As Classic comes to an end... can Transmog finally carry over?

I know this subject has been discussed a few times already.
But with classic coming to an end, I think it’s time to reevaluate.

Why were people opposed to having transmogs carry over?

  • #nochanges (even if this doesn’t affect classic, some considered this a change)
  • They want to keep their exclusivity on certain items in retail (even if most of them bought their stuff at the BMA…)
  • They are afraid this would lead to people coming to classic exclusively for certain items and then leave
  • jealousy?

Why should this option become available now?

  • Even without this, people leave classic once they’ve gotten the stuff they wanted…
  • This could lead to more people gathering on the new classic+ servers
  • Not everyone wants to farm several Gold Caps in Retail for BMA, it’s a lot more fun to acquire this by actually playing the game.

Why do I (personally) want this to be available in retail?

  • I’ve played classic mainly for 2 reasons: I love the simplistic Gameplay-Style of it and I’ve missed out on a few things back in the day. And I enjoyed every second of it.
  • I will still be raiding until TBC release, because of my guild. But now that I’ve seen it all (all raids clear, got the gear I wanted) I won’t be doing TBC.
  • But at the same time I do not want all the love and energy I’ve invested in classic go to waste. So please let me use the items in retail for transmog.

Any opinions on this?

Sure dude, sure…we are totally jealous of retail, where accomplishments last until the next LFR update, Loot no longer matters, and class balance is worse than in the 15 year old version.

:rofl: :laughing:

No, they don’t.
I got almost full BiS, many people in my guild have full BiS, and we’re still playing. Guess why? Because TBCC.

People with the motivation to grab the xmogg gear, and then disappear? No thanks. No one wants to invest hundreds of hours playing with a guy who goes “lulz got mah xmogg cya!!!” as soon as he got the gear.

Tough luck.
Classic isn’t for retailers convenience.

Sure, here you go:


It turns the game into a collect 'em up. No.

It turns the game into a Dress up my avatar. No.

It dimishes the motive to get a full tier set, or a full real matching set. No.

It’s fine for the ‘beyond hope’ retail game, as in it’s so well past being an MMORPG there’s no point pretending.


Go to retail :d


If you are not jealous of retail or do not care, why do you care so much about what they get or not? Will you miss out on something by giving something to retailers?

But a lot of people left already, because they’ve achieved what they wanted in Classic. We even have to team up with another guild to raid. Will they be back for TBCC? Perhaps. But doesn’t change the fact, that right now they are gone already. I’m still playing too, but with TBCC I’ll be gone.

Still better than no people at all. Also they might catch interest in classic, because it’s the better game, and stay.

What does having to farm/buy/trade gold on retail have to do with classic or convenience? It’s the worst part of the game. Classic is fun. Let me do the work in classic.

It already is, I’m talking about retail, not classic.

I got just the game for you my friend:


Did you even bother to read what I wrote? :unamused:

Yep, and while I do understand the idea, I think it would do more harm than good for the long-term health of Classic or TBC for that matter. It’s not a good idea to mix up two vastly different games.

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Transmog sucks and removes the ability to look at someone and get a sense of their gear in a visual check as they have transmogged it to something pointless that they think looks cool.

Keep it in retail for all the people that want to play dress up and collect pets.


I think exaclty the same, but that’s not what this Question/Topic is about.

No, you should not be able to transfer transmog, collectables, etc. acquired in classic on retail. The games are seperate and should remain seperate.

It can’t come as a shocker that TBC was to be the extension of classic and if you weren’t planning on playing it, then you shouldn’t have geared up this character or invested into it whatsoever.

If you played classic it should be because you wanted to play classic. When classic finally reaches Shadowlands, then you will get to play Shadowlands with your items acquired, but until then, it’s a hard pass from me.

Keep the exclusivity for the people that acquired it back in the day. I don’t have corrupted Ashbringer and nor will i ever have it, but i can appreciate the people that did it back in the day and managed to acquire it.

You are absolutely right.
And I do play classic to play classic, not to get something for retail. But now that Classic is mostly over (and for me it is), I would like to continue using the stuff I acquired (not in TBC, because it’s not for me).

Yes, except they made already an exception with T3 Sets. So why not another exception? Those items are lost forever. I do not know anyone with corrupted Ashbringer on retail. And that’s a shame…

Yeah they made some exceptions, but the rarity of vanity items decreases with the amount of people that has them and tbh, it’s not at all t3 that im concerned about, it’s scarab lord, corrupted ashbringer, certain quest items, rare drops that aren’t in the game anymore and the list goes on.

If you see someone driving a Lamborghini, Bentley or Ferrari down the street, you stop to look cus the car is awesome, but if everyone is driving around in them, they become avg. and boring.

Last but not least, i’m sorry to say, but someone that has “earned” corrupted ashbringer on classic has not at all earned it. Going back and reclearing old and arguably easy content in todays standards does not mean you’ve earned it, at least not in comparison to the people that earned it back in the day.

If i learn how to tie my shoes at 5 years old and my parents give me a price for doing so, i can’t go back at 24 and expect a price for doing it again.

Because it’s not just about them. An entire raid fo 40 or 25 people has to work together for anyone getting an item.

Personal observation != reliable statistic

It’s worse than no people at all.
No people == I have to recruit
People who are only in until they get xmogg stuff for retail == I invest and thenget screwed over.

And btw.: What happens on the classic-era servers is irrelevant. Most people will go to TBCC, and there will be no shortage of players there.

Poker is more fun to some people than chess.
Should people get FIDE-ELO for winning Poker?

No? Then that’s the answer, and the reason for it :sunglasses:

Yeah, but this is where our views completely diverge… I would not buy a Lambo for people to turn around and look at it. I would buy it because I like it and want to have fun with it and want to consider it as my own achievement.

If you want to have fun, then play the game. If you don’t care about cosmetics, then why complain about this in the first place? You know you’ve earned it, should be enough for you.

So make a new rogue on retail and play the game for the sake of playing the game.

I personally care about my cosmetics and I don’t want any classic Andy coming to retail running around in t3 on zulian tiger.

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If I interpret this correctly, you care about how others look at your cosmetics. If you only cared about your own, you wouldn’t care about poor Andy… That’s the big difference :sweat_smile:

I care about my own cosmetics… hence this thread.

Yes I also care about how others look at my cosmetics. What’s fun in having cosmetics that everyone is using. There’s a reason people use items that are A) Unobtainable B) Extremely expensive C) Really low % drop chance.

It’s because these items are cool and turns heads, if everyone had everything, the game would be boring. If i went onto classic and acquired Ashbringer there, i would never in a million years expect it to be transfered to retail. Why? Because i realize that the people that has it earned it fair and square and I, myself, cheated to get it.

I don’t look at a person running around with Death’s Demise and think to myself, if i jumped in a time machine rn and ran yogg0, i could EASILY do it server first, so therefor i should have it.

Now you’re questioning the point of rare items and why people collect them, yeah no, easier to just let you have your items on classic and be done with it. If you don’t wanna play TBC, peace be with that, but you should not have your cosmetics on retail.

If you want t3 on retail, farm gold.

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I don’t think some the people posting here know what the OP is talking about.

They are not talking about having transmog in classic but about the items you have gained in Classic being available in retail for transmog, since it’s supposed to be account wide I get their point.

I completely understand what the OP is asking for, and I am against it.
The reasons are outlined above.