was outplayed, I am in no way a good player and still have much to learn. However against warriors I can’t play at all, all I do is trying to survive hoping other dps and healer can carry this round. It is stupid, I want to press my abilities too.

I just finished a SS game: me, arms, havoc and unholy. Replace havoc/unholy with assa and it will be 80% lobbies. Not a zug zug meta right. I could not do anything, the only round I won was against arms ironically, yet warrior is the only class I complain about. next game he finished me with 120k execute followed by 80k MS should have lined it bruh.

It is still high damage ability and if you fail to port out you are punished hard. When you port out it takes a global for warrior to get back on me with charge or leap. It’s not like the spear is the issue, rathen then I just want to take away a cool toy warriors have which they don’t deserve

Yeah, and he explained to you why these “weaknesses” aren’t really weaknesses.

Soo after reading some twitter feeds also the top warriors mud magnus blizo joe merce they all tweeted warrior is still bad compared to assa dh feral and mage ofc.

And i never see other top players tweeting about arms warrior state i wonder why that is even merce who mains these 2 classes we play warr and lock said warrior is trash and i think he has all right to point those things out hes a 3 finisher in a world cup last year and runner up eu awc eu cup idk what it is awc europa.