Arms/ret pepega cleave owning AWC

Personally, if arms got a nerf to utility, I think it’d be a well balanced spec. Strong, but not unfair.


arms is insane aswell but i can kill arms and i can counter it but ret? nope , healing and burst gg

couldn’t agree more


Ret is fine finally viable

In bfa WoG was also strong and got nerfed. But they also should change the bubble and wings combination. Every class can be cc’ed for the complete burst Phase of possible. But pala can free “cast” for 6 seconds. And this is enough on the actual burst meta

Doing less dmg in bubble as it was at some point before has logic. Right off the bat I can’t think of a spec that has complete immunity and can deal full dmg in the same time.
It’s the ultimate defense in game with 0 drawbacks.

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BTW, if you are watching AWC, you will see what Mes is doing with DK. You may say the WW is what is the core there, WW are super op yes, but the other team was ret + war and got decimated by DK + WW…

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I don’t watch it, i already tired sitting in LFG for RBG - played 3 win only 1 and spend ~3.5 hrs to search. Tbh, i don’t care, i want only that DK stop be a paper doll, thats all.

to be nerfed to the ground baby ;]


I see monks too… what a surprise. Arms, Pala, Monk = Shadowlands PVP. All three with ridiculous kits with the PALA far in front of the two.

Rets getting completely clapped tonight.

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i know right

typical warrior bs “ahhh rogues have insane cc”, yeah, insane cc that’s all in stun dr, meanwhile warrior have stun, fear, disarm.
look at this pic:
h ttps://

Pikaboo’s healer has to heal twice (2m) as much as enemy healer (1m), to barely keep pikaboo alive from the arms warrior and guess what, they still executed pikaboo to death.

CC to avoid damage is a joke, ur warrior experience is so good u don’t even understand rogue survivability.

Not mentioning Whaazz and Pikaboo are all picking WW, rogue must be in really good spot now they don’t wanna bother with it.


ret and warr intervene is a joke right now


Pretty much this.

6 second Intervene duration at 30 seconds CD while Ret can heal 1% to 100% in 1 GCD instant…

well you cant really bring up something like this as topic since, sub rogue combs arent outdamaging, subrogue combs are setup combs, doing high bursty gos, not like cleave combs, they are just there to pull out as much dmg as possible all the time while surviving. So ligically the setup comb healer has to heal way more.

Those should be toned down, true. Ret off-healing and war intervene.
Also, ww damage.

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I’d say healing and Ringing Clarity when you suddenly drop from 60% hp from 1 instant source of damage.

You do know that tsg is dominating against ret warr in awc

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I play ret myself and I honestly hate ringing clarity. It is 1 minute CD which randomly 1) deals nothing - 1 judgement to kill target which is a joke, or 2) takes like 60-70% of targets health. And its all based on RNG.

They should adjust it so its more consistent and reliable cooldown - make it 2-3 judgements instead of 1-4, thats it.

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