Oh noes you hurt mah feelings now… how will i recover.
You literally ignored the word progression.
How do you think that your character improves? I’d like you to dig further into that.
The way that you actually get the spells is pretty awful. There’s no actual depth to the skills, and the way you unlock them is so unsatisfying.
I know you’re not gonna read my post and actually try to understand it, but I’d love it if you bookmarked it so you could understand what I was trying to tell you when retail eventually gives in & reverts back to more interesting systems.
Also, your Kul Tiran and the way you type has you roleplaying as my Mom after a bottle of red.
It is not really about using 10 buttons, it is PVE not PVP, have played games with lots of button smashing in PVE and I can tell right away , it is not about buttons , but how engaging fights seem.
You want progression ? It’s currently behind ilvl 250 and ilvl 450.
Try to fight an ilvl 450 dude with a character ilvl 250. Good luck with that.
How dare you call it boring. I just spent an hour and 45 minutes farming crabs for their mucus using my one ability and auto attacks. What did you do with your life good sir?
Guys, please don’t reply to this thread unless your opinion of BfA is “BfA gameplay is two keys and boring which is not how it is in Classic”. That is the case the OP is trying to discuss. In other words, the OP is missing the point of why the players who were there from the start through to TBC prefer classic to retail.
I don’t think either version involves hitting 2 keys, but if the OP had a more detailed argument about why they think BfA is more complex - after completing the end game (at least to end of MC in 40 man raids) then they should pick up their argument from there.
Faster is not better. In our times it seems that that has been forgotten. Why compose a letter when one can send an instantaneous message? Why travel somewhere when one can hop on a plane and be there in a few hours? The means are the ends.
Definetly not by understanding what I wrote. That’s for sure.
Though I do agree with you on each point, nothing of this is an answer to OP’s post.
He’s asking for that point, so can you tell, or?
Benthic gear gets you to 425 right? Such fun progression!
So your character improves because the number that pops up is higher?
You didn’t write anything worthwhile. Do you also faceroll the text like you play bfa?
Ok ok its boring bla bla whatever go farm ap and now get out of classic so the queue lowers a bit and i can enjoy it
in 10 chars
2 Buttons?!
I’m Warlock so at level 14 I use …1 … 2 … 3 … 4 + Life Tap in Combat, so yeah! Don’t know where you are getting this “literally two buttons” from …
I kind of surrended about my main point.
Well, if you want a summup of what I already said concerning why I fell BfA mechanics are more complexe than Classic’s, here they are :
In pvp, you actually have to play around your opponents, which is far from being the case in classic. Unfortunately, it’s more a DPS fest/stunlock fest. Which means in retail, almost unlike Classic, in pvp, you have to change a lot your rotation according to your opponents.
I find the Classic gameplay really slow. mainly because of ressource management. For some, it adds arround mechanics, for me, it just slows down the mechanics. Since ressource management or not, you’re still in a planed rotation.
For many classes, there no more than 4 spells to play around. For some, like freeze mage, it’s even only one. That to say, that even if retail also have it’s bunch of very-simple classes, Classic have more, and it’s VERY simple.
CoA, Corruption, Shadow bolt, Immolate (Imp Fireball start cast as if you have your pet on defensive you are doing it wrong).
If fight going badly, CoW, Fear (because in classic you dont do your rotation once and everything around you dies, adds can actually be punishing unlike retail).
Not to mention Manatap, for when i run out of mana, and daemon armor (DA not rotation, but you said, “Classic is litteraly two buttons until you get lvl 40, which become well… Three buttons based…” IE you didnt mention “rotations” at all.
and the fact is that classic game play is more situational, rotations are not as defined as they are with slim lined classes in retail.
make sense?
He probably saw an image macro of a frost mage rotation on some anonymous korean cartoon forum.
Or he probably used an hyperbolic sentence to add on the feeling. Don’t know, which is right or which is wrong.
You were really right on your nickname. No more than a boy, obviously.
Wait until you start mass PvPing, if you can manage yourself with two buttons… call me impressed