Artifactappearances accountwide

Dear Blizzard and hey all,

I was wondering about something, if you unlock a transmog it’s unlocked for every character on your account, now artifactappearances are not, some of them are, others need to be unlocked beit by pve or pvp, some aren’t unlockable anymore, so I was wondering if there’s a chance these appearances might also be accountwide in the future, cause it’s kind of frustrating not being able to use the original magetower appearance for my Zandalaritroll (which I leveled for the herritage armor) and seeing other Zandalaris with it cause they raceswitched, I understand that the magetower was smt exclusive, but back in Legion I got the appearance when it was current content (unlocked it in 7.2) which was hard but fun and very rewarding only not to be able to use it on my new druid, leveling my tauren druid and racechanging it seems a bit waste of time and money,

hopefully someone can clarify this odd system

ty in advance!

I think you are mixing up something. Every artifact skin from legion is accountwide.

However with the caveat. You must be the correct class AND the correct spec to use a given artifact skin.

For example all the kitty variant skins is for feral cat only.
The werebear is for tank only.
The scythes is for moonkin only.


Some of the achvs for unlocks are account wide but then others like that loooooong questchain killing valajar is. Wish they made that questline achv account wide.


The Mage Tower skins are the only ones that have been removed from the game (because the Mage Tower challenge itself no longer exists). If you obtained the mage tower base appearance skin then you can still work towards those recolours on the character that obtained it.

They are. Trust me out of my DK army only one did mage tower :stuck_out_tongue:

Definitely. Only the character with the base skin can unlock the vriants, and then those would be usable by alts of same class/spec as well.


Ok ty, but my zandalaridruid can only use 3 artifactskins somehow, could it be because my original druid is deleted, and will it be resolved when I undelete him?

Now this is something I cannot respond. All I know that my army of death knights can use all skins my main DK unlocked. Same with the one skin she never unlocked (blood spec - RNG drop I never got it), but for some reason got all the colour variants of it. Likewise my alt-army can use those 3 colour variants without ever having the original skin - just like my main DK.

Now unfortunately my 2ndary druid of same account is just 93 so I cannot check and test things. Druid forms are unique on their own. Least druid flight form I can unlock on an alt druid soon as I can fly to the trainer in moonglade.

What skin is your zandalari missing ? Perhaps we can pinpoint any issues and possible fixes

Druids are special, to access different skins you have to right click on the appearance in the transmog interface.

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To unlock the other variants, you need to progress on the character that had done it originally. Also, I had some problems with my paladin that the artifacts didn’t show up on my alt, but I don’t remember what I’ve did to fix it.

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Call me stupid if you must. My druid had unlocked a few kitty skins, but now I play balance. Now, when I go kitty form it’s the non-artifact appearance. Am I able to get my legion kitty form WITHOUT being feral spec and if so, how? xD

you have to be in the right spec :slight_smile:

Ty, kinda feel stupid now, it’s odd you have to rightclick it while other classes just have the full colorlist

Artifact appearances are by far the best weapon transmog in my opinion.

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The mythic plus skin was also removed.

No need to feel stupid. Most of us, who have druids were probably same position. I remember how I was quite confused at start of BfA complaining how "did they not tell me I have a werebear and other forms available in bfa ???"and I know few other druids who were equally as confused.

The first default skin for artifact appearance : 1 cat skin is race based.

Elf Tauren Worgen have all different cat as first one …

This caused a bug in zandalari, missing one. Reported to blizzard etc. They said its known and its gona be fixed in 8.2 … if it wasnt do report again.

Judging by this it should be fixed, they shared some forms with new races.

But i guess you as zandalari share “darkspear troll one” and cannot use the tauren one, thats the mistery where is your last form.

Basically you need to unlock first form, either with zandalari or another troll.

Nah they changed their minds on that one , you can still get it from BfA dungeons.

No you can still achieve that in this expansion.

Has anyone else found that they have appearances unlocked for artifact skins they never unlocked? For some reason, I can tmog the feral druid hidden appearances on a druid I didn’t even have in Legion, despite never playing feral during Legion. I got the hidden appearances for resto and balance at the time, so does this automatically unlock the hidden appearances for specs I never played? Seems a bit odd!

That makes me sad but explains why, thank you :slight_smile: