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Will it be possible to add same faction pvp for unrated pvp?

Classic / Classic BC (based on the assumption we get some kind of BC announcement)

  1. Does Classic as a game mode end with the release of Classic BC?

  2. Assuming both game modes co-exist in time do they interact and how?

    • Classic realms ding and carry everyone with them to BC willing or not.
    • Fresh progressive unlock realms open that only allow new characters. What happens with them when they reach the end of their content cycle?
    • Fresh static realms open with all content unlocked (1.12 content status from start) with a 3 month grace period allowing only new character creation but after that accepting transfers from Gen1 Classic realms for people that prefer to stay in ā€œperpetualā€ vanilla.
    • Fresh BC realms open allowing transfers (or one time copies with restrictions, to L58+ characters from Gen1 Classic realms) as well fresh rerolls. Those realms open in BC-prepatch 2.0.x status and go through the Dark Portal event.
  3. Assuming Classic BC gets the phase = content unlock treatment, how many phases?

    • Phase = Tier?
    • Any chance 10-mans or PvP are unlocked in a more reasonable order? So that they can function both as a parallel progression path as well as catchup. Zulā€™Aman, World Bosses, Quelā€™Danas zone / 5mans, PvP seasons slotted where it makes sense instead of strictly by 2007 release date? (Similar liberties were taken with Classic Vanilla content unlocks)

my question: when will we get a new game director?


Are there any plans to improve the group finder feature? The feature feels pretty archaic especially when PuGing M+ dungeons.

Are there any plans to allow us to use the covenant storylines for alt levelling in future patches?

Since the 9.0 pre-patch the 8.3 backpack transmog has been clipping through weapons and shields. Is it possible to make it hide weapons/shields in the same way the the new back transmogs (for example the Kyrian wings) do?

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Why did the developersā€™ actions lead to the creation of meta classes? how is the plan to fix it?

What is future of RP servers and RP players?

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With the introduction of communities, the guild permissions system was broken and a fix was applied that put all permissions on one check box. Ion did say in an interview that this was unintentional and would be looked at. There is a thread on the US forums that has been going since Jul 2018 that contains a lot of great feedback on how and why this is important (as well as other great ideas to improve guilds), but there has been no further word from Blizzard since just after it happened. Could we get a final response on if this is going to be restored or kept as it currently is?


I already asked several times on these forums. But I can sum it up here:

When are you going to make Classic really Classic?
Foir me itā€™s all those small, immersive details that were different in Vanilla, often they were a nuissance, but it was part and parcel of what Vanilla was.

When will you follow up on naming policies on PR realms?
When will we get dark nights back in Classic?
When will you remove golden Quest helper arrows popping up in Classic?
When will you remove the ability to stay mounted aboard ships in Classic?
When will you remove that dastard artifical latency that make me buy too many mats?
When will ā€˜open mapā€™ once again close your bags?
When will you remove stacking mail, red open all mail button, get off mount arrow ā€¦
When will we have competent, understanding and helpful GMs back?

in short when will you correct all those small and not so small bugs that make Classic not so Vanilla-like.

If Classic TBC happens is there any chance weā€™ll get #somechanges? Like giving both faction Paladins the same seals?

What about Classic Vanilla? What will become of that? Will there be Classic Vanilla only servers with or without some changes?


Raiding being too easy in classic is a myth. Gathering BiS gear, world buffs, every enchant, and every consumable turns on easy mode. Normal or hard mode is without the best gear, without world buffs, and without consumables. Did your guild beat every boss in Naxx without BiS gear, world buffs, consumables and enchants? Did your guild beat Visc without sacks?

When will be ā€œsolo queā€ released??


The only true thing in what you said is world buffs.
Raids were never designed with world buffs in mind ; but on the other hand, they were always designed with consumables and correct gear/enchants in mind.
Anyway, this is not the place at all to debate, please create a specific topic if you want to talk about that.

Can we get those skinny Kul Tiran models playable in game? Would be nice to play a human caster thatā€™s not a giant muscle dude.


Can you please look at Arcane Mage?

It really needs some serious help with Movement. Modern Raid encounters makes it very hard to play.

do you have plan, to release a new group finder system? The system is outdated and destroys the enjoyment of the game for lot of people.
Thank you

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Why did you completely remove the Black Temple Timewalking from the calendar? When will Demon Hunters get another chance to get the warglaives transmog?

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Greetings! When we will start seeing more battlegrounds? As a returning player it feels like over the years battlegrounds have not received that much love. Would really like to see newer battlegrounds and fresh ideas for it.

Will we get Nat Pagle back in SL?
Will we have more cooking achievements. please. Those existing are way outdated!

Do you guys have any plans on updating or expanding the current Epic Battlegrounds roster, if so, anything you can tease?

And a second one, if you guys manage to go through to here.

Now that Battle for Azeroth is over, wouldnā€™t you say its the best time to introduce ā€œGrandā€ battlegrounds that resemble a constant tug of war (potentially for resources) between the Horde and Alliance. Or realm v realm version.
We have alternate Draenor, why not have Alternate Azeroth(as the realm v realm)

Apologies if it has been asked before or too precise of a question