Ask your questions for the WoW Q&A here!

Do not know were to ask this question but as it is World of Warcraft related i feel like i give it a shot.

Is there a possibility for a reboot of the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game? Know Heartstone exist but the feel to collect cards with art related to the game is so different. And the connection to the online game with the loot cards feels good to hunt for. So could a reboot of the World of Warcraft TCG be possible or is it a dream that one player looking to the stars for? :smiley:

What happened to the questions we submitted in the form days ago? Are they lost?


Are there any plans to add any building mechanics to the game, such as class halls from previous expansions? The current building mechanics in the covenant are very primitive and not interesting, I would like something similar to the class halls in the Legion expansion. Perhaps not for a specific character, but for the guild.

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ok… here is an actual question:
why do we, the players, have to regrind reputations, conduit ilvls, covenant upgrades, renown levels etc. on alts if we already got to exalted on one character… its not the character getting it done, its the player… why is this not account wide unlocks… i dont want to refarm 226 conduits on my alts just because… please make this into a q&a question, reframe it if its poorly framed but please i need to know the reason…


Tell me, when will the WoW project managers start playing their own game, and making it for themselves, and not for auctioneers and beautiful figures in reports?


A lot of API restriction were added to classic to make the experience more vanilla, addons quickly worked around them, with an added maintenance cost for devs and performance cost for users.

Do you have plans to bring parity between Classic/TBC and 9.x API ?

An other question about WoW economy, on retail the raid/mm+ boosting meta, and on Classic the gold bid raiding meta encourage peoples to buy a lot of golds on 3rd party websites.
Gbid/boosting organizers are literally making a living of selling golds.
I was sad to see nothing was done for Shadowlands and I don’t want to see on TBC people gold capped on multiple accounts day one, do you plan on making an economy reset with each extension for the future ?

Why have you taken out the option to send in-game tickets to the game masters? Your in-game service was much better in the past.


Are there plans to address faction balance issues that are likely to arise in the likely to be announced TBC?

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Hi, i was just wondering, is there any possibility, in a near future, to have a new class or hero-class.

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In priority order

1. Item Design

Are there going to be helmet/hood designs in the future that allows long hair to be shown, which is more important for female characters.
It doesn’t make sense that our characters are suddenly bald when putting on a hood, especially female characters with long hair.

Can you also please make grey/white/starting gear eligible for Transmog? I really love Sai daggers from Pandaria starting area, but sadly they are not eligible for transmog.

2. Updated Models for Some Old Mounts

Will there be seperate updated models for some old iconic mounts such as Swift Spectral Tiger and Swift Zulian Tiger? I would love to see this happen, but as seperate mounts similar to Qiraji mounts.

3. Additional Customization Options for Void Elves

I would like to know if Void Elves will be getting more customization options in the future. I would like glowing Void tattoos and more hair styles.

4. Alternate Voice-over Options for Players

With upcoming customization options. I think it would be cool to have alternative voice over options for each race for player characters in the future.
I think this would bring more variety, instead of single, fixed voice over for each race.
For example: Female Void Elves have a deep tone by default, but I would like a younger, cute voice option.

5. Class Order Hall Titles from Legion Beta

Are these titles going to return? I was pretty hyped up when I first saw Rogue Order Hall Title in Legion Beta gameplay video which is Master Assassin,
and I was really disappointed when it was changed to Shadowblade on release.
I’d like these Beta Order Hall Titles to return as additional titles.

6. Cooldowns on Toys

Do you consider removing Cooldowns on toys? I think it doesn’t make sense and it’s just annoying.
Can you please remove them and just let us toys as much as we want without Cooldowns.

7. Custom Avatar option on Battle net

Are there going to be custom Avatar option for Battle net app?


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Are account-bound reputations being considered as something to be added in the future?

  1. Is there any chance for warlock to get a fun playstyle like MoP/WoD Demonology again?
    It was the best, most fun spec I ever saw in this game (followed by Legion’s StM Shadow Priest), and looking at the Warlock Forums, I’m definitely not alone with that.
    While I don’t want people who like current Demonology to lose that, I’d really love to go back to playing my Warlock (my first char), but I just can’t get myself to do so as I just cann’t enjoy it since Legion.

  2. Will we ever see a class with a tank spec and a caster/range spec like Druids. I’ve always been a caster player, I just don’t feel comfortable with melee dps in most cases, but I got into tanking this expansion, so I’m lucky that I tried it with a Druid that can go Balance. I’d really love to try other tanks, but the only choice for a second spec on them would be healer or melee dps, which seems to keep me from really committing to it.

Hi, when will be limit friends in battle tag more than 200? (
2 years asking about this

For those of us who have unlocked the Corridor Creeper mount from Torghast, can you please let us use any mount we want in The Maw?

Blizzard, what do you smoke when creating a new addon?

What is your project fort SV hunter?
I mean like since 3 month we are waiting for changes. Yeah we got 5% flat damage but what does that change ? Nothing. We got underated legendary compare to other class. I like the Hybrid play style so i dont want to see SV getting back to ranged. Juste look at the hunter forums about SV. Everyone complain about the fact that SV is left untouche.

  1. The spell batching change for WoW Classic is very much anticipated. Do you have an ETA for when patch 1.13.7 which could land in game?
  2. Content release plan for TBC - have you made any decisions on how to do this?
  3. What measures are you taking to counter faction imbalance in TBC? Slight adjustments to racials? paladin seals identical for both factions?
  4. The botting situation is still quite absurd. But the “right click report” feature makes it a bit annoying to report someone, that you killed on the opposite faction. Could we perhaps get a way to report where we just enter the name of the person?

Why is melee dps worse than ranged dps? And do you have ideas to solve this problem?

How will you approach the ZG coin / AQ40 insignia turn in xp rewards for TBC? It would be somewhat disappointing to see the “server first” go to a guy who stands on the island turning in stupid amounts of coins.

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Hello Blizzard,

My questions are related to Wow Classic : The Burning Crusade.

  1. Will race change and name change services be allowed at the launch of TBC ?

  2. Will there be new fresh TBC servers with transfers not allowed onto those servers (at least for a given amount of time) ?

  3. Will you nerf Drums of Battle ?

  4. Will you give us pre-nerf raids ?

  5. Will you address faction imbalance / bots ?

Thanks a lot by advance.