Artisans Consortium Exploit. - Blizzard This Needs Your Attention


I just wanted to bring a little more public attention to this. As there seems to be a lot of hush. I have already emailed the Hacks Team and have asked for a response to the matter.

I have been heavily invested in the new Profession System and have often found myself overly frustrated that there was always 1 person ahead of me, pushing out the next Rank item and driving down the price of anything below it.

So when I’m crafting Rank 2 “Sophic Devotion”, this player is crafting Rank 3. For anyone who is unaware, Devotion Weapon Enchants are the Top tier Weapon Enchants, and over the first weekend of the Expansion, someone is already crafting the highest Rank.

Anyway, this evening, I noticed that “Enchant Tool - Draconic Perception” was on the AH. I looked up how to Craft it, and it turns out that it needs “Valued” rep with Artisans Consortium.

To reach Valued you need to gain at least 5500 Rep. I am currently on 1050 Rep and have completed all the available quests this week.

I have since discovered how they did this. I am not going to share it here, but I have shared it with Blizzard. From my understanding it has already been hot fixed anyway. But at the end of the day, this Cheater is still pushing out Enchants way beyond what should be possible and has caused unsurmountable frustration to someone trying to play the game the way it was intended.


heck the cheater will at most get a slap on the wrist for things that should be a perma ban allowing exploits to go unpunished just undermines the whole profession system


Anything less than a perma-ban should definitely include removal of all ill-gotten gains and reset Professions.

This player(s), has essentially destroyed the entire realms economy.

I feel absolutely sick after finding this out. Has completely killed the game for me.


Thats what you get for playing a game where streamers and another handfull play beta and alpha and learn how to do everything before all the rest of people.

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Well, in most cases having that Beta testing experience can give a 1 up on everyone.

But in this particular case it was a flat out exploit of a bug. I hope you appreciate I’m not going to go into detail about how the exploit works. I am merely pointing out that it exists or existed (as I have read it has been hot fixed).

However, I’ll quote Blizzards In-game code of conduct on cheating:


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

I have highlighted key parts of that have been broken.

Using a bug to obtain impossible levels of Reputation way beyond it’s intentional weekly gains is just a full on exploit. And it is giving a massively unfair advantage over any other player who wants to use the brand new Profession System, one of the key selling points of the expansion.

They’re exploiting others over their financial gains from their abuse of the system, and completely degraded what was supposed to be an enjoyable experience.

I’m not upset because someone has found away to do better than me. I’m upset and feel sick because I have put countless hours into maxing out a profession, only to find out that someone else has Cheated to get even further ahead.

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Thats in all online games,allways a cheater,exploit or donation will keep them ahead of you,just like in real life!

Dont forget to pay up bobby new yatch!

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This is not real life. It is supposed to be a controlled environment.

If Blizzard wants to allow these players to have their advantage, then they need to allow everyone to have access to the same reputation. Although, I personally advocate for the opposite, their advantage should be removed and we should all be able to enjoy the game as it was intended.

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Blizzard just doesnt care,or anyone for that manner,why would you?

You are just money to them.

Why do you think player base went from 14 million to not even 1 million?

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Because I’m trying to enjoy a game that I have paid for and put time and effort into.

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Sure,im also triggered by the stutters on the new client and slowdowns mainly in the new city,reported,talkes about it,1 month and no fix ,no blue response,the ticket guy asked me to make a internet test…its so hillarious,want a advice?

Vote with your wallet and stop paying for the crap.

But you addicted so you wont stop paying even if its hurting you,propa legal drug.

They feed bobby yatch from people that can handle the frustration and keep paying.

The 1 million still paying are those kinds,addicted and no self esteem.


I’ll actually say Dragon Flight has been a huge improvement in performance over Shadowlands for my set up. During shadowlands my FPS would drop down to some seriously low levels, especially in Oribos and SoA. I was a little worried about DF, but have been very please with how smooth it has been.

Unfortunately, it really is just as likely to be something your end as it is theirs. The best you can do is help them to troubleshoot it by answering their questions. But in reality, I doubt it will get fixed in the same way I suffered throughout SL.

I’ll admit, I am so disappointed right now, voting with my wallet is very much on the table.

But for the rest of your comments, Im going to ask that if you want to participate in this thread, to try and be a little more constructive with your responses and points of discussion.


Why do people keep posting this? This is literally the forum for people who think WoW can be influenced and discussed. If you don’t think it can be there’s little reason to be here.

Cheaters should be banned. That simple.


Sure everyone talking about how stuttery and slowdowns in the game,me even on a 4090 and 13900k ,but sure for you is good,tell me your pc so i buy one and dont have stutters!

Thats right,forum is for people who “think” things can be discussed ,but they cant,nothing will change,blizzard cant even reply a ticket in 30 days or even fix their stuttery game,immagine investigate wheres the gold from exploits hehehheh keep dreaming!

On a company where even the developers (mike ybarra)promotes and sells boosts to the community you really think those exploiters have or dont have close relation to some dev?anything can happen :slight_smile:

Please keep this thread on topic.

You can discuss your technical issues in the appropriate forum:

Any other bantering about whether you like or dislike the company is not appropriate to this discussion. It adds nothing of value and I’m not interested I’m afraid.


Wrong answer. You complain about something in General that affects you and completely disregard a problem that affects someone else.

Most of us really dont care about the cheaters. At least they keep the prices low. But its okay for you to be upset about it.

You too

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If you have a problem that affects you. You can make your own post, rather than trying to derail another one on another topic.

I hope you get your problems sorted soon. I know my frustrations I had during SL with poor performance. But derailing someone else’s thread is not getting your problem solved. It is only upsetting another person.

Fyi, my issue is not a customer support issue. I have gone straight to the Hacks and exploits email address and reported it there. I am just raising this issue publicly so people are aware of the issue. hence general chat.

Have a good evening.

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it’s voidsteel though at this point im not even sure he has a issue but is just outright trolling report him and move on


No, she told him to make a thread about this separate issue - which he should.

This forum is becoming insufferable.


It’s not a hack tho. It might be unintentional from Blizzard’s side but I’m not even sure about that.

If you look at how you can gain extra Artisan’s mettle/XP from the “First Craft” bonus of multiple professions, finishing multiple weekly quests doesn’t seem so unrealistic.