Arms warrior nerf when?

You still balance from the top down. If warriors were balanced as per the forums instructions, there would be no warriors past 1.8k, and games would be even more miserable because casters would dominate even harder. Go watch some awc for once and see what is actually good. ele is soooo bad right, casters are unplayable /s

It’s always so simplistic, “Oh you still balance from the top down!”. Think outside the box for once. The balance of arena is a complete mess, burst is out of control. Mortal wounds is on so many classes now and lets not go in to dampening. Hard casting classes get shut down with ease, healers even at the glorious top level of the game are not enjoying playing the game.

The game needs balancing all round.

Arms getting buffed has made solo shuffle even more of a joke than it already was, lets not even mention the abombination that 2’s is currently in.

Spear, bladestorm is such a dumb, dumb combo that nobody on the recieving end enjoys. You can’t counter it, it’s just awful.

So continue to play a class that requires the minimal amount of skill required. Again, come back to me when you can get Glad on enhancement shaman. You thought Arms needed buffing?

There are many counters to spear, not every class has one but there are many ways. You trade cd for cd, not just stand there tbh. Like warriors are good but stop with the hyperbole that warriors are broken. You can literally go ele, because I am assuming you play enh as main, and push EASLY. Since ele is broken atm.

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I could say the same to you, you can just change class and go ele if you’re that bothered? What’s the difference? Such a silly argument because it’s class/spec. Especially as I play Enhancement shaman. You see blue and assume Elemental.

Enhancement are in the dirt, we had our moment as a glass cannon with ele blast early on but then they nerfed us and now we’re useless. When you have to kite as a melee you often wonder why you don’t just switch elemental, at least you can get lava burst procs and are designed to try and stay away.

Facing arms and getting hit for over 200k-300k in a few globals doesn’t feel fun, especially when it’s pretty impossible to counter. I have one wall, gg.

Why would I change my class? You can just press your ele button and play ele. Fury is even more bad than enh after nerfs, you atleast can play ele which is probably the best dps out there righ now. But please post on your, your arguments and stuff mean nothing without seeing your exp tbh. I am rating bashing here yes :clown_face:

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No thanks, I’m not going to get stalked again from creeps. If you don’t think I’m not experienced then just ignore.

Next time warrior is in the dump I hope you don’t get offended if people say, just press logoff and play some that’s FOTM. Because that’s your whole argument against enhancement. Fury is not worse then Enhancement, Enhancement is probably the worst class in pvp currently. (again)

You literally agree though…?

So warrior doesn’t have parry WHICH ALSO reduces damage taken by 30%?

Like why are you even trying to argue? Warriors are in a STROOOONG spot atm…

Maybe you shouldn’t :thinking:

Solo shuffle: warrior 2nd most played dps spec
3v3: warrior 4th most played dps spec
2v2: warrior 5th most played dps spec

I don’t ever play anything else that is not warrior so it doesnt really matter to me, I will also play warrior just dont like people spewing misinformation when the data is there on xuna, checkpvp or w/e arena parser you use. Warriors are good at low ratings but fall off hard when people actually know how to play. About enh being bad? Not much I can do sorry.

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You know you cant parry when stunned or when you get disarmed? Rogues also have feint. Don’t know why you are even comparing anything to rogues when they are so much above everyone atm.

You can’t evasion when stunned either? The parry when disarmed makes sense since it is also reducing damage 30%. Warriors also have defensive stance reduing damage PERMANENTLY… Well at least we know you are delusional :slight_smile:

No one is sitting in def stance because it reduces your dmg, you have to actually swap. But rogues are so much better than anything atm. I don’t know why are you are defending rogues tbh.

I am not defending rogues and you would see that if you weren’t an illiterate airhead… I agree that rogues are very strong but so are warriors but you come up with delusional points on how they are not…

You don’t need to sit in def stance but during enemy cds it would be beneficial? And perhaps you should take IP into account?

Warrior brains man :rofl: :clown_face:

No but the nerfs suggested on this forums make warriors go from a solid a tier to a d tier. From what I read warriors should have no selfhealing, no wall, no spear, bladestorm should be disarmable, one charge, no leap, no stun, ms damage nerfed heavily. Like get a grip.

No non-hybrid class should have self healing imo. Defensives and a bit of like “keep you up healing” sure but when warrs can pull 700k and 1.6mil damage then something is wrong…

You say this while it seems like you think warrior has “no uptime” at the moment??? So you disagree that warriors are in a STRONG spot and maybe a bit too much uptime?

Never said that warriors are not in a good spot no. I just dont agree with the proposed nerfs when caster cleaves just poop on warriors and the issues people have with warriors actually go away at higher rating. Who would have thought.

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what seems to be the problem is blizzard seem to give melee mobility to have a chance against frost mages without noticing the other ranged classes dont have the same type of tools as mage

Mobility creep. Melee got mobility ->caster go tmore, melee got even more and so on. Now we are at this point when both ranged and melee have a lot of mobility with lots of instants aswell. Maybe blizz will dial it back but I dont think we will see any changes this expansion.

I don’t see how this statement is correct when they are literally

According to check-pvp? Warriors seem to do very strong up there as well?

This I respect but there are too many people on here just defending their class because they want it to remain strong.

Yeah this seems really odd to me tbh…

Don’t fall for the bait it’s Bloodlock.
Worst warlock EU.

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Good idea let’s remove rogues self heal. :+1: