As boring as expected

Sure, and I was addressing your comment of Classic being about “spamming” buttons. It’s not just a simpler rotation, it’s a slower pace.

It would be entirely stupid if you couldn’t.

That’s beside the point (and I wasn’t claiming it was the case). I was telling you in retail you use abilities way more often and the misuse of abilities is more forgiving because the penalty is much lower.

Also having played the old and broken HaT in raid I can say nothing beats using a finisher every cooldown. Now that was great game design!

I did I think - Classic is simply put - more difficult than retail - that’s the truth of the matter

It isn’t spoon fed - you do die in the open world - you do need to pay attention to training and weapon development

I have no idea what this topic is all about… I have had more fun in Classic in two days, then I had in a full year during BFA.


The majority of the community is between level 10 and 20 at this point, so we don’t actually have to do this yet. It’s going to change when we’re higher level in dungeons and raids besides just controlled pulls.

It’s about asking answers to the people who claimed Classic Gameplay (and I said GAMEPLAY) is harder/more complexe than retail)

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True, it’s harder unless you do mythic raids… which not everyone does 24/7.
Outside world stuff and basic dungeons are mindnumbing snoozefest of easyness.

That’s Racist

Got nothing to add, thats just straight up racist :joy:

The gameplay IS harder. Mechanics and rotation aren’t the only aspects of gameplay.

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So, if I summup what I rode from this topic :

  • There are, obviously, the people who instantly goes for insults, I believe, by lack of arguments

  • People who actually agree with the fact that it’s not harder (most seem to think it’s kind of even)

  • And lastly, people who think ressource management is the thing that makes Classic gameplay harder than retail

Is that it ?

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It is harder. Not more complex - its HARDER. Mobs are harder to kill, they hit harder, elites are a nightmare, quests take a longer time, you have to get to a dungein in order to do it, there is much less gear, you have to think and watch out for stuff, not just a mindless grind (island expeditions anyone?).

It’s an MMO RPG the way it is meant to be.

Harder doesn’t mean longer.

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If this is me you’re talking about, way to misconstrue my words.

Depends on class. I main shaman and they have more spells. that is because they have the totems tho. The leveling is really boring but i think all think that. Classic is easier tho. Back then we may thought it was hard but it really wasnt. Now we really see how easy classic is. Yeah sure the bosses have one shot mechanics but that is all they have. You have to manage your resources but that is easy.

You got the answer you wanted*

Someone explained it pretty nice a while back: BfA is a game, Classic is a world.


It’s all about meaningful rewards really. When you have been grinding with shltty gear for a good while, leveling progression and improved gear etc becomes meaningful… in retail the game nuke you with stuff from the start and there is no challenge


Correction, bfa is a mobile style casino game.


Well, yeah, but that is why you don’t respond, quote or talk about those people.

It certainly is harder. The world is far more unforgiving than BFA and nobody has argued otherwise that BFA’s rotations or mechanics are less complex than Classic’s. There are other factors that make Classic a more challenging experience.

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It’s amusing to see such a feeble mind at work. You don’t really understand anything, do you? I don’t think you’ve even played a second of Classic. Either that or you died two-three times on your first attempt, for then to log on here to cry/troll and run back to welfare-retail, where you can be brain dead and randomly end up with BiS anyway.


Yeah instead of grinding AP to progress in PvE you grind gold instead.

Instead of grinding conquest/arena rating you grind HKs for your multiaccount High Warlord. Such RPG.

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