[A/RP] - Boralus Tavern Nights: The Compass [29th of February]

Fun place with a decent crowd last time we showed up. We’ll be there again tonight.

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We look forward to having you there!

I’ll be on patrol as my freshly made Kul Tiran!

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Thank you for a delightful drink, and chat.

I shall return next time again!

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A big thank you to everyone that attended and brought the tavern to life!


A brief but enjoyable first foray into Kul Tiran RP!

I will return, sooner or later.


We hope to see you around soon again, sorry that I could not focus more on you!

Anyone looking for some Kul Tiran tavern nights look no further than the Compass, even though the majority of races werent Kul Tirans you still get the proper KT Tavern experience!

Thank you again for the lovely night!


Thank you for the fantastic recommendations! I’m glad it felt that way! Usually we have more locals but we are happy to have anyone come by, the more the merrier!


Tavern opens in an hour! Ensure you whisper Carvan for an invitation or say so in the community channel!

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A big thank you to everyone that attended tonight even if I had to rush off at one point!

New dates will be added tomorrow once I checked my schedule for next week!


Great, got several characters in Boralus at the moment, so I will swing by next time.

New dates are added! Sadly we will this weekend and next due to previously planned events within the guild that require my attendance! But, we hope to see you on the 1st at the Stormwind Harbour Market!

Two days folks, I hope people are looking forward to it as much as we are!


Definitely looking forward to this! It’s going to be based.

Well, I’ll be in for a drink or two.

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Tavern night woo! Hope to be there during happy hour!

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Good! I look forward to seeing everyone!

A big thank you to everyone that attended tonight! - There are new dates and a new location added above! Ensure you read the info if you wish to attend next weekend! Until then, I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and week!

A small bump for tomorrows opening! We kick off at 20.30ST/RT as usual but at a new location! So remember to keep that in mind and if you don’t find us, toss me a whisper!