As an Alliance player, there's no valid argument against exterminating the Horde

This is an epic fantasy story. Not real life. Stop your godwin law spreading.

No, this is a comment about morality. That’s philosophy, and that’s universal, no matter the world. The only thing the fantasy world changes, are some of the premises, not the logic.

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If I would care about morality in video games I wouldn’t play them, especially stuff like shooters or even single rpg titles where you can be evil just for the kicks. Try again. It ain’t working :wink:

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WWII references without Brigante. Our Spiritual Liege is with us.


…but you are discussing moral issues. A bit of a dissonance here, isn’t there?

Well, if it actually fits, it fits.


Because if you are preaching that its ok to Genocide nations then you simply prove how Right Sylvannas and Garrosh were who wanted to exterminate you?

So then if Alliance act like that, they have nothing to blame the Horde for?

Yeah… that probably why


That will also result in Sylvanas and Garrosh becoming more nuanced characters in retrospect, yes. Sylvanas’s “they will get us one day” logic does not make sense rn because Anduin is a peace-loving pansy, but if there was a darker Alliance leader…

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I can understand it though, because as off now there’s not a single regular Horde soldier who has sided against Sylvanas. We have all the big names and Zekhan but that’s it. And we thought we killed the worst of the orcs in SoO but Brennadam shows us otherwise.

The game expects us to side with Saurfang and Thrall, but I don’t really see why as an Alliance player I should do so. From what I’ve seen in the war campaign, quests and more the Horde is a completely irreedemable faction which needs to be destroyed like the Scourge or the Burning Legion.

If we would go the route off, “The Alliance is helping the rebels to weaken the Horde to fully win the war” I could see why you want to help the Horde, but the narrative doesn’t really support this idea.


From a geopolitical perspective, yes, the Horde won’t be able to fight the Alliance on even ground if the Alliance wins. But keep in mind this is an MMO, not an RTS. In the event of a total Alliance victory, there will still be plenty of stories for both Alliance and Horde characters.

As a Horde character, you would be waging a guerilla war, launching raids at Alliance towns or liberating your civilians from death camps. As an Alliance character, you would be hunting down dangerous Horde fugitives, rooting out partisans and terrorists from occupied territories, or perhaps opposing the Alliance government for its mistreatment of Horde civilians.

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For the same moral reasons that it expects Horde players to side with the rebels and the Alliance, against fellow Horde members.
At least, for the most part.

Which is again not going to happen if you kept track on how Blizzard writes the Alliance of best thing paragons of morality and light in the world.

In an MMO with factions things have to be even and equal, even if its just for gameplay purposes. See Swtor, TESO, Aion and others. Classic treated the Horde like shi.t so nobody played them. Things didn’t get better gameplay wise until Cataclysm evened leveling zones.

the Horde will just stop existing all together, because the Alliance would be crazy not to grab that chance to merge them into the Alliance and install puppet governments left and right.

How would alliance exterminate horde if there is like 60 to 40 for horde, ally can’t win even with 30% warmode bonuses :smiley:

For real, horde are not kobolds that you can exterminate, if you will start the battle, you must consider that you will lose and alliance will be the faction that is exterminated.

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I would like it if they got exterminated, however it does not make sense, we won’t harm civilians and children like Sylvanas did.
The bigger question would be how can the Alliance claim victory and satiate their need for vengeance? And how do you exactly dismantle the Horde? people keep on using that word, but what does it mean? how can it be applied to the thousands and multiple kingdoms?

We are talking lore wise not game play.

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Second part of my speech was about lore, if alliance would start to exterminate horde then it would be an open war, and alliance must consider that they can lose.

According to the quests,warfronts,scenarios, raids, and cinematic the Alliance is winning.
Not to mention the Alliance has people like Jaina,Malfurion, and Tyrande while the Horde has Thrall and Sylvanas (With plot armor) both of which have not shown powers close to the level of God tier.

Yes, alliance has great heroes, leaders, but in cinematic we’ve seen so many alliance soldiers as just common knights with shield and sword while horde has shamans who can use magic and kill many of them with single spell.

Its more like a 50-50 now that the Alliance lost most of their fleet in Nazjatar trap…

Aren’t the Horde already trying to exterminate the Alliance anyway? Unless you were talking about the ‘rebels’ exclusively.

Don’t blame horde as a whole for what Sylvanas did to your homeland Night Elf. Horde had no interest doing so, that was stupid Sylvanas private revenge.

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She’s still the Warchief, though, and there’s really no reason for the Alliance to expect the Horde to not exterminate them if given the chance. I’m not saying the Horde is wholly evil, but at the moment it’s understandable that the Alliance would assume that extermination is exactly what Sylvanas wants.