As boring as expected

Yeah, that doesnt work in 2019. 90% of pvpers will be rogues and people know alot more about the game than 15 years ago. Pvp, or ganking (!= pvp) was broken in vanilla and therefore in classic.

I’m enjoying the depth that additional RPG elements add, and I like the slower pace of levelling :slight_smile:


For sure leveling is much simpler in retail. Yet it’s not at all the main point, as it is for Classic. So I don’t really like that argument. You stand what ? 5% of your playtime in leveling in retail ?

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What class are you using? Just choose a class that gets lots of buttons early.

I’m playing a warlock, level 17 atm( this druid will be my profession alt). On the lock I’m using corruption/wand/Agony/Immolate/Drain Soul/Life Tap/Bandage/Fear/Demon Skin/Health Funnel/Sacrifice Void/Healthstone/pet attack/ pet follow/pet stances/Shadow Bolt +plenty more buttons, already at 17. Have already skipped buying some skills which I will get and hotkey later on.

Basically with macros and using different ranks of the same skills I will struggle hard to have enough space to put everything on the default bars once I get to 60.
Lets say a friend I know played on private server and had to download a bar addon called zbar just to get extra skill bars because it really is needed for some of the classes.

Classic is not a two button game even if certain activities like raiding for some classes uses fewer skills. Overall there are so many skills and if you want to play at your best you should hotkey most of them.


I love how people in the thread are unironically trying to discuss something with a worgen male LFR raider.

Riding his reins of the bronze drake using one of the free titles he got from one shotting bosses 8 years after their release.

This is the man you are arguing with


I didnt start playing wow until tbc so maybe my opinion counts for nothing. I have recently returned to playing wow and whilst i enjoyed legion and found bfa ok i am looking forward to going back to classic.

I remember the excitement of finding a blue item, in bfa rares and epics are so common you come to expect them. I hate how bfa rushes ypu through every expansion to get you to max lvl in days. For me the enjpyment is in the journey, not just the destination and it really bugs me barely getting to see one area before being forced into the next expansions content. How i remember wow, it was never like this and i loved that.

I dont know if its a generational thing oe of ots the players bfa is aimed at but it is so unsocial compared to the old wow. For weeks i have made a point of saying hi to every single player i see. Weeks of doing this and only 1person responded. Why do ppl play an online game when they ignore other players?!

The irony of your comment lol

Yeah, and this man already finds Classic as challenging as the content I’m doing in retail with the current gameplay. That’s to say.

But I guess arguing with someone who obviously didn’t read the topic/judge over one character/assume I’m a LFR player while almost don’t PvE, enjoying the pvp game, is also a stupid idea.

By the way, all you said only proves I don’t like farming for rewards I find useless (titles, etc). So all it does, is proving I don’t like Classic content. Fine, perfect I’d say, since it’s not the point of this thread.

People trying to sound smart seriously…

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I respectfully disagree. Resource management is way more relevant than it is in BFA, and this is the case for all classes other than Rogues. When has mana for instance been important for the past few expansions?


How mature. Seems like some people still haven’t grown up.

never said it was rocket science, just stateting a fact that you need to be carefull while pulling otherwise you WILL die, while in Retail its almost impossible to die (not talking mythic, talking about the leveling experience)

doesnt matter if you agree or not, its a simple fact that makes classic more difficult (not because it takes rocket science but because you have to pay attention to what you are doing, in Retail you can run around brainless and no harm will ever come to you)
And again, i am talking about the leveling part since that is a huge part of the Classic game

Nonono, not comparable. It’s night and day we’re talking about.

Granted I haven’t raided in the last two expansions, but even in solo playing energy and combo points pour out of my ears. Haste increases energy. As assassination I get extra energy from my bleed effects. I have a 1-minute cooldown ability that gives me 5 combo points. A 20-energy combo move on a 20-second cooldown. Mutilate, a 50-energy combo move, gives me typically 3 combo points.

I also raided as combat (now outlaw) when the class was so poorly designed (despite doing great DPS by the way) that Adrenaline Rush capped your energy no matter what you did and the genius developers came up with the solution of making it lower the global cooldown to 0.8 seconds because they must have shares in tendinitis treatments.

Now take Vanilla: 100 energy, 20 per 2 seconds, always. Backstab? 60 energy, 1 combo point. Ambush? 60 energy, 1 combo point (sometimes 2, if PvP-specced). And so on.

Doesn’t what you said only means the content of Classic is just slower ? I mean, you CAN fall out of energy as a rogue. That’s a matter of fact, you don’t always have adrenaline rush, and you don’t even have it in Assassination.

So you have to do a ressource management, yet it’s not as important as Classic, since in classic, it’s almost purely based on this, since it’s slower.

Yet, from my own experience, you just spmash your button until you get enough energy. It’s still a plain rotation, just a slower one.


Sorry, but energy regeneration and all of the abilities and talents that you have today are miles apart from how it is in Classic. You have to make important decisions on what you’re spending your energy on, since even your interrupt costs energy.

Please don’t bother to compare the two.

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You’re really, really dense if you think WoW is all about rotations.

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the biggest problem whit bfa is that you run out of things to do realy fast, now I am not talking about going back and do achivments or things like that, but the game play it self, you log in, do your world quest, do some islands, maby do some raids, everything done in a few days, time, then you repeat world quests every day, and have nothing else to do.

classic again, due to how it works, you never realy run out of things to do, though it is artificial in a way also due to how slow everything is.

could say classic slow paced, what ends up in feeling you have more to do.
bfa fast pased to the extent you run out of things to do.

game play wise how everything works bfa beats classic big time, fun factor at times also due to how much of an chore it can be to get things done, and for the moment the community aint much better eighter, ask for a group or try to invite someone doing same quest, and at times they decline, so all fights for same mobs, so that is same to some extent for the moment.

could also say classic suffers from low drop rate of items, where bfa has to much items to fast again, but none of them is bad and not good eighter, both have their flaws.

Well… No you don’t, it’s not a decision, just a part of your rotation. And concerning ressource managin, we’re talking about rogues there. Of course it’s irrelevent when you talk about frost mages (on retail), who have a completely different mechanic.

I’ll add that there is no quick thinking, since you have ages to smash your next spell.

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At the low levels you may be right, but in higher dungeons and raids you can’t mindlessly spam Sinister Strike because you may be assigned to interrupt duty. If an important mob gets a cast off and you don’t have energy for Kick it could lead to actual wipes.

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not realy, you might have to do some auto attacking in classic, but in no way do you need to plan a head almost at all, only thing you need to worry about is to not overpull or attack mobs to high level. dungeon offcourse but same in bfa, exept you need to make sure you are off cd then, what is pretty much same as in classic.

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Nobody is denying that retail has a harder rotation than Classic most of the time, and there being more mechanics.

Classic is more than that.

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