Asmongold is right RWF is ruining WoW

it’s not just RWF it’s all the streams and their TITLES
rank 1(inserct class) blasting high m+ keys etc etc
MDI CHAMPS pushing high keys
it’s all the people in game with attitude of i’m rank this and that player and you are garbage
it’s all the people who look at LOGS like it’s BIBLE
And all the GUILDS with 11/11 normal 10/11 HC recruiting specific CLASSES TO PROGRESS
it’s the MINDSET of devs that they need to push competitive gameplay into wow
it’s the class design being literally designed AROUND dungeons and raids or PVP
instead of FUN gameplay and cool abilities
It’s the only source of GEAR in this game is on wednesday from a RNG machine
it’s the profesion are completely USELESS to your character min maxing or anything else

all that and more is responsible for downfall of this game


Legion did not introduce them, MoP did. Or rather, MoP introduced them in the soul-crushing form in which they exist today. But MoP learned its lessons and it learned them fast, and those lessons were carried into WoD. But WoD was a small expansion, devoid of content. Something had gone wrong within Blizzard. So when WoD is accused of being too light on content, it is quite correct; but this is not a reason to bring back dailies.

Then Legion comes out and strikes a near perfect balance: Infinitely repeatable quests pop up everywhere, however you only need to do 4 a day, and you can collect them over 3 days and do them all in one go.

In the mean time, however, a new form of dailies creeps into the game, inspired by Hearthstone. These dailies were rather big bonuses that can be found on just about everything in the whole game.

But World Quests have a weakness: Their point of origin and how your character came to know of them is unclear. So… back with the dailies. For whatever reason. So 8.1 and 8.2 undoes all the work, but now we not only have dailies but we also have world quests at the same time, creating a situation where you must log in every day and it is not entirely clear where quests originate.

It is unfathomably difficult to understand how in the Hell Blizzard comes up with something this bad.

There’s a problem in here that’s so large we almost can’t see it: All of this is making WoW’s “advertising” (put another way it’s word-of-mouth perception) look more like it’s about high-end extreme, nigh on impossible, difficulty; whereas WoW’s true heart lies in its world and community building.

Blizzard have lost sight of this fact themselves as well. The game sacrifices community all the time on the altar of difficulty and especially convenience.


I think a big part of that is because a raider is in charge.
Maybe getting an RPer or world designer as game director would fix things.


I got 2.2k in wotlk. It wasn’t raid or die to PvP. I had to stack resilience, which didn’t exist on pve gear.

Which is why most of us drive… we ain’t waiting for that bus :wink:

Raiders were always in charge - right back to the very beginning.

To tell you the truth - I don’t think it’s Ion that’s clueless. Not at all.

This guy mentioned here, on the other hand: The creator of Twilight Devastation has left Blizzard

Oh boy am I glad he’s gone. I wish him the best as far away from anything I enjoy as possible.


People do not transition into past generations because they get older. People who at that age now are “millenials/Gen Y”

Sorry for nitpicking I just had to point that out


Not clueless no, but definitely biased.


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Yeah! Nobody is taking my Generation X away from me!


i think there are way more problems in being jealous on players who are able to do higher difficulties. When someone enjoys normal raid difficulty, then just do normal. And play with likeminded people. There are tons of guilds and communities progressing normal (and after maybe heroic). It is so wrong wanting to take someone elses fun away.

Oh come on. I am probably the least jealous-of-higher-raid-tiers guy you’ll ever come across in your life, I’m telling you, and even I think this difficulty is just outrageous at this point.

I’m sorry, but when you literally burn out the guild that got world first last time to the point where they go home and halfway quits the game for weeks - when you exhaust the world champions by how cheap and over the top and just plain difficult it is… then you’ve gone too far.

Uu’nat was hilarious as well. You basically played a lock, shadow priest, or tank - or you weren’t going to do it. There were what… 17 guilds who actually killed that thing?

I get it - it’s always fun when there’s a next step and a next challenge, but this isn’t even a next step or a next thing. It’s something you’ve already seen before, just made harder.

This stuff doesn’t appeal to anybody. Even the people doing it are joking that Blizzard “are designing the game around 2 guilds” and saying it’s ridiculous, going to bed in total exhaustion, complaining about pay2win, and so on.

What next, painting goth clothes in vantablack? It’s too much.


The answer could be:
Token sales skyrocket.

I wouldn’t remember a good raid of its difficulty, but of the people I did it with.

I won’t ever forget ICC and Karazhan.


It had nothing to do with difficulty. They lost race. So they quit. Nobady cares about who is on second place.

As of right now now we’re being forced to raid if we want to be competitive in the content we actually like. Tier sets are a thing.

Oh come on. Blizzard is always nerfing bosses through the season. You probably got more than half a year the time to do the raid.

RWF is just another gimmick. It has 0 influence on the game when 60 people want to no life the game in the first 2-3 weeks, make billions of gold depth, and get gear feeded. Those players are doing it to themselves. What they do is so much an exception that nobody should look at it.

For real; Oh come on!

err, the youngest a boomer can be is around 66. The older Millenials can be 40 now…

Otherwise, I agree with a lot of what you say.
There is a myth going around for a while now that players need / want Challenge in order to feel fulfilled. So the zones are made into maze as god forbid just walking around should be too easy. And as mazes aren’t enough the mob density is set to “Pub on New Year’s Eve” level.
Then they up it another notch or two with The Maw, the Eye of Jailer and Elites everywhere. Plus no flying as you know, players need challenge.
But engagement with The Maw was not high and Blizzard toned things down in Korthia and Zereth Mortis.

Of course there is a time and place for challenge. In the Open World it should be forced into certain key objectives, having a tower with mobs guarding it and a big bad at the top is a reasonable place to have some challenge. Not just walking around a zone.
Also Blizzard have confused annoyance and frustration with Challenge.

As for Raiding, I’ve not done any (including LFR) for years. LFR just has too long a queue time. I’m not sure why, shortage of tanks and healers? Lack of players in general? What is putting these off doing it? Difficulty, toxicity, lack of rewards?

How I would organise Raiding (given I’m no raider) is:

LFR - story mode, easier than now with less or no rewards, personnally would like it solo or with NPC tanks / healers to reduce queue times. Aimed at ultra casuals.
Flex - 8 to 30 players lowish difficulty. Aimed at small friends and family guilds.
10m / 25m Hard Mode (call it Heroic or Mythic or whatever). Aimed at Hard core players.


Thus proving the OP’s point. People don’t like a challenge…


Did you actually see it? They were struggling for 3 weeks and were completely sleep deprived. If they’d have gone on for a week more we’d have had to call in the medics, seriously. They didn’t quit because they gave up - they’ve had world second many times and didn’t give up. They quit because their bodies physically couldn’t handle it any longer, and they said so very plainly.

Yeah it’s so great they nerf the bosses instead of powering up the characters to take them on.

These bosses just don’t need to be that hard. Nobody, except perhaps the people who love watching the RWF and thinks the patch is a disappointment unless it tortures these poor souls into near suicide, enjoys it.


So players what enyoj all 3 or 2 now gonna have to farm 3 different sets for each spec? Yeah thats totaly fun.