Except there are logs to show that I didn’t buy anything. You’re just a troll and I’ll save myself the trouble.
The fact is you’re not curved and you’re calling the game easy, when curve is the minimum you should have to at least open your mouth about raiding.
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What credit? I ain’t trying to impress anyone.
Classic is boring. Leveling is awful. Combat system is POS. After 3 casts you don’t use any buttons at all because you are out of mana. After each kill you just do nothing and drink. Yeah this is so much “fun”. And at level 60 you gonna spam 1 button rotation. By playing classic for long time you can damage your brain cells.
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You’re turdposting about how bad Classic is in the Classic section of a World of Warcraft forum. Your time is already being wasted.
What are your top 3 gripes with Battle for Azeroth?
There’s not a single class in Vanilla except MAYBE Hunter that has a more complex rotation than DH. And that’s saying a lot.
Also depends entirely on your class and knowledge.
Easiest trolling of this guys life. Why does this have 200 replies.
Much hard rotations, such skilled raider.
I’m targetting an audiance who claimed Classic mechanics were harder than retail’s, of course I won’t do that in general forums.
Here again, trying to make other people say things they didn’t.
Either that, or you forgot how to read properly.
What are your issues with BFA? I want to see you struggle to write something.
I’m pretty sure anyone can do better. Classic forum seems to be full of beasts ready to jump on anything that doesn’t think their way.
Why do you think that Classic is two buttons? I have 7 buttons at warrior level 10. And I’m using all of those buttons.
C’mon now, don’t talk about your Mother like that
lets keep it on topic please.
My issues with BfA ? Azerite trait could be so much better, I lack of pvp vendors, I would enjoy a coming back to MoP in terms of rotations, I would enjoy a coming back to pay-able fly.
I probably forgot some, but here is the main points. I don’t know how this can be a struggle to write. You’re the only here who seem to see things in black and white.
Pretty true and don’t dare post anything that would actually improve the game, even if it’s just minor details that nobody would ever notice.
I miss my shadow orb MoP priest gameplay.
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I’m actually happy to see all the BFA plebs leave Classic once they realize they got zero social skill.
Rpg have 3 things. story progression (both have stories), impovement of you character (both have them with a cap obviously- levels and items) and combat (both retail and classic have spells 3 or 4 doesnt matter still have skills) that is what rpg means. so dont go and telling me i dont know what rpg is. Role playing game and both classic and retail have it. If you dont like the rpg element of bfa doesnt mean there isnt one. We all know that you are a fanboy of classic. No need to keep saying it tho.
Yes, skill level skyrockets soon when all the facerollers roll back to casino to buy mythic carries.