Arms/ret pepega cleave owning AWC

What the heck am i watching right now , ret and arms destroying so many comps . rets healing and dmg is beyond broken , they need to nerf ret i swear


That last game, ret healing was, almost like of a healer and dmg same as non-healing class like the warrior. Completely broken. To be fair though, both moonkin and ele had quite a lot more dmg than ret and warrior, but the healing of ret is just…ridiculous.


yeah even jungle got shut down , feral couldnt even do dmg cause ret and warrior just kept nuking the hunter down so he had to offheal which is not a good sign

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https:// cdn.discordapp. com/attachments/597559599960424458/799783199411798016/unknown.png

Game before that. Ret, the spec that historically struggles vs casters is top damage into that. pro players cant kite and line wings smh


I’d trade my healing and burst for some sustained dmg and defensiveness anyday.


and fire mage gets nuked in 1 opener . ok man , keep defending ret all u can its def getting nerfed to the ground


ret paladin thinking ret is balanced 4head

? I literally posted a screenshot of ret being top damage into double casters, one of which is a boomkin. I’m not defending sh*t and im not playing that abomination


i would like to see that too to be honest with you even me as feral main i would trade convoke and big bite build for bleed damage and more defensives.

so feral could rot dmg like back in MoP days and stay alive and not get stomped.

alright no worries bro i just cant stand ret atm , its just wrong to see a class with such good toolkit ,healing and burst to be so broken atm , i love how ion hazaclueless says " every class needs strength and weaknesses" when ret has none , ret needs mobility np get a ww monk that can tiger lust or warr that can banner also play cavaleer to get 2x steed gg

Method’s Fire Mage destroyed both Ret and Arms warrior in 3 matches.

It is stupid decision to play Jungle in current meta, you know enemy healer will be holy paladin or resto shaman and your disc will run out of mana. They were victim of their stupidity, I’m sure that jungle team would struggle even against a team that consist of me and my holy paladin healer on 3v3, and I’m a 3v3 noob.

I think ret paladins doing good amount of heal is fitting for Paladin theme, they are utility provider for the team mostly outside of Wings they do no damage. They have a good class identity currently, I’m saying this despite having 50% winrate against Rets on 2v2, they are an obstacle before me but I like this Ret identity.

Okay, so you are a Fire Mage main, I see.

What screenshots? I saw a mage doing 725 k damage on Tol’vir despite spending half of his time spamming polymorphs, their numbers might seem low but it is deceptive.

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Yeah it’s just boring. During wings I’m a god, without wings I feel like an insect. Nerf wings and shift temlars verdict dmg into crusader strike, blade of justice and judgement.



Guess what nobody has sustained damage, except Arms.

But even Arms not, its just that the interval of Arms damage is so low it seems like they have sustain, while in reality they just have super short CDs.

WWs sustain damage is beyond crap, but WW has so many CDs and all of them last so long that you never reach an ending point for the WW to fall off.

You somehow survived that whole minute onslaught ? You managed to survive for 60 more seconds ? Prepare yourself for it all to start over again.

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It’s not like majority of rets asked for more sustain and survive ability instead of pushing everything into cd stacking and huge wogs for the whole beta. Everyone could see this would be the result if it went live like this and then get nerfed to uselessness because we are too much based around big wog and burst.


Well yeah, seems like an issue with many classes currently. Only big burst windows then meh. Donno, personally I find it very boring.

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sure mate if it does give feral instant cyclone with tranqulity back with symbiosis when i can iceblock and bubble and bleeds buffed by 50% with having 3 treants with 3 rakes on my target lets not forget natures vigil when i healed through burst fair trade right ? but sadly my class got pruned to the ground due to years of pruning . its not fair that 1 class has everything and others lack


Feral seemed to hit like a wet noodle in all those games - according to forums u hit some random back to back 18k bites - I question where those have been :thinking: .


the thing is feral has strong bites but in current meta boomy overshadows that due to convoke boomkins , not just that feral outside bites does 0 damage . im tired of bites give us bleeds back

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Fast ferals are still really hard to beat and they can bite for 9k alongside all those bleeds, they have access to convoke, insta big regrowths without leaving shapeshift form, immunity to roots. They have 3 stun options, I personally have 1.

You can’t say they are in a bad state if you think rationally.