Ask your questions for the WoW Q&A here!

I have a few.

  1. Why do you insist on making content from last expansion impossible to solo?

  2. Can we please make transmog farming a little more incentive ie: cloth can be learned when picked up by a plate wearer.

  3. Can we expect to see customisation for allied races? Nightborne is the main one, but all allied races.

  4. Are there any plans to lift class/race combinations, to a certain degree? Obviously some are a bit farfetched.

  5. Please can you do something about the damage modifiers in old content, specifically mythic legion raids, they are still not soloable.


With the widespread adoption of raiders gearing through rated pvp rather than by obtaining raid loot the old fashioned way, is it time to bring back pvp-specialized gear?


If TBC is announced: Do we start from level 1 or can we transfer our current classic characters?


Will there be any changes to PVP gearing? Being an altoholic might as well bite the dust currently if you want to enjoy PVP as you’re not a credit to team due to gear restrictions yet you earn so little cause there’s 0 PVP catch up in a game where you have heroic / mythic geared players at triple digit ratings so even playing at low rating is painful bordering impossible feeling.

So, Nightborne. Are you going to change the playable Nightborne so they look like the npc Nightborne, and are they also getting more customization options?


well there are lots of interested players
regarding solo queue for rated battlegrounds
is it possible to get this?
and are there any sneak peeks at the remaining heritage sets?

  • Arcane Mage: What is your plan for arcane mages? The design is a lackluster and it’s just generally not competitive outside m+. So many suggestions have been made, which ones are you going to go with ?

  • Raids: Will raid mechanics be kept as they are now with a lot of movement and “dance”, or do you have a plan for doing something more like how vanilla was (More DPS checks, less dances) ?


What is your Plan with Warlocks?
A straight 18% dmg Malefic Rupture nerf will destroy the spec!
Bad AoE gets even worse (at least in M+) and good singletarget gets average at best.
Are you trying to bring Destro into a better spot through scaling or Potency-Conduit tweaking/buffing?


When are new customisations coming for allied races? The customisations for core races look amazing, but some allied races have always been lacking in options and it would be great to know that more options are coming soon - especially for Nightborne and Highmountain Tauren.


If player choice was so important then why is skill cap locked behind racials in some cases?

example: a night elf rogue has infinite potential for how to use some legendaries, set ups as a rogue in PVP or even skips they can do with meld in PVE too.

It should never be the case in any situation imho that being x-race is a dps decrease.

When you will balance factions? Removing mercenary mode would be a simple first step, it harms Alliance in alot of negative ways. Alliance mythic raiding is dead as well.

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Could you share with us your approach to class balancing?

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When are you going to start taking pvp seriously and do a real pvp tuning.


Is further customisation being added to races who have been short-changed in the customisation department, given Shadowlands was meant to be an expansion based around having alot of customisation yet it feels like this only exists for elves, orcs and humans as far as I am concerned.

Allied races were complete failure for Alliance, when will you compensate that failure and give us a proper new race to play?


Do you consider solo queue for rated battlegrounds?


Is this “leak” real?

Asking for a friend

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Have you got any plans to remove reputation grinds on our alts?

It’s far too much of a grind to farm the maw every day to get exalted so we can’t upgrade conduits or get sockets.


How many people are responsible for our classes design? (including damage corrections) And regarding this subject - Why is it taking so long to see some class changes if they are underperforming or are even unplayable?


Will we be able to skip campaigns when changing covenants once we have completed once?

Will swapping covenants get easier as right now nobody knows whats bis due to changes and the hard grind for 9 chapters and get renown back is disgusting?